Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Developer
    [Developer] Tizen 2.3 Beta SDK Released, including support for wearable devices

    The Tizen 2.3 Beta SDK has been released and is available for immediate download (links below), and now includes support for the Tizen wearable profile. We would hope that Tizen 2.3 beta source code will also be released soon, which would enable additional hardware vendors to develop Tizen wearable devices,...

  • Work
    Big Organizations Have A Love/Hate/Love Affair With Hadoop

    CIOs are of two minds on Hadoop. They're not convinced that it can help them tackle their data but at the same time they're hiring Hadoop talent in droves. What gives?The reality is that while enterprises continue to stumble in the Big Data dark, they know that Hadoop—a framework for...

  • Work
    You Don’t Need A Data Science Unicorn—You Need A Data Science Team

    The allure of Big Data is that given enough data, human intuition stops mattering and the data takes over. It's a beautiful utopia where, as The Economist's Kenneth Cukier avers, we can "let the data speak" and stop hunting for causation while the data reveals correlations. Sadly, it's complete nonsense.In a...

  • Work
    NoSQL Databases Are Going Mainstream—They Actually Have Paying Customers

    NoSQL, the newish alternative to traditional relational databases, is a big deal, but it can also be a big mess: there are more than 100 different NoSQL databases, and several different kinds ranging from document to key-value to columnar to graph databases. Even more confusingly, relational databases are now cross-dressing...

  • Work
    Do Fortune 500 Firms Really Operate Like Startups? Not On The Tech Front

    Big companies talk about "operating like a startup," but few actually do. Hamstrung by bureaucracy and organizational friction, the Fortune 500 make lots of money but generally play it safe with technology, buying from the same incumbent vendors they've always used.Or do they?I wanted to dig into the technology choices...

  • Developer
    Tizen Samsung Gear S to launch with some impressive Apps

    The Smartwatch market is certainly going to be a lucrative space for the companies that can be first to release their products, go through the lessons learnt cycle, and also be able to build a viable application ecosystem on top of it, which shouldn't be confused with standard smartphone apps,...

  • Work
    Your CIO Doesn’t Know If You’re Using Big Data

    British companies might as well give up now. According to a new Teradata survey, UK companies are losing ground to their peers in Germany and France when it comes to "use of the new types of Big Data and the evolving techniques of analysis."While this may be true, it's just...

  • Hack
    Why Do Some Old Programming Languages Never Die?

    Many of today’s most well-known programming languages are old enough to vote. PHP is 20. Python is 23. HTML is 21. Ruby and JavaScript are 19. C is a whopping 42 years old. Nobody could have predicted this. Not even computer scientist Brian Kernighan, co-author of the very first book on...

  • Social
    Secret Is Cracking Down On Bullying

    Secret, the anonymous application that lets users post random comments and share them with friends, is finally doing something about bullying.Secret now uses sentiment analysis to determine if someone is posting something against the app’s guidelines—like a harassing comment—and will prompt users to rethink their posts if so. If someone...

  • Social
    Local Ferguson Reporters Use Twitter Like War Correspondents

    Local reporters in Ferguson covering the ongoing unrest have turned to what's become a mandatory tool for war correspondents covering conflict in real time, Twitter. For Danny Wicentowski, 24, a staff reporter at the Riverfront Times, a St. Louis weekly, Twitter serves as his pipeline to the newsroom, allowing him to provide realtime...

  • Industrial
    Why Robot Workers Aren’t A Bad Thing For Jobs

    Robot usage in the global manufacturing industry has been climbing steadily since 2009, the MIT Technology Review reports.Sourcing World Robotics, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the OECD, MIT found that robotic worker purchases increase every year. However, a closer look at the numbers indicates that robots aren’t taking...

  • Hack
    Has Silicon Valley Reached Peak Hoodie?

    I hear a man strolling by the Original Stitch pop-up stand on San Francisco's 4th and Townsend nonchalantly say, “That’s a nice shirt.”The Original Stitch pop-up stand.He's eyeing two button-ups neatly folded on a table, next to a giant Goodwill donation bin. The pop-up stand is part of last week's #DitchTheHoodie event...

  • Web
    Vacationers, Let Your Smart Home House-Sit Itself

    ReadWriteHome is an ongoing series exploring the implications of living in connected homes.Three years ago, a pipe burst in Alex Hawkinson’s family vacation home when he was away.“We found it totally destroyed by moisture,” he told me in an interview earlier this year. “The electricity went out, and the pipes...

  • Mobile
    Shoes On The Run: Why Your Fitness App Wants To Sell You Stuff

    ReadWriteBody is an ongoing series in which ReadWrite covers networked fitness and the quantified self.My Nike+ Running app is free, like most of the running apps I've tried. So how does Nike make money off of it?It's all in the shoes. Nike's app asked me which shoes I run with,...

  • Entertainment
    HBO’s “Silicon Valley” Is Getting More Women

    The actors and creators behind the hit HBO show Silicon Valley took to Twitter Wednesday to answer questions from fans with the hashtag #AskSiliconValley. The hit show parodies the technology industry from its perch in Hollywood, but it's beloved by techies and critics alike. The second season begins airing in April...

  • Work
    Oh, Go Jump In A Data Lake, Says Fed-Up Gartner Analyst

    Over the years, Gartner has taken its fair share of criticism for hype and wildly wrong predictions. But in a Twisted Sister moment of karmic payback, Gartner analyst Nick Heudecker has come out swinging in a new report that rails against one of the latest examples of Big Data hype—what he...

  • Work
    How To Code Like A Startup

    Ever wonder why your Silicon Valley developer peers make more money than you? As Brookings analyst Jonathan Rothwell points out, it's not because they're more experienced than you. Rather, it's because the technology skills they do have are "particularly valuable."What are these skills, you ask?While it's impossible to get an...

  • Lead
    8 Questions You Should Ask A Key Employee Before They Quit

    You depend on your team. So when a key staff member tells you that they are considering moving on, it's usually an unexpected (and unwanted) surprise. We asked eight members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) what questions they should ask in this situation. Here's what they had to say: What...

  • Hack
    Machine Learning Goes Open Source

    The machines are taking over. Or they will, if we keep teaching machines to think for themselves. And we can't seem to stop.Two years back GigaOm's Derrick Harris opined that "it’s difficult to imagine a new tech company launching that doesn’t at least consider using machine learning models to make...

  • Web
    Why Google Wants To Padlock The Web

    Well, that's one way to bend the Internet to your will. Google on Thursday applied its not-inconsiderable leverage as Search King of the Universe to "encourage" websites to encrypt their traffic, thus protecting themselves and their users from hackers and other spies (hello, NSA!)What Google is doing here is an...

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