Results for "Analysis"

We found 3630 results for your search.
  • AI in Personal Finance
    How Artificial Intelligence is Impacting Personal Finance

    It seems nearly everyone has been talking about artificial intelligence for years now, and one of the industries where it's gained the most attention is personal finance. A.I. is becoming so popular that many online banking users today have become used to—and even dependent on—receiving personalized insights into their spending...

  • Fix the Labor Shortage
    Token Offerings from Employers Won’t Fix the Labor Shortage

    Workers today are displaying discontent with their jobs at unprecedented levels. In late July, for example, protesters in St. Louis congregated in an otherwise bustling drive-thru of a local McDonald’s. They were there to demand the corporation pay them at least $15 per hour -- about $5 more than the current minimum wage...

  • Smart Stuff
    Blood Pressure monitoring on Galaxy Watches could potentially help Parkinson’s disease patients

    A recent study published in the medicals journal claim that blood pressure monitoring on all recent Samsung smartwatches could help people with Parkinson's disease manage OH (Orthostatic Hypotension). Galaxy Watches such as the Galaxy Watch 4 series, the Galaxy Watch 3 and the Galaxy Watch Active 2 could help people...

  • Channel Marketing
    How to Build Ideal Partner Personas for Channel Marketing

    The world of marketing has become increasingly more complex in recent years. With omnichannel approaches, platforms, and various approaches to content. it can sometimes seem that a marketer’s work is never done. But, thankfully, new ways of dealing with our marketing issues have also arisen, including process improvement strategies, and...

  • Learn
    7 Ways to Use Concept Mapping for Business Success

    Many of us struggle to memorize things we see, read or learn every day. Recollecting even the points discussed in a team meeting or a brown bag session a few days ago can be challenging for most people. Professionals and organizations use various techniques to overcome this challenge. Some try...

  • WordPress Lead Generation Plugins
    9 WordPress Lead Generation Plugins That Will Bring Tons of Quality Leads

    Alfred is running a successful bakery shop in the prime city square and his on-site business is not only a favorite place for the locals but is quite a talk of the town for tourists. Alfred launches his online shop through a WordPress website to expand his business digitally after...

  • sales during pandemic
    How Small Businesses Can Grow Sales During the Pandemic

    The pandemic has by and large impacted every sector of society in the entire world. The fall in GDP and the continuous burden on the state income forced people to get a solution for sales, long-term. The solution must be one that can take people out of this situation of...

  • mobile apps healthcare
    Witness the Rising Emergence of Mobile App in the Healthcare Sector

    The healthcare sector has never experienced such a great surge in demand for widespread clinical diagnosis and patient care as we have in the last year and a half. The globally dispersed pandemic of Covid-19 sent the healthcare industry to the verge of its saturation point until it was saved...

  • web design
    How AI is Changing the Face of Modern Web Design for Retailers

    If you wish to build a retail website that actually converts, you've got to move beyond the aesthetics and imagery. According to data, it takes only 50 seconds for a user to form an opinion about your website. Naturally, creating a lasting first impression should be every eCommerce website's priority....

  • local seo ranking
    10 Tips to Improve Your Local SEO Rankings

    Local SEO is a strategy to rank higher in local Google Search Results. It has different requirements than traditional Search Engine Optimization (SEO) because it needs you to understand what they are looking for when searching locally. Since as many as 46% of the total queries are local, such SEO...

  • semantic seo
    How to Optimize Your Content for Semantic SEO

    Google’s progress over the last 20 years is mind-blowing when you think about it. Not long ago, users were impartial to the likes of Yahoo, Bing or even Ask Jeeves. Those names have since faded into the periphery while Google has gotten better at serving up relevant answers in record...

  • google analytics 4
    7 GA4 Benefits You Should Know

    Google Analytics (GA), possibly the world's most popular reporting tool, has just gotten better with its new property, Google Analytics 4. If you are already using Google Analytics to track behavioral and analytical data in your business, you may be wondering whether or not it's necessary to upgrade to GA4....

  • page experience
    Why Everyone is Freaking Out About Google Page Experience Update

    Page experience has become the result of how the quality of online search results is strategically important to Google. To improve it even more, it will begin applying new Core Web Vitals quality factors in May 2021. However, Google announced that it is a postponing page experience update. It gave...

  • ai in ecommerce
    10 Benefits of Using Artificial Intelligence in Ecommerce

    This is very important for a business to have an e-commerce platform to compete with the giant -- Merchandise of online vendors. In the competitive marketplace, if your business is not able to make a remarkable appearance online. You may get left behind. A transformed and revolutionized face of technology...

  • startup machine learning
    Monetize Your Start-Up With Machine Learning

    I'm going to let you in a little-known secret. If you want to grow or monetize your start-up, look at the companies that leverage a gaming mindset. The next Uber or Snapchat might look like a game studio, employing the best user acquisition, retention, and revenue strategies learned from the...

  • positioning your brand
    Positioning Your Brand in the Covid Era

    The lesson to retain about positioning your brand in the Covid Era? Lean In To What Makes You, You. Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, you’ve been working hard on business plans, raising funds, building the perfect team, and doing everything else you needed to do to hit the ground running once...

  • low conversion rate
    The Main Reasons Your Conversion Rate is Low

    How confident do you feel about your business’s conversion rate? Do you think you’re a high performer, getting more conversions than most of your competitors? Are you lagging behind? Or are you somewhere in the middle? I have to assume you’re an average business since the average business is --...

  • video marketing
    Small Business
    How SMBs Can Utilize Video Marketing to Boost Their Revenue

    There’s no denying that videos are the most powerful tool to impact the viewer’s mind. This is because the human brain processes image 60,000 times faster than textual content. As a result, numerous major brands harness video marketing’s power to make the most out of their marketing endeavors. From a...

  • outages and failures
    5 Lessons to Learn from the Fastly and Akamai Outages

    Fastly, one of the Internet's many critical components experienced an outage on June 8th that took some of the most prominent websites online -- well, offline. Then, almost two weeks later, Akamai, one of the largest global content delivery networks, also stumbled -- taking out online systems for airlines, banks,...

  • mobility data
    Mobility Data Unlocks Opportunities in Emerging-Market Megacities

    Governments can use public transport data to inform policymaking. Commuters benefit from real-time data on traffic or public-transport status. Yet, the biggest—and largely overlooked—use for mobile data could be for businesses themselves.  Infrastructure planning firms, research organizations, and banks use cutting-edge data sources to help make cities smarter. For investors,...

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