Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • AI
    How Will Artificial Intelligence Change the World of Sports?

    Today, the technological landscape is expanding by all leaps and bounds, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) remains in the thick of it. A technology that is one for the present and future, AI is playing a massive role in shaping businesses to the core. From healthcare and entertainment to commerce and...

  • location intelligence smart cities
    How Location Intelligence Will Create Even Smarter Cities

    Location intelligence has gained much attention lately, especially as more businesses harness the power of this technology. Location intelligence builds on geographical information systems (GIS) tools, and its definition goes beyond the analysis of geospatial or geographic information. Here is how location intelligence will create even smarter cities. Location Intelligence...

  • Taiwan AI, IoT combat covid
    How Taiwan Used AI and IoT Technologies to Combat COVID-19

    The world is in a major upheaval as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) makes its presence known in the United States and in many countries across the globe. Amidst these stressful and uncertain times, various industries are being confronted with pressing issues that arise from this pandemic. Technology at Its Finest...

  • AI
    How Is AI Changing Medical Imaging?

    Name an industry, and artificial intelligence is shaking it up. Some of the biggest changes, however, are happening in the quietest areas of the market. One of those is medical imaging. Although it may not be as glamorous as autonomous vehicles, AI-driven imaging is doing something even more important: saving...

  • AIoT in industries
    These Three Industries are About to be Hit by AIoT

    Artificial intelligence and the Internet of things (AIoT) is one of the newest players on the tech scene, and it's already garnered attention at a rapid pace. That’s thanks to its compelling combination of intelligent cognition, edge computing, and autonomous capabilities. While IoT on its own is no doubt powerful,...

  • IoT hardware product development
    IoT Hardware Product Development: How-To

    The number of connected devices increases day by day, and ubiquitous IoT adoption provides more opportunities for hardware development. Of course, to outperform the Big Four (Amazon, Google, Samsung, Apple) and find your niche poses a significant challenge. Additionally, if you find a new use case for a next-level consumer...

  • protect your data
    Online Privacy: The 7 Best Tips to Protect Your Data

    Nowadays, with the increasing volume of Internet access, there is also a considerable increase in the number of breaches on the network, waiting for the unsuspecting. Recently, in a number of countries, the percentage of users and companies who have suffered some form of cybercrime, fallen victim to illegal digital...

  • health data
    Share Other Health Data In Real-Time Like It’s A Pandemic

    What is the value of real-world health data? COVID-19 is telling us. Near real-time data-sharing on the COVID-19 cases as they come in -- has been at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic. Particular countries without the privacy restrictions of the U.S. or Europe are sharing detailed patient...

  • ai trends in business
    Top 10 Greatest AI Trends in Business 2020

    Artificial Intelligence is the technological story of the 2010s, and over time, more AI technologies are on the way. AI was the new charm for all tech people -- but it did not end even in the second decade. No doubt, 2019 was the year of artificial intelligence; however, 2020...

  • Marketing
    How to Tap Into the Power of Organic Marketing

    It’s never been easier to start and grow a business. That’s both good news and bad news. The internet has deconstructed the traditional barriers to entry that have kept entrepreneurs from launching their own companies. This has led to incredible innovation over the past two decades, but it’s also led...

  • ai enterprise sales growth
    Why the Next Frontier of Enterprise Sales Growth Will be AI-Powered

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is bringing a wide variety of innovative AI-driven business solutions to the market, with AI helping to generate new efficiencies and solve problems in almost every field, with applications ranging from voice-driven customer service to improving diagnoses in healthcare. Here is why the next frontier of enterprise...

  • AI for SMEs
    5 Advantages Artificial Intelligence can Give Your SME

    How fast do trends in the market advance? Specifically with regards to artificial intelligence. Businesses are taking advantage of artificial intelligence as a breakneck pace. According to a BI Intelligence report, 80% of companies will use AI chatbots by 2020. Here are five advantages artificial intelligence can give your SMEs....

  • big data and financial
    Role of Big Data in the Evolution of the Financial Industry

    The financial industry has always been a highly competitive sector. Considering how disruptive technologies like Big Data have reached their maturation, big data can be made a beneficial part of the financial industry. Businesses can harvest big data for security, personalization, and investment decisions. Big Data is bringing forth new...

  • DevOps stranglehold
    The $5B DevOps Stranglehold

    Ten years ago NewRelic, DataDog, Splunk, Dynatrace, and SolarWinds built tools we love to use. These tools were easy to implement and solved a variety of problems quickly and efficiently. Each company was known primarily for a single, well-conceived product. NewRelic’s APM. Splunk’s log file analyzer.  DataDog’s server monitor. SolarWinds’...

  • RPA robotics
    How RPA Drives Business Productivity

    The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here, with advancements in cyber technology generating more data than the world has ever known. Data is one of the most valuable assets in the modern economy. It offers insights to create new business models, improve social and financial dynamics, and resolve public issues. Ultimately,...

  • Marketing
    How to Measure and Analyze Content Marketing Success

    By now, virtually every brand across any industry or niche is doing some form of content marketing. Many of these businesses have formal content marketing strategies with editorial guidelines, content calendars, and posting schedules. But very few take the time to carefully measure content marketing results. And unfortunately, this comprises...

  • virtual blockchain speakers
    Top 20 Virtual Blockchain Speakers

    When you want to understand blockchain technology and get a grip on what’s happening in the cryptoworld, you need to stop and listen. In an environment moving this fast, you need to hear from the people who are building the networks, managing the trades, and watching the changes. Here are...

  • data for pitch
    10 Examples of How to Use Data to Pitch Press During COVID-19

    The press loves good data. However, if you are not careful in how you package your data while pitching to press, your efforts may be for nothing. Here are ten examples of how to use data to pitch press during COVID-19. Crafting your pitch -- a skill that you need...

  • Operate
    How the Tech Revolution Is Reshaping Shipping and Logistics

    People around the globe depend on access to various goods and products, from food and drink to office supplies to lifesaving medical equipment. Amid the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, that’s truer than ever. And the shipping and logistics industry is responsible for granting that access. Today, a...

  • fear of ai
    AI’s Man Behind the Curtain

    As the world grows increasingly connected, growing concern regarding the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) has been bubbling to the surface, affecting perceptions by industries big and small along with the general populace. Spurred on by sensationalized media predictions of AI taking over human decision-making and silver-screen tales of robot...

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