Results for "Analysis"

We found 3630 results for your search.
  • Automating Everything Not
    Why Automating Everything Might Not Be Your Best Solution

    Low-code/no-code development offers a tantalizing future where almost anybody can create workflow automation to streamline operations for a more efficient, productive workplace. According to TechRepublic, 47% of organizations already use low-code/no-code platforms, with workflow automation being the leading reason. The business world is certainly ready to embrace low-code/no-code development in...

  • IDO Launchpad Solution
    IDO Launchpad Solution to Start your Crypto Business like a Pro

    As the crypto world witnesses overwhelming projects traction, it is essential to know that each of those projects needs capital. There are multiple ways to raise funds for business, which have their own pros and cons. The story begins when the first crypto-based applications opened up to provide some use...

  • Trends in Production
    10 Future Trends in Production and Manufacturing

    Manufacturers move from manual labor through machine-dependent assembly lines to highly automated factories we see this trend today -- and the industry evolves. Several trends are merging to change production, often referred to as "Industry 4.0." Let's look at the seven key themes driving Industry 4.0. Manufacturers move from manual...

  • woman adjusting temperature on smart thermostat
    How Are Smart Thermostats Making Homes Greener?

    When people look at green home options to make their abodes more sustainable, they often explore smart thermostat options. They’re accessible, reasonably priced, and can usually help households save money. According to one source, they can reduce heating bills by up to 12% and cooling expenses by as much as...

  • on-the-go banking security
    Making a Great App Isn’t Enough: How to Properly Monetize a Mobile App

    Software developers and entrepreneurs are sometimes plagued with the belief that creating an amazing app is all it takes to become successful. In a perfect world, that could be the case; in an “if you build it, they will come” scenario, a sufficiently fantastic app would sell itself, generating its...

  • Digital Transformation in Supply Chain Management
    Growth Of AI As A Service (AIaaS) Market

    Artificial intelligence as a service (AIaaS) refers to the use of pre-trained machine learning algorithms, robotic process automation (RPA) to natural language processing (NLP) in the cloud to automate business processes. In this respect, it is similar to software as a service (SaaS). However, AIaaS allows business users to access...

  • IoT Business Opportunities
    10 IoT Business Opportunities on the Rise

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining traction as a connected device. And smart home and office gadgets have taken over the market. According to Statista, the worldwide Internet of Things (IoT) sector will be valued at over $1 trillion by 2030. This increased income opens up new opportunities to...

  • EV Stocks Have Been Crushed
    EV Stocks Have Been Crushed. Why It’s Time to Buy the Dip.

    Within the next 1,500 words, I’m going to convince you to buy the dip in the best EV stocks with both hands. And I’m going to start by talking about your favorite cereal. Ready? OK, here goes nothing. When you’re rolling down the aisle of your local grocery store and see your...

  • DevOps to DevSecOps
    How to Transform DevOps Technology to Achieve DevSecOps

    Organizations wanting to prosper and grow through innovative apps and services have reaped significant benefits from the change to flexible cloud computing platforms, shared storage and data, and dynamic applications. Nowadays, hackers search for new ways to spread malware and other flaws. The impact on both the customer system and...

  • Blockchain in Clinical Trials
    Blockchain in Clinical Trials: Can it Improve Transparency?

    Clinical trials are archaic and can be traced back to ancient times - 500 B.C. The reason for the conduct of clinical trials is the development of drugs, procedures, and devices to improve human health. Since then, clinical trials have gone through many changes and updates on the standards that...

  • Multi-Cloud Management
    Everything You Need to Know About Multi-Cloud Management

    Multi-cloud environments have been trending for a couple of years now, owing to the modular nature of services they offer. Vendor lock-ins are completely avoided, and systems running on multi-clouds experience lower latencies in addition to gaining more functionality out of the subscribed services. In fact, a Gartner study has...

  • Scale Your Online Business
    How to Scale Your Online Business the Right Way

    If you have an online business, you're probably eager to scale it as soon as possible and as quickly as possible. Scaling is simply a term referring to your business’s growth; over time, the goal is to attract more customers, achieve a bigger footprint, and eventually become more competitively dominant....

  • improve customer experience
    Using Predictive Analytics to Improve Customer Experience Through Personalization

    The development of smartphone and computer technologies, and the internet in general, have influenced customers' default behavior and expectations when it comes to customer experience. More and more shopping is moving online, which is a very different environment, especially when interacting with users and maintaining relationships. The Covid Pandemic accelerated...

  • Validate App Ideas
    Find and Validate App Ideas: Step-By-Step Guide in 2022

    Without a process of idea validation, there is always the risk of failure. An app idea needs to pass three different tests for it to be a sure-shot winner. So let us take a look at this process in detail. To begin with, the app idea should be tested for...

  • Managing a Successful Business Tips
    8 Tips For Building and Managing a Successful Digital Business

    From online shopping and telehealth services to remote working and virtual workout sessions, digital offerings are rapidly growing to meet market demands. Consumers rely on digital platforms for various daily activities, and there’s no better time than now to start a digital business. But with the vast opportunities also comes...

  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
    Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Tomorrow and Today

    It is a typically cold day in February and the peak of the flu season. Let alone the never-ending pandemic that seems to have been haunting this world forever. And it got me thinking - can technology help battle all these nasty diseases and improve patient outcomes? And most importantly,...

  • SEO Checker Optimization Tools
    How To Boost Your Rankings on Budget with SEO Checker Optimization Tools

    You would be aware of SEO and its benefits; however, SEO checkers might be new to you. With SEO checkers, you can optimize your content, rank for useful keywords, increase your brand's visibility and dominate SERPs results. But what exactly is an SEO checker, and how does it dominate Google...

  • Implementation of IoT in Healthcare
    5 Examples of Successful Implementation of IoT in Healthcare

    Adopting any new technology in the healthcare world is often a slow process. The reason - strict governance around data protection, compliance, and the long-drawn processes around testing new healthcare options. This is, of course, to ensure that there is no compromise to patient safety in any manner. While IoT...

  • Know Before Trying SEO
    What You Need to Know Before Trying SEO On Your Own

    Search engine optimization (SEO) has something of an allure to it. It's a kind of digital magic that allows businesses to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and earn more organic traffic as a result. It's also alluring because it's ridiculously easy to learn the fundamentals of the...

  • AI Investment Sector
    How A.I. is Transforming the Investment Sector?

    The past two years have significantly progressed the development and application of many digital services, products, and investment strategies. This also applies to artificial intelligence and blockchain. A wide variety of applications are already being used in everyday life. Companies with a significant footprint in the A.I. sector have shown...

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