Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Connected Devices
    8 predictions for the future of IoT in 2017

    Every year IoT brings new things to biotechnology, manufacturing, home living and every aspect of our daily lives. We've seen it disrupt traditional industries, transform our cities and contribute to the autonomous transport of the future. It sits in an ecosystem where machine learning, AI and data analytics help us understand our...

  • Cloud
    Interview with Michael Miller author of The Internet of Things: How Smart TVs, Smart Cars, Smart Homes, and Smart Cities Are Changing the World

    Seasoned technology writer Michael Miller spoke to ReadWrite about his latest book The Internet of Things: How Smart TVs, Smart Cars, Smart Homes, and Smart Cities Are Changing the World. During this conversation, he discussed current IoT practices, implementations and made some useful predictions of how consumers and businesses will...

  • smart cities
    Readwrite Sponsors
    How leveraging data can create a safer, smarter city

    At its core, a smart city should be a safe city. However, with 54% of the world’s population living in urban areas today, and the addition of another 2.5 billion people to cities expected by 2050, achieving this goal has never been more challenging. Urban environments present unique safety challenges...

  • Smart Cities
    3 benefits a smart city can gain from smart infrastructure

    The Internet of Things is sweeping across the globe at breakneck speeds, and before we know it, our entire lives will be facilitated by connected technology. We’re already seeing the IoT make an incredible impact on how the industrial world operates, and we’re seeing it seep into household goods to...

  • Health
    Tech world aims to tackle the mental health issue next

    Several months ago, CCS Insight surveyed 2,000 people in the US and UK about what they would most like to have tracked about themselves, and a large portion of them answered with, “stress levels.” It looks as though their requests are being answered.  Mental health is a big focus in...

  • Smart Cities
    Making a small corner of Vienna just a little smarter

    Siemens AG is leading a consortium undertaking a new smart city research initiative in the new Aspern district of the Austrian capital. The German engineering goliath is the lead partner in a public private partnership called Aspern Smart City Research. The project, which has a five-year budget of $41 million,...

  • Industrial
    How the Internet of Crops is solving the issue of food waste

    It's not every day that you meet a tech startup with a team that includes an agronomist and entomologist.  One of the great things about IoT is that it's a sector that utilizes technology to solve problems that have plagued traditional industries for centuries. An example of that issue of...

  • inmarket-beacon
    Connected Devices
    This beacon platform influenced $14.5 billion in Black Friday sales

    inMarket, one of the world’s largest beacon platforms, says its analysis shows its platform influenced $14.5 billion in consumer spending during the Black Friday weekend. The platform noticed 370 percent more beacon detections than the same time last year, showing the rise in beacon engagement from both consumers and retailers in...

  • Developer
    Samsung have Invested $10 Million in Svace, Security Solution to Analyze Tizen Apps

    As part of its security measures, Samsung are using the SVACE technology (Security Vulnerabilities and Critical Errors Detector) to detect potential vulnerabilities and errors that might exist in source code of applications created for the Tizen Operating System (OS). This technology was developed by ISP RAS (Institute for System Programming of the Russian...

  • Industrial Internet Research by McKinsey shows that IIoT will touch the 43% of global economy
    For real industrial internet insight: don’t just capture data, use it

    Industrial operators already have mountains of data and its only getter bigger. A recent report by GE and Accenture found that for 80 to 90 percent of companies, Big Data analytics is among the top three priorities, and 76 percent expect their investment to increase over the next year. Data...

  • Connected Devices
    Wearable innovation is coming to first responder technology

    The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate  has announced the selection of 10 start-up companies to be part of EMERGE 2016: Wearable Technology, an accelerator program designed to bring start-ups, accelerators, and other strategic partners together in a common research and development effort. The program operates in conjunction...

  • Smart Cities
    How IoT and citizen science can tackle urban disadvantage

    The Centre for Urban Science and Progress at New York University has recently released the findings from a smart city pilot study. It's the first in-depth analysis of a local New York Neighborhood intent on measuring the quantified community. They utilized IoT sensors to collect and analyze quality-of-life measurements at high spatial and...

  • use machine learning
    Connected Devices
    How to use machine learning in today’s enterprise environment

    One of the latest trends in the world of technology and engineering is "machine learning" -- in fact, all of the big technology companies today have invested in artificial intelligence and machine learning projects. The term "machine learning" was first defined by Arthur Samuel, way back in 1959. He defined it...

  • epilepsy
    Can this new wearable provide insight into epilepsy?

    A new wearable system was introduced last month that is designed to help epilepsy patients receive proper care when needed.  The system, named MyCareCentric Epilepsy, combines a Microsoft Band wristband, a mobile app, machine learning, shared care records, and data analysis tools. MyCareCentric Epilepsy works by placing a large variety...

  • Connected Devices
    Welcome to yet another IoT platform

    You're probably thinking "Really?!? Don't we already have enough?” And you'd be right. The last count I heard was there are over 125 IoT platforms in the industry. Doesn't IoT have enough problems reaching maturity without more platforms muddying the waters? That's not the worst of it, though. If you're...

  • Transportation
    Mo’ drones, mo’ problems that need drone insurance

    The use of drones is evolving from their role in military strikes to support, commercial and recreational roles around the world (see our review of the best drones). These include the use of drones as first responders in Denmark for firefighting, chemical accidents and larger car accidents in urban and...

  • Smart Cities
    Smart city project to boost Tallahassee resiliency, urban mobility

    Florida State University (FSU) is partnering with the City of Tallahassee on an urban mobility project that aims to boost smart city resiliency. According to the university is working with city officials to enhance Tallahassee’s utilization of current transportation and power systems. The city is looking to determine how...

  • Connected Devices
    Why artificial intelligence will finally unlock IoT

    According to Gartner, there will be more than 20 billion connected devices worldwide by 2020. Today’s enterprises are already benefitting greatly from a strong, connected workforce, but as Internet of Things (IoT) enabled devices move forward, saturating the market, is it possible for them to outpace their own benefits? After...

  • broken-lock
    Connected Devices
    Hackers use decade old vulnerability to attack Internet of Things

    The Internet of Things (IoT) has the opportunity to reinvent how we visualize the internet, but it also comes with a variety of challenges, including the threat of hackers devastating lives or destroying a business's assets. This chaotic future may already be upon us, according to researchers at Incapsula. The...

  • Smart Cities
    RW Q&A: Singapore’s CIO weighs in on IoT and smart cities

    Singapore, the booming Asian city-state, is one of the world's leading smart cities. With technology-driven government projects stretching back decades, it remains at the forefront of global smart city innovation. To further its ambitious Smart Nation 2025 plan, Singapore recently launched two new agencies focusing on innovation-related aspects of this complex...

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