Results for "Analysis"

We found 3630 results for your search.
  • ai recruiting tools
    The Role of AI in Recruitment (+ Top 7 AI Recruiting Tools)

    Artificial intelligence is gaining more and more attention. Intelligent self-learning programs disrupt many industries, including eCommerce, manufacturing and production lines, transportation, agriculture, logistics and supply chain, and more. Moreover, such programs automate redundant processes and don't require a high level of creativity, increasing its overall effectiveness. "It is difficult to...

  • 7 Ways You Can Leverage Social Media for Your E-commerce Business
    7 Ways You Can Leverage Social Media for Your E-commerce Business

    Social Media holds huge popularity when it comes to the E-commerce business. According to statistics by oberlo -- 54% of people search for a product on social media. Hence, an E-commerce business needs to have a prominent online presence on various social media platforms. Although many businesses are still at...

  • data management platforms
    Why These Three Data Management Platforms Stand Out

    The tremendous inherent value of data has received a lot of attention in recent years. Unfortunately, in the past, companies have often ignored the importance of the data information they gathered. Even if they gathered customer info, they often did little it. The information sat in piles of dark data...

  • Customer Service
    The Best CRMs that Will Succeed in 2021

    This 2021 is a challenge for SMEs and large companies that aim to implement the best CRM in the market. The task is not easy. A total of 450 customer management tools and a key question that CEOs, CIOs, or sales managers repeat: What is the best CRM for my...

  • mitigating ai bias
    HR’s Role in Understanding and Mitigating AI Bias

    The benefits provided by AI and machine learning are pretty well established. The technology can help businesses automate processes, gain insight through data analysis, and engage with customers and employees. And it can help them satisfy ever-changing market demands, streamline operational costs, and remain competitive in an increasingly fast-paced digital...

  • buy-side firms
    Buy-Side Firms and the Challenges of Disruptive Technology

    It’s no secret that buy-side firms hold an impressive amount of influence over the average financial investor. From carefully researching securities on the clients' behalf to purchasing assets in order to turn a profit, buy-side firms hold remarkable sway on the stock market. Indeed, much of what they do is...

  • referral marketing strategy
    Benefits of Data-Driven Referral Marketing Strategies in 2021

    As a business owner, regardless of your company's size, you should be aware of what your customers want. Knowing precisely what your customers demand can help ensure the success of new products and services and ultimately increase your sales. Customer insights also allow you to adapt your business model to...

  • Digital Transformation in Retail Is Only Just Beginning
    Digital Transformation in Retail Is Only Just Beginning

    Have your buying habits changed much in the past year? Odds are good they have. According to a recent report on global retail digital transformation trends, the retail industry has experienced rapid changes like no other. Plenty of consumers are hanging onto online buying habits they developed while their movements...

  • customer service
    Connected Devices
    The Role of Data Science in Improving Customer Satisfaction

    The world’s most successful companies set their focus on customer satisfaction. The reason being that customers leave organizations where they are not satisfied with the service. New products with unique and improved features will continue to pop up in the market. Still, the customer would rather continue doing business with...

  • data mobile app
    How is Big Data Impacting Mobile App Development?

    Have you ever wondered about the dawn of the modern smartphone legacy? It all began back in the millennia when Nokia’s Symbian OS and Microsoft’s Windows Mobile gained traction in the mainstream market. Since then, the smartphone industry grew at exponential rates. Almost 96% of people use cellphones of some...

  • cybersecurity
    COVID-19, Global Economy, and Its Impacts on Cybersecurity

    As a consequence of the coronavirus, over the next three years, the average growth of the global cybersecurity market is expected to slow down to a rate of 6.2% per year, says the Global Cyber Security Market Analysis report released last year. The predicted trend represents a sharp decline from...

  • marketing strategy
    Strategic Brand Management: The Differentiator Between Good and Great Marketing Strategy

    Brand management has always been a complicated concept, even for those who have had the chance to work on it themselves. Some reasons are its ever-evolving nature and complex tasks like defining organizational values, brand vision, and influencing customers’ perceptions of your brand. It might seem an overwhelming aspect of...

  • digital payments
    The Future of Mobile Payments in a Post-COVID-19 World

    The payments sector has been remarkably dynamic for some years now: dizzying valuations, double-digit growth rates, and an ever-increasing speed of technology advancement on a scale barely experienced in any other industry. We have seen the coronavirus fully transform consumers' shopping habits, drive retailers to the verge of bankruptcy, and...

  • AI
    How AI is Spinning the Game of Content Marketing

    Gone are the days when AI was just extravagant, and marketers used to collect basic demographic information from customers to create a content marketing strategy. In the past few years, there has been a massive change in the way that businesses approach and engage with their customers. Digital media, especially...

  • productivity
    What Makes Employees Productive in a New Startup?

    After launching a new startup, you’ll be interested in growing the business as quickly as possible, thus generating more revenue, securing more stability, and improving your reputation as well. But one of the secrets to effective scaling is an efficient team; if your employees are working productively and consistently, they’ll...

  • four day workweek
    The Four-Day Work Week: A Near Future or a Utopia?

    The idea of a four-day workweek has once again been gaining momentum as the pandemic forced companies and employees to revise their working patterns and become more flexible. Several countries in Europe are working to make it a reality, including Spain, the UK, Finland, and Russia. Microsoft's Japan location has...

  • iot sensors
    How to Choose the Right Sensor for Your IoT Device

    The choice of sensor type can have a major impact on your IoT application. A good selection of sensors will provide the most valuable insights — but considerations like cost and ease of installation may impact what data you can collect effectively. You Want to Choose the Right Sensor for...

  • predictive analytics
    Connected Devices
    Predictive Analytics in Manufacturing – Why it Matters and How it Works

    Manual operations in manufacturing often lead to increased costs and decreased growth. Manufacturers have to resolve 4 critical challenges: operations optimization, cost savings, production quality improvement, and demand forecasting. Digitizing one or two processes can only work to an extent and only a complete digital solution could come in handy....

  • father's day gift guide
    Father’s Day Gift Guide for the Techie

    Whether you are looking for something techie for your dad or hubby -- here are some items to choose from. Sometimes I pick something techie to "upgrade" my dad a little -- but I try not to be too pushy. A week from Sunday --- June 20, 2021 -- is...

  • top of gunnel strategy
    Top of the Funnel Strategy: Building Brand Awareness

    We are living in a world where people are constantly bombarded with information. To be heard, marketers must create compelling content that captures the attention of their audience. One strategy for capturing attention is building awareness and credibility through the top of funnel marketing. This article will discuss what top-of-funnel...

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