Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Cloud
    SQL Is Alive And Well

    What's the next big opportunity for developers after mobile? Distributed systems may be the answer, according to Eric Frenkiel, the cofounder and CEO of MemSQL.When Apple introduced its first version of iOS nearly eight years ago, it did more than introduce a smartphone operating system. That launch sparked a new platform for...

  • Mobile
    Samsung’s Tizen Z1 Smartphone Is Number One! (In Bangladesh)

    From smartwatches and smartphones to smart televisions, Samsung is putting its homegrown Tizen operating system into as many products as it can. While Tizen has yet to take off in the way the company has hoped, a new report published by Counterpoint Research reveals that there’s one place that Tizen mania has...

  • Web
    Forget Pizza: In The Future, Drones May Deliver You

    Drones may edge closer and closer to becoming our common couriers, photographers and even hunters, but when it comes to autonomous electric flying technologies, there's still one area that seems out of reach: personal transportation (see our review of the best drones). Joby Aviation aims to change that with its battery-powered...

  • Wear
    Tzoa’s Wearable Enviro-Tracker Wants To Clear The Air

    Given the seemingly endless supply of fitness trackers and health bands, there's are no shortage of wearables that record and report user data coming from within. But a new device called Tzoa, which appeared on the floor of Wearable World Congress in San Francisco, provides insights into a person’s health...

  • Web
    I Wore Suitsy For A Week—And No One Noticed

    This post first appeared on the Ferenstein Wire, a syndicated news service; it has been edited. For inquires, please email author and publisher Gregory Ferenstein.I spent the last week gliding around San Francisco in the now infamous “Suitsy,” an adult-sized pajama onesie disguised as a full business suit. At bars and...

  • Application
    [Application] Moneycontrol Markets Tizen app for the Samsung Z1

      If you want to keep on top of the stock market then you need to be connected, after all knowledge is power, and stock market decisions are based on critical real-time information. If you are an investor, trader, professional or just interested in business, economy and financial markets, you...

  • Grow
    11 Things To Remember When Your Startup Tackles A New Market

    Guest author Scott Gerber is the founder of the Young Entrepreneur Council.Getting customers in the door is a challenge that all entrepreneurs face. But even if you've been successful with one business model to date, targeting a new customer base—whether through expansion or a new venture—can feel like starting all...

  • Hack
    Check Out This Coding Toy—For Grownups

    The line between toy and tech tool barely exists anymore, as companies increasingly turn hardware hacking and programming into a fun kids' play. London-based Kano, one of the hottest (and newest) of the technological child whisperers, wants to bring that youthful exuberance to everyone—young and old alike.Kickstarted into existence in...

  • Cloud
    Amazon’s Cloud Juggernaut Still Has “World Domination” In Its Sights

    Amazon CEO Jeff BezosAmazon Web Services is on a mission, and as its name might suggest, it's not a particularly small one. Indeed, as Gartner analyst Lydia Leong declares, "They are essentially pursuing world domination."And at its current course and speed, who would bet against Amazon?On the eve of Amazon...

  • Web
    Welcome Back To ReadWrite, Jolie O’Dell

    I'm very pleased to announce that ReadWrite has brought back Jolie O'Dell, one of our most distinctive voices, in a new role of special projects editor.We don't often gaze at our navel here at ReadWrite, but when we do, all the lint comes out.As you know, I've been thinking a...

  • Social
    We’re All At The Mercy Of The Facebook News Feed

    Another Facebook News Feed tweak has been attracting attention this week, not for the first (or last) time. In addition to three significant changes, it brings yet another reminder that we're all at the mercy of its algorithms. Whether you're a million-dollar publishing empire or a mother with some baby pictures,...

  • Mobile
    Moore’s Law Is Dead! (But Not In Mobile)

    Moore's Law is dead at the age of 50. Everyone says so. And yet, if we look at improvements in mobile performance over the past few years, if anything, we see Moore's Law in overdrive. What gives?Moore's Law Is Too ExpensiveMoore's argument, which has stayed strong for 50 years, is essentially...

  • Mobile
    Google’s Latest (Potential) Disruption: Per-Gigabyte Wireless Data Charges

    Google’s forthcoming wireless service could allow customers to pay for data by the gigabyte, says a new report from Android Police Monday—a move that could force the hands of U.S. carriers used to roping customers into complicated data-cap plans that often end up gouging them.See also: Why Your Cell-Phone Bill Should...

  • Structure
    The Future Of Big Data Looks Like Streaming

    Big data is big news, but it's still in its infancy. While most enterprises at least talk about launching Big Data projects, the reality is that very few do in any significant way. In fact, according to new survey data from Dimensional, while 91% of corporate data professionals have considered investment...

  • Hack
    Heroku May Be Limiting Free Service For Hobbyist App Developers

    Heroku may be dropping the hammer on hobbyist developers, at least according to hints we're seeing that it may soon limit its free services. The app hosting company has apparently floated a new pricing scheme that's only visible to participants in a private beta of its service.According to those who've...

  • Web
    Your “Strong” Password May Be Weaker Than You Think

    If you've been relying on password meters to determine how strong your passwords are, we've got some bad news. Their strength measurements are highly inconsistent and may even be leading you astray, according to a new study from researchers at Concordia University: In our large-scale empirical analysis, it is evident that...

  • Structure
    Batch Your Big Data Jobs—Or Stream Them?

    Even among the über-sexy big data elite, Apache Spark is smoking. Promising dramatically better performance on in-memory (100x faster than Hadoop's MapReduce!) and on-disk (10x faster!) storage, Spark seems to be leading the charge into a beautifully fast Big Data future.According to some, Hadoop's batch-oriented days—that is, where you have...

  • Web
    The Tricorder, An All-In-One Diagnostic Device, Draws Nigh

    After pushing back deadlines by a few months, the 10 remaining teams in the Tricorder X Prize are nearing the day they will deliver a device that can diagnose 15 diseases and other basic health information through at-home tests. The teams are scheduled to deliver working prototypes in June to a UC-San...

  • News
    Samsung Business launched for the IoT enterprise market

      Samsung has launched Samsung Business, a new umbrella brand that is for the enterprise-based Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem, as part of its end-to-end business portfolio. Many of these products will be Tizen based, and form Samsung's IoT Tizen vision. In a keynote at CeBIT 2015 in Hannover, Germany,...

  • Structure
    Hadoop Creator: If You Want To Succeed With Big Data, Start Small

    "What is Hadoop?" is a simple question with a not-so-simple answer. Using it successfully is even more complex.Even its creator Doug Cutting offered an accurate-but-unsatisfying "it depends" response when I asked him last week at the Strata+Hadoop World conference to define Hadoop. He wasn't being coy. Despite serving as the poster child...

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