Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • ai software
    10 Best Artificial Intelligence Software

    Progressive utilization of Artificial Intelligence software in the market for computerization of the procedures, programming, and other purposes has become common. AI-based platforms feature profound machine calculations and learning for robotizing business processes. Automation saves a lot of time and energy of the employees. Here is my personal list of...

  • ai and ml understand data
    How Can AI and ML Transform the Way We Read and Understand Data?

    Today's business is ruled by data and data-driven understanding. How you understand the data and interpret the data into business decisions has a direct impact on your business conversion and growth. For a more precise understanding of data, today we have artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies on...

  • AI
    Examples of Failure in Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial intelligence is groundbreaking and, at times, still quite mind blowing. We’re constantly peppered with amazing stories of efficiency, automation, and intelligent prognostication. But AI isn’t perfect. And for every story of success, there’s another tale of a mess up or mistake - a situation where something didn’t go as...

  • covid technology centric healthcare
    Technology-Centric Healthcare is Here to Stay, Thanks to COVID-19

    It seems so simplistic to talk about the way we used to deliver healthcare, in a pre-COVID-19 world. We moved around in close proximity to our patients and delivered care mainly up close and in person. But, technology-centric healthcare is here to stay thanks to COVID-19. Technology-Centric Healthcare There have...

  • content strategy
    Content Strategy Not Working? Here are the 6 Reasons Why

    Click on any blog related to content marketing and you will read “Content is the king” somewhere mentioned there. Content with the right content strategy helps you build your brand, make it visible to your audiences, boost customer trust, increase conversion rate, and even close sales. But does this ‘king’...

  • legal AI and ML
    Legal Industry Slowly Catching up with the Opportunities of AI and ML

    Science fiction films like 2001 A Space Odyssey and The Terminator portray Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) as advanced technologies poised to overtake humankind in apocalyptic scenarios. Fictitious depictions of AI and ML make for great theater. The fictitious depiction of AI and ML are fun to watch...

  • empathy-based marketing
    The Importance of Empathy-Based Marketing

    At one time, consumers were a captive audience. You sold it, they bought it, as long as it was a prestige brand, a household name, or was promoted by an influencer or by a really cool cartoon animal. Here is the importance of empathy-based marketing. People have a lot more...

  • blockchain 2020
    The Top Blockchain Trends of 2020 that You Need to Know About

    The year is just over the mid-point, and you may have noticed that the hype for blockchain and distributed ledger technologies hasn't cooled off at all. Make no mistake: the blockchain revolution is far from over. Here are the top blockchain trends of 2020 that you need to know about....

  • latest google update
    How Can Publishers Grow Traffic After the Latest Google Update?

    *Mentioned products, tools in the article are non-affiliated and non-sponsored. After Google announced its latest core update on May 4th, more and more publishers have faced a significant drop in their traffic. Having armed with key data and metrics, I would like to share with you four major tips on...

  • Exception management with machine learning
    Machine Learning and Exception Management – A Logistics Tech Game-Changer

    There has been a lot of talk about machine learning in logistics management. The idea is simple: optimize, infer, implement and repeat. Here is: machine learning and exception management -- a logistics tech game-changer. What is included in the different pillars of logistics management? A system optimizes the different pillars...

  • presentation management
    Presentation Management – A Solution that Spans Industries

    Presentation management is key to unlocking value in the business content. Your company is already creating blog posts, sales graphs and marketing collateral. That content is visualized with presentation management. Here is Presentation Management, a solution that spans industries. You'll want all of your content managed and located in once...

  • net promoter score
    Customer Service
    A CEO’s Perspective on Net Promoter Score

    What differentiates a great business from a good business is the power of customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. A great CEO understands how a satisfied and loyal customer can accelerate business expansion. They have transformed their companies into industry leaders by building loyal relationships with their customers and employees. They...

  • become data analyst
    6 Skills You Need to Become a Data Analyst

    Data analyst is the process in which the judgment, refining, changing, and modeling data takes place with the aim of making a better conclusion. Data analysis takes part in an important role, it helps in generating scientific conclusions and also increases the regulations in an organization. Here are six skills...

  • seo trends 2020
    9 SEO Trends of 2020 So Far: How Businesses Go Online

    With the launch of the BERT algorithm from Google and the large-scale update from Yandex, Vega, a special stage in the history of search has come. In order not to get lost on the Internet, businesses will have to think about quality content and user experience, as well as giving...

  • CRM
    Customer Relationships: The Benefits of Using CRM Software for Startups

    Are you in the process of bootstrapping a startup? Or, are you perhaps down the business growth and development road heading towards a mature SME? Are you using CRM software to manage your customers? What is Customer Relationship Management software? Here is: customer relationships -- the benefits of using CRM...

  • Airweave Mattress Advanced
    Product Reviews
    Mattress Fit Airweave Mattress Advanced: Luxurious and Restful Sleep

    In search of the best online mattress company, I recently tried one of the more luxurious, pricey online companies to see if their new Airweave Mattress Advanced had the right sleep stuff. Here's my review. Backed by Technology The company offers a Web-based app to conduct body measurement analysis. The...

  • marketing trends
    7 Content Marketing Trends to Watch Out for in 2020

    There is no doubting the effectiveness of quality content in driving more clicks -- regardless of what your niche is. Nonetheless, since 90% (demandmetrics dot com) of all organizations leverage content in their marketing efforts, producing engaging, just informative content is no longer sufficient to cut through the noise. It...

  • data transparency
    Less Data Transparency Means Less Investor Trust

    The business world can take two lessons away from the countries that have been most successful in fighting COVID-19. Data operations, data transparency and clear communications matter. Those are particularly important lessons for asset managers that need trust almost more than anything else right now. Singapore and data Singapore’s initial...

  • advantage of iot
    The Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT

    How far have we come from the moment when the IoT term was coined in 1999, by Kevin Ashton? Well, the usage has certainly improved by leaps and bounds from the toaster, the very first IoT device. The Internet of Things definitely took off in 2014 and it is still...

  • business intelligence software
    Best Business Intelligence Software and Business Operating System Options for 2020

    The world is in between huge technological transition. Every day there is more use of technology-intensive tools in place of traditional ones. Old tricks used to be tedious, costly, mostly false, and often harmful.  As a result, business intelligence is not what it use to mean a decade ago. Today,...

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