Results for "Analysis"

We found 3632 results for your search.
  • Connected Devices
    How This Personal Safety Startup is Protecting Teams from COVID-19

    Humans don't do well without specifics. A call to "practice social distancing" leaves too much to the imagination, while instructions to stay at least six feet away from strangers provides a more straightforward, more actionable message. Here is how a personal safety startup is protecting teams from COVID-19. As teams...

  • ecommerce
    6 Smart Insights You Can Use to Guide Your eCommerce

    When eCommerce revenue hit $700 billion in 2017, statistics confirmed how rapid and constantly it will grow by 23 percent year over year. Meanwhile, this has always been the hope for eCommerce owners. Amazon is a prominent example; this company has confirmed how fast the shopping world is going. Amazon...

  • Featured
    Galaxy Watch Active2 Receiving Features From Galaxy Watch 3

    Samsung, like usual, are taking some of the features from its latest flagship device, in this case the Galaxy Watch 3, and implementing them into older smartwatches. In this case the Galaxy WatchActive2. However, these same features aren't making it to the Galaxy Watch Active. Even though this smartwatch was...

  • ecommerce business
    Payment Solutions that will Flourish your e-Commerce Business

    While everyone is talking about how the capital letters of innovation -- AR, AI and IoT -- have turned our lives to online adventure -- I’d like to discuss a bit more prosaic, but still promising sphere. It's e-Commerce. Here are payment solutions that will flourish in your eCommerce business....

  • Event Driven Architecture
    Why it’s Time to Move to an Event Driven Architecture

    Real-time and IoT have modernized application development. But “the laws of physics still apply.” As a guest speaker early in my career, I'd tell audiences that the fundamental insights they gained from their traditional application development experiences still apply to modern application development. Here is why it's time to move...

  • business decisions
    Why You Shouldn’t Use Statista to Make Business Decisions

    Every veteran entrepreneur knows that there’s a long journey from a business idea to its execution. Not even the brightest minds out there can ever predict all the potential roadblocks, the ever-changing market trends, and the hidden growth opportunities. However, the good news is that they don’t need to. Here...

  • AI ML ecommerce changers
    How AI and Machine Learning Are eCommerce Tech Game Changers

    The trend in eCommerce has been driving quickly towards AI and Machine Learning. The onset of COVID-19 has accelerated this development for many companies. With a reduced workforce and many employees having to work at home, AI technology has been filling the gap and keeping eCommerce running at full speed....

  • intranets and extranets
    AI Powers the Growth of Intranets and Extranets

    For so long, the company intranet was left unattended and somewhat neglected. Advances in the technology of the internet itself meant it was easier to look for information and resources on the world wide web rather than the company intranet. But intranet, extranet, and enterprise collaboration tools have been growing...

  • Blockchain
    How to Make Your Own Cryptocurrency

    Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and a handful of other cryptocurrencies have broken into the mainstream, but what if you want to start a cryptocurrency of your own? There are many valid motivations for doing so. For example, you may not like how the mainstream coins operate; you may want to found...

  • Best ETL Tools
    16 Best ETL Tools for Your Business

    Table of Contents Introduction What ETL Tools Do Top ETL Tools in 2020 Top ETL Software Available Selecting the Right ETL Tool Best ETL Tools ETLRobot Blendo Stitch Xplenty Informatica Alooma Talend IRI Voracity Etleap Pentaho Platform CloverDX Fivetran Segment Elastic Apache Nifi Azure Final Thoughts Introduction to Top ETL...

  • ai in retail
    Artificial Intelligence Applications within Retail in 2020

    Artificial intelligence and its applications have surely revolutionized the sectors pushing them forward in a new direction. Its application isn’t limited to the start of product development but continues post-launch and customer interaction. AI integration is the retail industry One of the sectors that are reaping the benefits of AI...

  • Striking A Software Balance: How To Choose Programs For Efficiency
    Striking A Software Balance: How To Choose Programs For Efficiency

    Not so long ago, businesses had access to a relatively narrow assortment of programs. There was word processing software, platforms for inventory, accounting tools, and antivirus programs, but most served broad constituency. Ultimately, most critical processes either relied on in-house solutions (often the programs referred to as legacy programs in...

  • ai disrupt marketing
    Is AI Going to Disrupt the Marketing Industry?

    Developments in AI are advancing at a rampant pace, with innovations improving the quality of life in different ways across disciplines. For instance, Forbes estimates that 10 million self-driving cars will hit the road in 2020, and another study reported by Business Wire projects that automotive artificial intelligence will bring in revenues of...

  • iot devices connectivity
    Connected Devices
    The Future of IoT Devices: What it Means for Connectivity

    A shift from the cloud to the edge might signal a real autonomous revolution in IoT connectivity. While previously, we witnessed how cloud computing allowed for centralization and collaboration -- edge devices are all about abilities to work offline, autonomously, without sending data to the cloud for processing and storage....

  • Withings Secures $60 Million
    Withings Secures $60 Million to Bridge the Gap Between Consumers and Physicians

    The coronavirus pandemic has changed how many industries operate and conduct business. The industry change can readily be seen in the health and medical sectors. Before COVID-19, telemedicine and remote patient monitoring were a rarity, but overnight digital monitoring has become the norm as physicians embrace telehealth to treat and...

  • How Strong IT Asset Management Organizes Modern Business
    How Strong IT Asset Management Organizes Modern Business

    If someone asked, could you give an accounting of all of the different technology licenses your business manages? If your answer is ‘no,’ you’re not alone. Most of today’s businesses rely on so many devices, SaaS tools, and other tech infrastructure that it’s impossible to keep track of it all,...

  • cybersecurity ai
    The Future of Cybersecurity in the Hands of AI

    Globally, the AI cybersecurity job market will witness 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs by 2021 according to The New York Times. Plus, the market size is predicted to reach USD 30.5 billion by 2025. A recent Synack Report claims that combining cybersecurity talent and AI-enabled technology results in 20x more...

  • price intelligence startups
    Price Intelligence for Startups: What Is It? Why Do You Need It? How to Get Started?

    Finding a sweet spot between “too low” and “too high” prices can be quite tricky. That’s why price intelligence exists: It can help retailers come up with the correct pricing strategy to beat the competition and build value for their products. Here is price intelligence for startups. What is price...

  • ecommerce reduce fraud
    6 Strategies for eCommerce Stores to Reduce Fraud

    As an eCommerce store, you want to do all you can to reduce fraud. Whether you are a small business or a big corporation, you want to try and reduce fraud at each of the risk exposure points. Fraudsters are intelligent, trying to come up with new ways to get...

  • ai software
    10 Best Artificial Intelligence Software

    Progressive utilization of Artificial Intelligence software in the market for computerization of the procedures, programming, and other purposes has become common. AI-based platforms feature profound machine calculations and learning for robotizing business processes. Automation saves a lot of time and energy of the employees. Here is my personal list of...

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