Home Hello, Tizen Experts! Here’s to Samsung’s Future

Hello, Tizen Experts! Here’s to Samsung’s Future

I know, I know. This post starts the beginning of what will be a good deal of work from me in an exciting new venture in my life as well as that of Tizen Experts. My name is Deidre Richardson, and I’m a true tech enthusiast at heart. What has fascinated me in tech for the last few years has been seeing new smartphones, testing new smartphones, and covering the companies themselves as well as what they’re up to next.
It’s no secret that I love Samsung, and I’ve been in love with this company since 2012 with the arrival of Samsung’s Galaxy S3. I know, I know, the Nature UX Samsung had on the Galaxy S3 wasn’t everyone’s cup of java, but I loved it. And it was after I started experiencing life with iPhones and even a Google Nexus device that I figured out Samsung and TouchWiz were loves of mine. After that, I devoted myself to bringing awareness to Samsung’s products wherever I traveled on the Web, and that’s led me to some very interesting places in my journey to Tizen Experts.
Tizen is fairly new, but Samsung has a golden opportunity to provide a truly remarkable alternative to Google’s Android, and Google’s shunning of Samsung’s experimental efforts has pushed me more and more to the idea of “What if I left Android completely?” That’s not to say that Android hasn’t been wonderful, but I do my best in all my ponderings about tech to consider all the options. I could be happy if Samsung kept all of its innovation within the Android world. At the same time, however, Samsung would hold itself back to do so – and the last thing I want for Samsung is to hold itself back.
I’ve been deemed a Samsung fangirl across the Web, someone who lacks objectivity with regard to Samsung’s rivals because I love Samsung so much; at the same time, however, who could write more passionately about Samsung than someone who truly loves the company and values its innovations? Samsung’s world-class cameras, battery-saving modes, and Air View and Air Gesture (yes, iOS 9’s 3D Touch took some inspirational cues from Air View) are features that give us a glimpse into what this company can do when Samsung isn’t shackled down and restricted.
The Note Edge, Galaxy S6 edge and edge+, and even the original Galaxy Note are marvels that show us Samsung’s potential in the smartphone space. It is my hope that I can be a part of what Samsung is doing with Tizen and that, someday, I won’t have to visit the Google Play Store to find all my apps because the Tizen Store will be self-sufficient for me in meeting my mobile needs.
As much as I’ve lived within the Android world, I’ve always been an even bigger Samsung girl. When it comes to Android, I could take it or leave it – but I would follow Samsung anywhere. I do mean, anywhere.
With that said, it’s a pleasure to introduce myself to each and every one of you, and it is my hope that I can be an asset to the Tizen Experts staff and readership. You all are a significant part of my life, and I don’t ever want to take this opportunity for granted.
I must give a special thanks to Ash for making all this happen. He is extremely biased toward me, and I’m honored to know him and work alongside him and the Tizen Experts team. This honor means more to me than you’ll ever know.
Well, I’ve said more than enough here. Tizen is going to be an incredible adventure for Samsung and for those of us who want to see just where it goes. As with every adventure in life, Tizen will have its ups and downs, its “bumps” and “curves,” but that’s what makes roller coasters (and life itself) worth living, right? In the final analysis, whatever happens, each of us will be better off for having joined Samsung for the ride of a lifetime. Now, buckle your seatbelts; with Samsung’s second-generation Tizen-powered smartphone (Z3) in the wild, the best is yet to come. I’m so glad that I can make this trip with each of you.

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