Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • AI
    7 Ways AI is Helping Doctors Diagnose and Treat Cancer

    What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear about cancer? Did you say “Death?” If you did, you are right. According to the World Health Organization report, 20% of males and 17% of females develop cancer during their lifetime, and 12.5% of males and 9%...

  • speech recognition technology
    Evolution of Speech Recognition Technology

    Communication plays an essential role in our lives. Humans started with signs, symbols, and then made progress to a stage, where they began communicating with languages. Later computing and communication technologies came. Machines began communicating with humans and in some cases, with themselves also. The communication created the world of...

  • mistakes in machine learning
    4 Mistakes of Machine Learning Startups

    Have you heard of the Darwin Awards? Hop on YouTube and take a look. It's generally pretty funny stuff. It's a tongue-in-cheek honor that recognizes people for the most sophisticated attempts to do something they think is cool. One takes a selfie with a wounded bear, another one screws a...

  • Privacy and Safety in Smart Surveillance
    The False Choice Between Privacy and Safety in Smart Surveillance

    Is there a real choice between privacy and safety in surveillance? As artificial intelligence continues to advance, we’ve seen an increased focus on privacy. A 2019 report from the American Civil Liberties Union contains an ominous warning: Artificial intelligence-enabled video surveillance will soon compromise our civil liberties in a dangerous way....

  • Software-Obsessed Tech
    Maintaining a Software-Obsessed Tech Industry is Self-Sabotage

    Can we see that maintaining a software-obsessed tech industry is self-sabotage? As a venture capitalist, I know there’s incredible excitement around quantum computing. Yet, as a material scientist, I also see the technology is at least five years away from commercialization. Once again, we see a bias that plagues the...

  • oT Changes Banks and FinTech Companies
    How IoT Changes Banks and FinTech Companies

    Can financial services benefit from the Internet of Things? Absolutely, and to the fullest extent. Not only for gathering more and better data about assets but IoT also changes the way we access banking and manage wealth, invest, and monitor assets.  Let's see how IoT changes banks and FinTech companies. To...

  • digital onboarding
    Digital Onboarding – the First Step of Your Bank’s Digitalization

    The first interaction with the potential client defines the relationship that you’re going to have. For most users, the first time they get to meet your brand is going to be on the web. And so their digital onboarding journey begins. The thing that seals off the first impression when...

  • femtech startups change women's tech
    Femtech: Startups Changing Women’s Health Tech

    Speculators are eyeing several firms that could grow into colossal profit makers as the femtech market flourishes. A growing number of employers and insurers encourage employees to use family-planning apps, such as those developed by Ovia Health. In femtech, we see startups changing women's health technology. In the last few...

  • AI is important to you
    5 Reasons Why Artificial Intelligence is Important to You

    You have probably heard that artificial intelligence could be used to do lots of impressive tasks and jobs. AI can help designers and artists make quick tweaks to visuals. AI can also help researchers identify “fake” images or connect touch and sense. AI is being used to program websites and...

  • derailing legacy software conversions
    These Mistakes Can Derail a Legacy Software Conversion

    One of the most significant common challenges shared by IT executives everywhere is legacy software. Here's what to do about it. A survey in the 2019 State of IT Report found that 64 percent of companies listed need to upgrade outdated IT infrastructure. Here are some mistakes that can derail a...

  • AI impacts mobile apps
    AI Can Impact Mobile App Development and User Experience

    Artificial intelligence, as a new technology field has already gained tremendous momentum and popularity across all the digital niches. From the conversational chatbots to data analytics to the user experience design, AI is now being used for an array of niche purposes. How can AI impact mobile app development and...

  • Entrepreneurs
    E-Commerce Failures and Mistakes: Why do so Many Startups Fail?

    I’m sure you are aware of the alarming rate at which E-commerce businesses shut down. If not, let me share with you the results of recent research about E-Commerce Startups. “90% of the E-Commerce Startups fail within their initial four years.” Are the reasons for startup failure the same as...

  • Connect
    6 Best Video Conferencing Services for Small Businesses

    Your business doesn’t have thousands of employees or millions of dollars to spend on unnecessary extras. Don’t waste money on conferencing software that charges you for features you don’t need and users you don’t have. Instead, check out the best conference services for small or medium-sized businesses. You're more likely...

  • enterprise management with AI
    Get Smarter About Enterprise Management with AI

    With vast amounts of data, smart buildings can play a huge role in energy consumption reduction. Building management has to control the aspects of energy consumptio,n especially with the growing number of energy regulations and certifications. But oftentimes enterprises turn to energy management considerations rather than taking an all-encompassing enterprise...

  • utilize social media analytics
    Small Business
    The 3 Ways Your Business Can Utilize Social Media Analytics Data

    In recent years, social media has become relatively the most effective marketing way to get your voice across over to consumers. The catch, however, is that you must have an efficient means of measuring your outcome. You'll not want to waste your money even though social media is cheaper than...

  • optimize your site and rank
    4 Ways to Optimize Your Site to Rank on Google in 2019

    Content marketing and optimization have come a long way since the early days of search. Simple tricks like keyword stuffing have fallen by the wayside as Google has become more enlightened in its ability to understand content. Here are the best four ways to optimize your site to rank on...

  • surveillance and smart cities
    Surveillance at the Heart of Smart Cities

    Today’s cities are living entities. They develop, grow and become more complex over time. Yet, many of their most pressing issues, such as the need for utility improvements and monitoring crime, remain the same. Like never before, city officials have the capabilities to implement analytics technology. But surveillance will be...

  • How to Tame Artificial Intelligence
    How to Tame Artificial Intelligence: A Brief Guide for Business

    The use of artificial intelligence in business is gaining popularity. According to SAS, 80% of companies from different industries expect that AI will significantly affect their activities over the next five to 10 years. Fiery enthusiasm can slightly cool when there is a lack of organizational readiness. Some businesses have...

  • Cross-Functional Data Science Teams
    3 Ways to Create Cross-Functional Data Science Teams

    Cross-functional teams utilize a group of people with different sets of expertise to work towards a common goal. When it comes to data science, thinking differently, and having contrasting angles of analysis is essential to delivering well-rounded business insights. Create cross-functional data science teams for optimal success. A data science...

  • IoT
    3 Programming Languages Offering Better Support for IoT Development

    The popularity of IoT devices continues to rise. Our partnership with IoT is stronger in its current phase. This phase of IoT offers the largest platform for mixing the virtual and real-world with ease. Most of the commands for IoT-enabled devices can be given by a single touch of an...

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