Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • healthcare with ai
    Decoding the Future Trajectory of Healthcare with AI

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting increasingly sophisticated day by day in its application, with enhanced efficiency and speed at a lower cost. Every single sector has been reaping benefits from AI in recent times. The Healthcare industry is no exception. Here is decoding the future trajectory of healthcare with AI....

  • facial recognition
    History of Facial Recognition Technology and its Bright Future

    Earlier facial recognition technology was considered as an idea of science fiction. But in the past decade, facial recognition technology has not only become real -- but it's widespread. Today, people can easily read articles and news stories about facial recognition everywhere. Here is the history of facial recognition technology...

  • Marketing
    How to Successfully Automate Your Approach to Guest Blogger Outreach

    Proactive digital marketing is all about reach, relevancy, and exposure. The only way to be successful is to push beyond your brand-owned channels – like your website and individual social profiles – and to reach people on the outside. Once reached, it’s your goal to magnetize them to the brand....

  • fast growing companies
    Small Business
    What Can Your Company Learn from Fast-Growing Startups?

    Startup businesses continue to find creative ways to evolve rapidly and adapt to market changes with limited resources. They spend a great deal of time and effort researching innovative techniques, finding and testing the best management methods, and implementing the right tools for their teams. 32 percent of executives claim...

  • impact of voice search
    Impact of Voice Search on SEO rankings in 2020: 5 Tips to Optimize

    Think back -- or imagine. It's the mid-1900s. You’re on a work trip to a new location. You’re starving. How do you find a place to eat? Your options include a physical map, and maybe if you’re lucky, you run into a stranger who can give you a recommendation. Now...

  • intelligent virtualization tech
    Intelligent Virtualization Technologies are Eliminating Data Silos Forever

    In an ever-accelerating information age, the companies most likely to succeed glean the most profitable insights from their data, faster and more nimbly than their competitors. For the data-driven enterprise today, you likely have game-changing insights into your business and your customers hidden throughout your vast troves of data. Here...

  • artificial intelligence forcast
    Artificial Intelligence: Forecasts for 2020

    In 2019, 53% of global data and analysis established by decision-makers announced that artificial intelligence is established, or in full development within their company. Here are the artificial intelligence forecasts for 2020. It is important to note that these findings are taken from statistics revealing percentages calculated from the observation...

  • ai is light
    AI is the Light that Leads from the Past to the Future

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around since the nineteenth century. But what exactly is artificial intelligence, today? Can we call artificial intelligence technology, or is it something else? Here are three phases of life - Past (evolution), present (processing/implementation), and finally, the future (saturation/extending) of AI because AI is the...

  • Blockchain
    11 Ways Blockchain Will Forever Change Link Building and SEO

    There’s been a lot of discussion about blockchain over the past few years and what it means for this industry or that industry. You’ll hear people discuss the potential with which it could revolutionize fields like finance, wealth management, investing, banking, real estate, insurance, payment processing, etc. But it cuts...

  • investment banking trends
    2020s: Top Investment Banking Trends to Watch Out For

    As we enter 2020, the Banking and finance industry have already come far -- from open trading at physical exchanges to algorithmic trading. We've gone away from paper savings accounts to robo-advisors. Here are the top investment banking trends to watch out for.   Borrowing from Bob Dylan, the times...

  • IoT
    How AI at The Edge & Other IoT Trends Are Transforming Every Industry

    From medical breakthroughs to energy savings to increased crop yields, IoT is opening doors to new opportunities across every industry. In fact, according to the IoT Signals report, 88 percent of the companies surveyed said IoT is critical to their success. As technology advances, IoT is becoming easier and more...

  • lean, six sigma
    Guide to Understanding Lean and Six Sigma for Manufacturing

    Lean and Six Sigma is an excellent combination of two powerful and improved business process strategies. There are multiple ways in which manufacturing companies can accomplish their goals. by adopting Lean and Six Sigma. They would not only be able to exceed the expectations of customers but would also minimize...

  • ai improve customer service
    Improving Customer Service Using Artificial Intelligence

    Customer experience is rising to become the top priority of many business companies nowadays. The expectations of these customers with the services provided by an organization are also growing with each passing moment. The need is to have a system that can guarantee improved customer satisfaction, which is where Artificial...

  • internet vehicle market
    The Growing Internet of Vehicle Market

    The Internet of Vehicle (IoV) market, valued at $66,075 million in 2017, is forecasted to reach $208,107 million by 2024. The reason for this growth can be attributed to rising demands, improvements, and vast upgrades in the automotive industry, the increase in connected devices, and the introduction of Logistics 4.0....

  • employee experience
    Customer Service
    Top Industry Players in Employee Experience Software 2020

    Employee experience software enables enterprises to gather continuous data on their work culture and environment through staff surveys that provide feedback on the organization. This solution differs from performance management tools that firms use to track company, division, group, and individual goals. Here are the top industry players in employee...

  • simplify processes
    Startup Essentials: Stop Overcomplicating Your Processes

    Let’s face it; we all overcomplicate things. But when you’re just starting as a new company, you can’t afford to waste time overthinking and complicating simple processes. You’ve got the gift of a clean slate. Meaning you’re not like the more prominent, older companies who have thousands of employees learning...

  • nerual networks
    When it Comes to Neural Networks, We’ve Only Scratched the Surface

    Based on the sheer number of articles about deep learning that are published every day, one could be forgiven for thinking that deep learning and neural networks make up the bulk of artificial intelligence innovation. Here is why when it comes to neural networks, we've only just scratched the surface....

  • purple team culture
    Promoting Purple Team Culture

    As the variety, complexity, and frequency of security vulnerabilities continue to increase, the need for red and blue teams has never been more critical in the context of building and safeguarding innovative computing technologies. Here is how to promote a purple-team culture. What is purple-team culture? Initially introduced into the...

  • WiFi Range Hacks
    WiFi Range Hacks 2020

    The world has progressed onto 5G, and yet many times we end up having trouble connecting to a wireless internet connection. It doesn't even matter if it's even under the same roof as us. We find ourselves calling the customer service representative of an ISP -- screaming our lungs out...

  • privacy of IoT
    It’s Time to Truly Consider the Privacy Implications of IoT

    Customers and companies have been quick to embrace the benefits of connected devices, and the Internet of Things is a more significant part of our lives than ever before. Connected devices can offer tremendous value by transmitting data continuously, allowing for unparalleled control and analysis. The problem is that this data...

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