Results for "Analysis"

We found 3630 results for your search.
  • R&D Investment
    How R&D Investment Grows Your Business

    Looking for a competitive edge, many companies from multiple industries are investing in R&D. Standing for research and development; this activity ultimately creates winning opportunities for the companies leveraging it. Let's find out the R&D investment meaning and the reasons why invest in research and development, following the example of...

  • NLP engines AI’s Promise in Healthcare
    How NLP Engines are Fulfilling AI’s Promise in Healthcare

    In an ideal world, the healthcare industry would be the perfect arena for unleashing the transformative potential of artificial intelligence. Sophisticated AI models require vast amounts of data to learn from, and healthcare data represents nearly one-third of all data in existence. Nevertheless, all that information could fuel the development of algorithms capable...

  • (NLP) Technology in Healthcare
    8 Use Cases for Natural Language Processing (NLP) Technology in Healthcare

    In healthcare, patient health records, order entries, and physician notes aren't the only data sources. In reality, millions of people have already used take-home kits to upload their genetic information to commercial databases. Wearable technologies have also opened up new channels for consumer health data. However, adding to the sea...

  • Penserra Announces Partnership with BlackRock
    5 Profitable and Great Business Ideas to Do from Home

    Starting a home-based business seemed somewhat foreign for entrepreneurs in the years before the pandemic. As millions were forced into lockdown, entrepreneurs both young and old found that starting a business from their home can be more practical, and financially beneficial. According to statistics provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, small businesses...

  • Crypto
    The Market Has Spoken, and It Says Ethereum Is Valuable

    Technical analysis isn't a perfect tool, but it may point the way for Ethereum Ethereum (ETH-USD) continues to be a volatile crypto investment. Crypto is volatile by nature — I’m not setting it apart from the asset class. It  has clear catalysts as well as multiple headwinds. Consequently, investing in Ethereum...

  • B2B Marketing Through LinkedIn: Strategies To Succeed
    B2B Marketing Through LinkedIn: Strategies To Succeed

    In today's scenario, digital marketing is a prerequisite for the success and online visibility of a business. One cannot ignore promoting their brand on the web if they want to see tangible results. The results include increasing user engagement and bringing more people into the sales funnel.  Social media management...

  • ABn and MVT Testing
    A/B/n and MVT Testing: Business Benefits, Similarities and Differences

    Your landing page does not work well; email newsletters and push notifications are ineffective. What is the cause of it? What should be changed to improve efficiency? Even the most experienced marketer will not answer this question with 100% accuracy. Guessing the answer leads to the risk of losing time,...

  • Internet of Behavior Technology
    The Developing Internet of Behavior Technology and its Applications

    Understanding the Internet of Behavior (IoB) technology without understanding the Internet of Things (IoT) is not possible. IoT is known as the network of interrelated devices that share and gather information with the support of the internet. It is continuously getting advanced and enhanced in its complication. Also, the data...

  • AI to Solve Fertility Treatment
    Using AI to Solve Fertility Treatment Challenges

    As of 2019, the live birth rate resulting from egg retrieval fertility treatments was less than 35%. It's 2022, and infertility is still a global struggle for couples intending to bear children. In the United States alone, studies show that after the first year of trying to conceive, nearly 15%...

  • AI Improve Human Resource Management
    The Potential of AI to Improve Human Resource Management (HRM)

    H.R. is just one of the many fields transformed by A.I. Recent studies agree that the future of HRM involves the collaboration between a man and the machine. A.I. can complement human workers' efforts and free up their time. H.R. professionals can use this opportunity to pay more attention to...

  • Time of the Year for Hackers
    Connected Devices
    It’s Always the Most Wonderful Time of the Year – for Hackers

    The year 2021 ended up with the highest holiday retail sales on record, with companies ramping up their efforts to capture consumers' attention, dollars -- and data. And it worked! Ecommerce retail sales grew from 11% to 15% in the 2021-2022 holiday season. That's an estimated $210 billion in eCommerce...

  • Secure BYOD Policies
    Big Data
    How Secure BYOD Policies Aid Recruitment and Enable Smarter Work

    The kitchen kegerators, game rooms, and premium gym equipment that once lured fresh talent are now collecting dust in a world that’s turned to hybrid work. Instead of seeking out the flashiest offices and perks, job seekers are looking for practical benefits to help them work more comfortably and productively...

  • A Connected and Smart World
    IoT: A Connected and Smart World

    Technology is taking a sharper turn to change the world like never before. As a result, the internet landscape is also expanding. It is not only limited to smartphones, laptops, tablets, or computers anymore. In today’s era, a multitude of devices is internet-connected, creating “smart” devices. As you know, IoT...

  • Marketing
    Authenticity Is the Key to Compelling Content in 2022: Here’s Why

    Content marketers like to spend time debating amongst themselves about how the content world is going to change and which trends are going to dictate the future of the industry (as well as which fads are going to die out). But even in this opinionated crowd, it’s relatively uncontroversial to...

  • Startup Valuations
    How Startup Valuations are Driving Company Equity

    With the rise of startups and growing businesses, it has become more critical for investors to have a thorough understanding of equity to be aware of all of the advantages they are receiving from the companies they have invested in. So, if you're an investor or the creator of a new...

  • Transforming Video Industry
    The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Transforming Video Industry

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed from a merely academic concept to an important technology for businesses across all industries. For example, artificial intelligence has become a powerful tool for content analysis, automatic editing, and personalized recommendations in the video industry. AI-powered content analysis can help identify the topics covered in...

  • Role of Crypto in the Fintech
    The Role of Crypto in the Fintech Industry and the Wider Economy

    Over the past couple of years, modern society has witnessed the increasing prevalence and adoption of Blockchain technology. However, for the Padawans out there who think of the Blockchain as a network of nano-bots ready to overtake humanity, the Blockchain is basically just a set of code that records events,...

  • Best eCommerce Platforms
    Customer Service
    Practical Tips for Choosing Best eCommerce Platforms

    You want to build an online store, but with so many eCommerce platforms on the market, you're unsure which one to choose for your business? Well, search no further. Even before the pandemic, eCommerce has established itself as the driving force of business nowadays. For that reason, when you shop...

  • Digital Trust and Safety on Fintech
    Digital Trust and Safety on Fintech Platform

    The financial technology or Fintech market is expanding with new, innovative businesses improving banking and financial services like never before. According to the Market Data Forecast, by the year 2026, the fintech market will reach a market value of $324 billion at a compound annual growth rate of 23.41%. As...

  • AI vs. Coronavirus
    AI vs. Coronavirus: 6 Ways it Helps Healthcare

    The world is shrinking into a crystal ball of technology. Everything is bound by the web of the internet, our homes, schools, workplace, or a restaurant where we love to eat every weekend. We see new smart tools and intelligent automation technologies nearly every other day – all thanks to...

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