Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Marketing
    Keyword Research: More Important Now Than Ever

    In times like these, most conventional wisdom goes out the window. Business practices that were working before COVID-19 aren’t necessarily working now. We’re in a constant state of flux and rapid adaptations and pivots are the secret sauce of successful entrepreneurs and companies. Having said that, there are some strategies...

  • iot healthcare tech converge
    IoT and Healthcare Technologies Converge for Better Patient Care

    The healthcare sector is thriving by making health services and medical system more efficient for patients. The integration of technological advancements and the convergence of emerging technologies have expanded the reach of proactive and preventive care worldwide. Still, there is a lot of room left for improving healthcare facilities and...

  • covid-19 jobs data
    Covid-19, Jobs, Data and Machine Learning

    Americans worry machine learning and artificial intelligence are a threat to their livelihoods. But the global pandemic demonstrates that these data technologies are essential to improving lives. A recent survey captured the job-loss anxiety. Thirty-seven percent of workers aged 18 to 24 say new technology will eliminate their job by...

  • crypto on covid
    Impact of COVID-19 in the Crypto Market

    In less than three months, the novel coronavirus (nCOVID -19) transformed from just one of the regular virus outbreaks in recent memories into a global pandemic, threatening to cause severe and drastic changes in the world's most significant issues as we know it. Many have already termed the latest pandemic...

  • guide employee experience
    Why You Need a Data-Driven Framework to Guide Employee Experience

    Employee experience, a foundational element of the workplace that lies at the heart of an organization’s success, remains a top talent concern for HR leaders. This isn’t a surprise given that 46% of employees are largely dissatisfied with their overall experience at their organization, according to a survey by Gartner...

  • Featured
    Samsung Health Monitor App Bringing Blood Pressure Monitoring to its Smartwatches

    The Galaxy Watch Active2 is receiving a blood pressure monitoring feature through a new app. It has been announced by Samsung that the Samsung Health Monitor app has been cleared by South Korea's Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) as a Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) in order...

  • pitch deck slides
    How Many Slides is A Pitch Deck?

    How many slides should be in your pitch deck? Knowing how many slides are best is a typical question the entrepreneur asks. The pitch deck question usually follows the query about a business model, and most entrepreneurs find many questions when it's time to raise funding. The number of slides...

  • Entrepreneurs
    6 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make During the Nascent Stage of Their Startups

    The year 2020 marked the end of a fantastic decade. A decade where we all witnessed the emergence of new businesses that changed how we humans functioned. Be it related to how we worked, how we traveled, or how we bought our daily amenities, everything became interconnected and much more...

  • 5 Healthcare Tech Trends Worth Keeping an Eye On
    5 Healthcare Tech Trends Worth Keeping an Eye On

    The healthcare industry is experiencing rapid shifts. Some of this is due to the current pandemic, but much of this evolution was happening even before the COVID-19 outbreak. Understanding and embracing the introduction of new technology into the market will be important for healthcare professionals and patients alike. Here are...

  • iot startups
    How Will IoT Improve the way Startups do Business in 2020?

    I know I know what you might be thinking. Not another blog post on IoT. But if you are using Fitbit, an alarm system in your home, or an auto lights system that operates by your phone -- you are already using the Internet of things (IoT) in ways you...

  • pandemic impact future work
    How Will the Pandemic Impact the Future of Work?

    As the pandemic forces many staff to work remotely, it is shaping the future of work - with more AI-enabled digital tools being incorporated to equip employees with ways to automate and enhance business processes. Surprisingly, an IDC survey only last year revealed that almost one-in-three office workers would not...

  • Featured
    SuperVPN – An App That Millions Need to Rid of ASAP!

    Everyone wants to safe online, but, what if the thing you think is keeping you safe actually puts you at risk? Recently, Google has removed a popular VPN from their Play Store - named SuperVPN. This was after it was discovered that the service could allow hackers to redirect users...

  • id verification fintech
    Online ID Verification – A Primer for Fintech Businesses

    Organizations such as banks or financial institutions that offer any form of financial services or products are required to comply with government regulations. These regulations include such as things as Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-money Laundering (AML). Here is online ID verification, a primer for fintech businesses. Fintech Regulation...

  • private equity or hedge fund
    Private Equity Job vs Hedge Fund Job –- What to Choose?

    Yes, there are many issues right now with your funds because of the COVID pandemic. But the world will right itself in the coming day, and you can prepare yourself by being informed of the direction you will pursue in finance. Both destinations, private equity, and hedge fund jobs are...

  • telecommunications ecosystems
    Big Data in the Telecommunications Ecosystem

    Big data analysis is the next innovative technique that the telecommunications (telecom) sector is deploying. Big data will tame the telecommunications abundance of data, and enable harvesting information “gold” from existing data storage. We know that Big data includes paper as well as innovating new ways of collecting numerous touch-points...

  • scale business
    5 Signs that You are Ready to Scale Business and Deploy Innovation

    The entrepreneur's path is challenging and exciting. It requires your full commitment and a sincere desire to scale business as you evolve too. It is a continuous process of stepping beyond your own limits and bringing innovation for the world to see. The moment when you start feeling your limits...

  • cybersecurity business threats
    Cybersecurity, Modern Technology and Business Threats

    The year 2020 is overcome with the COVID-19. But the virus isn't the only threat to our security. 2020 is also set to revolutionize the world with advancements that will shape the future of lives and businesses, alike. We now have 5G and IoT to Artificial Intelligence, Cloud technology, and...

  • security and privacy laws
    New Privacy and Security Laws of States Explained – How to Get Your Business Ready

    In the United States, from California all the way to Maine, there have been new laws enacted with regards to cybersecurity, privacy, as well as data security and breaches. But is your business prepared? Here are the new privacy and security laws of the states explained and how to get...

  • Technology
    5 Technologies to Support Working from Home

    The recent spread of COVID-19 is inspiring more and more businesses to ask employees to work from home. But have they prepared their employees to do so? Modern offices are packed with technology and infrastructure that makes work possible, but most homes don’t have a fraction of that support. If...

  • Kubernetes, k8s
    Kubernetes Going Mainstream — Innovative Startups Rise

    VMWare describes the shift to the cloud as the most significant shift in enterprise architecture of the decade and that 500 million new apps will be launched in the next five years. Thanks to containers, compute costs are falling by 50%, and resources can be provisioned 450X faster. With Kubernetes...

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