Results for "Analysis"

We found 3630 results for your search.
  • systems approach
    Why a Systems Approach is Key to IoT Success and How to Get It

    So you have the green light to embark on an Internet of Things (IoT) project. Now what? For many manufacturers, municipalities, utilities, trucking companies and other organizations -- the first step traditionally was hiring a systems integrator. The choice is because IoT was bespoke -- along with the integrator combining...

  • going pulic ipo
    Considering Going Public? Here’s How to Prepare for an IPO

    Everyone loves an IPO. Investors see the first issuing of public stock as a way to get in on the ground floor of the next Apple or Tesla. For tech startups, an IPO represents the ultimate validation of their vision — not to mention a prime opportunity to raise enough capital...

  • fund administration
    Data Ops in Fund Administration Require a Human Touch

    Today’s large fund administrators service hundreds to thousands of fund managers and institutional investors. Automation is driving down margins across the investing industry. Price competition has become fierce. There is a great deal of talk about technology being an edge. And executives are turning to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks....

  • A Look at the Convergence of Big Data and Travel
    A Look at the Convergence of Big Data and Travel

    While the travel and tourism industry has taken quite a gut punch over the past year, there’s hope that things will soon return to normal. And when they do, we’ll get a better taste of the impact big data is having in this space. What is Big Data? For 20...

  • measure company culture
    A New Way to Measure Company Culture and Empowerment in a Remote World

    Understanding company culture has long been a holy grail for forward-thinking organizations. In general, research indicates that measuring company culture accurately is very difficult, but can lead to positive outcomes. HR, People Analytics, or company culture committees use exit interviews, surveys, or focus groups to measure the accuracy in company...

  • IoT-enabled factories
    Lessons from the Pandemic: Why IoT-Enabled Factories Rebounded so Quickly and How that Sets the Stage for Industry 5.0

    Saying the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted manufacturing might be the biggest understatement since “Houston, we have a problem.” But where there are problems, there are opportunities. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is key to unlocking many of those opportunities. This includes deeper insights into production and equipment condition, increased efficiency...

  • c-suite change post-pandemic
    C-Suite Structures got Their Problems Laid Bare in 2020. Here’s How They Can Change for the Post-Pandemic Era

    The pandemic has shaken up the business world, from consumer habits all the way to the boardroom itself. In this new paradigm, it’s clear that traditional C-suite structures and ideals are fast becoming obsolete. Even before the COVID-19 crisis, this 2019 EY (dotcom) study found that only one-third of Forbes...

  • AI to IoT analytics
    Introducing AI to IoT Data Analytics

    The availability of high-speed internet connectivity has transformed the way we interact with and benefit from technology. The ability to send and receive vast amounts of data quickly and reliably supports the expanding Internet of Things (IoT). All devices are gathering data -- non-stop. Google Home, Alexa, Furbo, and Ring...

  • AI and IoT = AIoT
    AI and IoT – A Blend in Future Technologies

    The future is automation, where Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things together will rule the technological aspects of our lives. With the advent of Smart Watches, Voice Assistants and Smart Cars, the one thing we can be sure of is that the future will be full of similar devices...

  • improve AI customer experience
    How to Improve Customer Experience with AI Chatbots?

    In this fast-paced world, everyone wants instant answers to their queries. Having to have instant answers is why every business enterprise tries to solve its customers’ problems to maintain the brand reputation without harming customer loyalty. But giving instant replies to the users on a 24/7 basis is not possible...

  • AI redefining ecommerce
    How is AI Redefining the Future of eCommerce Industry

    Years back, the world was completely unaware of the success of AI in the eCommerce industry. Undoubtedly, applications of AI have embedded themselves into our businesses and lives in a wide range of ways. Businesses can not only make faster decisions but also automate and optimize operations to drive better...

  • career change in tech
    Best Practices to Make a Successful Career Change in a Tech-Driven World

    Anchoring yourself to a secure job that you can depend on for the rest of your professional life used to be a popular option. While times have changed -- that doesn’t mean that people are too keen on making any radical career changes nowadays. During the COVID-19 crisis, people will...

  • data privacy
    How Is Data Privacy Going to Change in the Next 10 Years?

    How much of your daily activities are currently being tracked? Even if you’re the paranoid type, suspecting every device and app you use of tracking your movements and online activities, you might still be underestimating how much of your data is being gathered and analyzed. Every app on every device...

  • chatbots or humans
    Do People Prefer Chatbots or Humans? It Depends.

    Chatbots are seemingly taking over the internet and mobile applications. First-time visitors to a site or app now are often greeted by a cheery chatbot seeking to answer questions or guide them through an onboarding process. When site or app users have problems, retailers, banks, and other businesses are asking...

  • Tech Can Help Bring a Federal Infrastructure Bill to Life
    4 Ways Tech Can Bring a Federal Infrastructure Bill to Life

    The stimulus bill approved by the House of Representatives in late February was the first of two major budget initiatives President Biden is seeking in the opening months of his administration. The second bill, expected soon, will address the president’s longer-range objective of creating jobs by, among other things, overhauling...

  • tech upgrades your business needs
    7 Tech Upgrades Your Business Needs in 2021

    Technological advancements don’t stop for anything, including Covid-19. During 2020, innovators kept testing and iterating, pushing technology farther ahead despite the pandemic. Though your business may have scaled back on spending a ton on tech last year, you’ll need an upgrade soon. What’s the risk of sticking to what works?...

  • Things that the Year 2020 has Left Behind for Us
    Things that the Year 2020 has Left Behind for Us

    Fireflies-these tiny little insects have intrigued me since childhood especially when I run after them. The idea of a firefly glowing in the dark has positivity to it. Have you ever wondered how they work or hve you observed the phenomenon of fireflies glowing? “Be like a firefly, Be like...

  • cloud computing tools
    How to Simplify Complex Business Processes with Cloud Computing Tools

    Accessing solutions and services over the Internet is not new. However, the speed at which new cloud computing tools and technologies are emerging is rapidly accelerating. Most businesses turn to the cloud to save money and improve efficiency. Cloud migrations offer businesses the opportunity to simplify functional business processes and...

  • is pivoting worth it
    Is Pivoting Worth the Effort?

    The idea behind the startup “pivot” is captivating. It certainly makes for a great story -- especially if the pivoting startup eventually finds success. But pivoting isn’t a magic switch that can suddenly turn a failing business around. In fact, pivoting can backfire, putting you in an even worse position...

  • Recommended Podcasts to Check Out in 2021
    8 Recommended Podcasts to Check Out in 2021

    Unfortunately, just because the year we don’t want to remember is finally over -- it doesn’t mean everything will go back to normal. Times are still tough, and it's more important than ever that we take steps to keep our bodies, spirits, and minds engaged. Thankfully, recommended podcasts can help us...

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