Results for "Analysis"

We found 3630 results for your search.
  • (Big) Data Pipeline
    Building a (Big) Data Pipeline the Right Way

    External data can be used to improve overall business performance. First, however, dig deeper into the way external data is sourced and implemented into management practices. External data is increasing in utility yearly. As acquisition becomes more ubiquitous and accessible to smaller businesses, applications for external data proliferate. Proper management...

  • Secure Platform as a Service (PaaS)
    How to Secure Platform as a Service (PaaS) Environments

    A Cloud Computing Service Platform (PaaS) enables clients to build, secure, operate, and manage online applications. It allows teams to develop and deploy apps without buying or managing the IT infrastructure that supports them. On the whole, the platform supports the full software development and usage life cycle while simultaneously...

  • cyber crime
    Lessons Learned from the Skyrocketing Cost of Cyber Crime

    Businesses worldwide faced a slew of challenges in 2021 – the main ones being COVID-19 and cybercrime. The global pandemic forced many to shut their doors and have employees work remotely or from home. Cybercrime also increased in frequency and sophistication. As a result, cyberattacks are now one of the...

  • Lead Generation
    What Startups Get Wrong About Lead Generation

    For most startups, lead generation is indispensable. It’s the central strategy they use to discover, index, and contact people who might be interested in their products and services. Without it, they’re basically in the dark, hoping for prospective customers to find their startup on their own. Millions of companies have...

  • Smart Home Using AI and IoT
    Development of a Smart Home Using AI and IoT Technologies

    Personalization and automation remain the main directions for improving the quality of the user experience. They also help make the lives of millions of people safer, more convenient, and more comfortable. Artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) have become the main tools in recent years. It is...

  • processes
    Three Strategies to Achieve Process Excellence

    Elon Musk was recently interviewed about SpaceX’s five-step design and manufacturing process when he echoed what every process excellence analyst has thought: “The most common error is to optimize a thing that should not exist.” His words are highly relevant when it comes to digital transformation. So many innovation teams...

  • IoT in entainment
    Asset Management with IoT in Media and Entertainment Industry

    Coupled with cloud platforms and Big Data analysis, IoT in Media and Entertainment industry provides a significant boost in utilizing their machine and human assets. IoT (Internet of things) refers to the ecosystem of connected smart devices and environmental sensors that track assets, across locations. Without IoT, asset management solutions...

  • Future of Cloud Security
    The Future of Cloud Security: 2022 and Beyond

    Cloud adoption is rapidly growing, helping businesses improve scalability, promote growth and facilitate agile development. However, in a post-COVID world, cloud technology has become a necessity, and cloud security is a critical concern. Almost overnight, businesses of all sizes needed to accommodate an abrupt shift to remote work. It was...

  • B2B Marketing Mistakes
    The Worst B2B Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid

    The world is continuously changing, and so are the tactics and technologies in B2B marketing. As a result, marketers face challenges like never before to approach their target audience and convince them to buy the product or service they are offering. The current market requires a unique skillset and the...

  • Successful YouTube Ad Campaign
    A Step-by-Step Checklist for a Successful YouTube Ad Campaign

    YouTube videos offer endless entertainment, quality education, the latest news, and updates on virtually every topic on earth. It makes it one of the most popular social channels, where people come to binge-watch videos. You'll be surprised to know that 80% of online traffic is video traffic. Therefore, intelligent marketers...

  • Paid SEO Tools
    5 Signs You Should Start Using Paid SEO Tools

    I expect that you are using Free SEO tools but facing some problems in ranking your website. There are chances that you can make a brand of your online business, but these chances are pretty low with Free SEO tools. If you are struggling to mark your online presence, you...

  • Excel Pro Secrets
    Excel Pro Secrets, Formulas in Excel; and Excel Shortcuts

    Excel is the best spreadsheet application. It has thousands of formulas that can be used at multiple places making the tasks more manageable. Although we usually use formulas to solve the necessities, some functions, formulas, tricks, shortcuts, and hacks in Excel remain unknown. Excel offers many formulas that are less...

  • big data
    Big Data Technology Success Cases and Trends 2021-25

    Data management through Big Data technology and tools is a relevant topic at the enterprise and state levels. Today, mainly large enterprises use Big Data technology today (about 60% of the market). However, the number of medium and small businesses infusing this tech is growing each year. By 2025, Big...

  • 15.Andrew_Wall Street is Rigged
    Everyday Investors Believe Wall Street is Rigged: How One Man Plans to Change the System

    The Occupy Wall Street movement wasn't the first time economic inequality made the news. But it did call more attention to the disparities in the financial system. The Occupy movement also highlighted how the structure of that system is set up to benefit those who run it. Even though more...

  • vc funding mistakes
    Venture Capital Funding Mistakes in Tech

    Venture Capital funding is the holy grail for many startups. It turns dreams into reality. It also provides a runway for young companies that want to scale. However, securing funding is complex and precarious when growing a business. Finding VC support is rife with false starts, pullouts, and miscommunications, especially...

  • shopify
    AI-Powered Shopify: The Smarter Way to Sell

    What is Shopify? Shopify is a technological tide in the digital advancement of e-commerce. It is not only a tool or a mere feature. Instead, it is a complete solution for people who wish to either start their online store or want to revamp existing services in this realm. Shopify...

  • ai ml digital performance
    The Role of AI and ML in Improving Digital Performance

    Artificial intelligence and machine learning are among the top marketing buzzwords we come across in the field of digital marketing. These technologies have already become an integral part of digital marketing and are being leveraged to make campaigns more personable and efficient. For instance, artificial intelligence can make personalization easy...

  • AI on design
    Understanding the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Design Industry

    The emergence of artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm. It has brought huge advancement in the field of tech, precisely by automating several processes with pinpoint accuracy. That is the primary reason why it is also called the new-age technology.  Today, every tech giant is moving towards artificial...

  • Retailers Implementing AI
    Overcoming Roadblocks Retailers Face When Implementing AI

    It might feel as though artificial intelligence has reached a critical mass, but it hasn’t. In fact, it’s only starting to make an impact in some sectors, including retail. But, according to findings collected by KPMG, retail AI has room to grow — and a lot of it. And by 2027,...

  • Healthcare
    Top 10 Methods How IoT Enhances the Healthcare Sector

    Given the post-Covid challenges the healthcare industry is expected to face, is Healthcare IoT, also known as the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), the best way ahead? The healthcare industry has been in focus for the last two years due to the challenges posed by Covid-19. The last two years...

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