Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • mobile apps analytics
    Role of Mobile App Analytics In-App Engagement

    Mobile apps are evolving a great deal as the world approaches 2020. Earlier, the performance of mobile apps rested over the criticality of mobile app testing, but now the times have changed. Mobile app owners and online marketers now believe that they require a consistent series of effort as an...

  • website tracking
    Leveraging Big Data that Data Websites Should Track

    Creating a product that solves customers’ problems is not just a matter of intuition, expertise, or brainstorming. Often, marketers get so overly confident in their knowledge of the market. A marketer may believe that there’s always the option to look at the state of things. Instead of imagining what the...

  • mobile payments
    The Rise and Rise of Mobile Payment Technology

    Digitalization is a trend that has embraced our generation to the fullest and steadily. Digitalization among mobile users is piercing through all the sectors. If we talk about how financial transactions have impacted by digitization, it’s immense. Here is the rise and rise of mobile payment technology. The augmentation of...

  • self-serve tech
    Customer Service
    How Self-Service Technology Can Boost Startup Growth

    For every startup business, the need to give customers the best customer service experience is the key priority. Customers are kings, and they determine business growth. Your company growth will largely depend on how you treat them. Here is how self-service technology can boost startup growth. Some startups are already...

  • AI
    AI Will Empower Leaders, Not Replace Them

    We tend to associate artificial intelligence with efficiency, focusing on all the work it can save. What gets a lot less discussion is how AI can empower. Take leadership as an example. Good leadership depends on making the right decisions at the right time. AI helps with the decision-making process...

  • AI
    Demystifying AI: What’s Fiction, and What’s Worth Fanfare?

    As artificial intelligence drives a fourth industrial revolution, fears and doubts about AI are pervasive. In the first industrial revolution, machines began replacing manual labor, and there were human concerns over the change. Here is demystifying AI. What's fiction and what's worth the fanfare? What is the truth about Artificial...

  • Is Artificial Intelligence Racial Bias Being Suppressed?
    Is Artificial Intelligence Racial Bias Being Suppressed?

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are used to power a variety of important modern software technologies. For instance, AI powers analytics software, Google’s bugspot tool, and code compilers for programmers. AI also powers the facial recognition software commonly used by law enforcement, landlords, and private citizens. Of all the...

  • intelligent data
    How Intelligent Data Addresses the Chasm in Cloud

    Advancements in cloud technology and the proliferation of cloud migrations enables the growth of a “self-service” culture when it comes to Business Intelligence (BI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) advanced analytics. Here is how intelligent data addresses the chasm in the cloud. Self-service advanced analytics allows business users...

  • travel tech
    Is Voice Search the Next Big Travel Technology Trend?

    Voice technology has limitless possibilities. Siri and Alexa are as popular as ever. Residential voice assistant devices like Google Home and Amazon Echo are a part of daily life for millions of people. Voice search technology is here to stay, recent statistics confirm it. And the travel industry has taken...

  • data visualization tools
    Best Data Visualization Tools for 2020 Reviewed

    Big data is often a buzzword. In recent years the big data word has preoccupied business owners and made department managers drool. One crucial prerequisite to big data is to utilize professional data visualization tools. These tools provide a better way to access, explore and communicate your data. Here are...

  • Businessman working on start-up project with team in the office
    The 4 Critical Challenges of Tech Startup PR

    In the technology industry, almost more than anywhere else, image is everything. Image is the bedrock part of the "fake it till you make it" culture that animates most of Silicon Valley today. Innovators use it to sell illusions while they figure out the nuts and bolts of their big...

  • startup innovation
    8 Unusual Ideas for a Dentistry Business

    Today, even the field of dentistry is rich in creative entrepreneurs who actively create and introduce goods and services that may seem cool and unusual to you. Startups and innovative inventions in the field of dentistry which will surprise you. You'll find eight unusual ideas for a dentistry business. There...

  • Is Artificial Intelligence Ready to be the Backbone of Our Security Systems?
    Is Artificial Intelligence Ready to be the Backbone of Our Security Systems?

    Artificial intelligence has vastly improved in the last decade to the point where AI-powered software has become mainstream. Many organizations, including schools, are adopting AI-powered security cameras to keep a close watch on potential threats. For example, one school district in Atlanta uses an AI-powered video surveillance system that can...

  • Authentic multicultural marketing
    Why Multicultural Marketing Needs Machine Learning and Facial Tracking

    Authentically and Effectively Marketing to an Increasingly Diverse America Marketers in 2019 will find it hard to be successful without understanding the cultural transformation that’s happening in this country. Between 2012 and 2017, the US multicultural population - Hispanics, African Americans, and Asian Americans - grew to 11.7 million people....

  • Exploring the Convergence of the IoT and Patient Safety
    Exploring the Convergence of the IoT and Patient Safety

    The growth and explosion of IoT technology has been astonishing to watch over the past few years. And while we often discuss the impact it’s having in tech and consumer products niches, it’s having an equally profound impact in healthcare – particularly when it comes to patient safety. 6 Ways...

  • Can IoT Bridge The Gaps In Modern Mental Health Treatment?
    Can IoT Bridge The Gaps In Modern Mental Health Treatment?

    Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. In fact, every year one-fifth of Americans experiences a clinical mental health disorder, whether or not they are diagnosed or receive treatment. That means that even if you haven’t personally experienced a mental health crisis, you certainly know someone who has, even if they don’t talk...

  • augmented analytics
    A Megatrend Set to Disrupt the Business World

    Today we navigate our way across cities, pull up electronic tickets, purchase items, monitor our health, and, of course, stay connected with friends and family on our smartphones. The smartphone is one of those innovations that make us think,  "how did I ever function without it?" Smartphones revolutionized our personal...

  • cognitive automation
    Cognitive Automation is the Immediate Future of Team Management

    For all the anticipation of increased automation at work, commentators have spent a lot of energy trying to convince people it can only handle easy, repetitive processes. It’s time to finally confront the truth: Per the McKinsey Global Institute, today’s robots can handle up to a quarter of the average CEO’s job...

  • blockchain
    A Comprehensive Guide to Top Blockchain Platforms

    Blockchain has been picking up the pace since its inception in the year 2009 by a pseudo group named as Santoshi Nakamoto. Nakamoto has released a whitepaper named as Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system which never clearly mentioned about Blockchain as a technology, but is a great read, nonetheless....

  • MNCs big data analytics
    How are the Top MNCs Using Big Data Analytics to their Advantage?

    Big Data analytics have helped the organization to double its revenue in no time. An intelligent analysis of data is what you need if you wish to succeed in the coming years. Success is why almost all the top MNCs have adopted and started implementing big data practices for their...

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