Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    The Era Of Easy Riches In Mobile Apps Is Over

    Earlier this week I sat down with a startup working on an iPad app for news discovery. For several hours the talk revolved around user interface and experience, user acquisition and retention and the difficulty in penetrating a mobile market that is so flooded with apps that individual apps find...

  • Entertainment
    Yup, Social Media Really Does Drive Music Sales

    For some musicians, social media is a pain. They'd much rather focus on writing and performing songs than tweeting, pinning and Instagramming from the tour bus. Does all that time spent on digital promotion even pay off? New research suggests that yes, it does. There's actually a correlation between an artist's...

  • Cloud
    Rackspace CTO: Services & OpenStack – Not Price – Key To Winning Cloud Computing

    While cloud computing giants Amazon, Google and Microsoft scramble to cut prices to lure customers to their cloud-computing infrastructures, their smaller rival Rackspace Hosting is heading in the opposite direction."We're not going the route of a race to the bottom," says John Engates, Rackspace's chief technology officer. Instead, Rackspace is betting...

  • Mobile
    Windows Phone #DroidRage Twitter Stunt Blows Up In Microsoft’s Face

    When it comes to the war for mobile phone supremacy, Microsoft knows that it is the underdog; that it needs to make some drastic moves to make a dent in the power bases of top dogs Apple and Google/Samsung. So Microsoft appears to have given its marketing wing carte blanche...

  • Mobile
    Surface Pro’s $899 Price Tag Aimed At Businesses, Not You

    Microsoft has priced its Surface Pro Windows 8 tablet, due in January, at about the same level as an ultrabook - only without that pesky keyboard.In a blog post, Microsoft Surface chief Panos Panay revealed the price: $899 for a Surface Pro with Windows 8 and 64GB of flash storage,...

  • Web
    The GOP, Apple And The Power Of Magical Thinking

    I appreciate the value of myth and storytelling, but nevertheless I'm constantly struck by the power that myths have over us, and the ability of human beings to engage in what psychologists call "magical thinking."One example is the GOP, whose adherents last week kept believing that Mitt Romney was going...

  • Social
    Twitter Is Now The Best Way To Follow Election Results

    In case you missed it, the United States elected a president yesterday. I try to stay away from politics — it’s only fun in Chicago, anyway — but last night, I anxiously tuned in.Election night television, it seems, hasn’t changed much in the past four years — the same guys in the...

  • Web
    Nate Silver’s Model Proves To Be Stunning Portrait Of Logic Over Punditry

    At 9:47 p.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday, my mother texted me. “Nate Silver is a rock star,” she said. “Not yet,” I replied.President Barack Obama had not yet sewn up his re-election in the campaign against Mitt Romney and the contest was a narrowly run affair. Virginia, a state that I called...

  • Web
    How Statistician Nate Silver Threw A Wrench Into Traditional Election Metrics

    Sports and politics are remarkably similar. Both have billions of dollars at stake, engender profound emotions and revolve around larger-than-life individuals. And they both share a culture of data devoted to making predicting future results more accurate than ever. Don't just ask Moneyball's Billy Beane - ask statistician Nate Silver, a...

  • Social
    Facebook’s EdgeRank Changes: A U.K. Company Claims They’re Killing Small Businesses

    A U.K. company that makes an app to help charities raise money says it may need some charity of its own, after nearly being run out of business because of changes to how Facebook lets it connect with its fans.The makers of Charity Engine grabbed the vanity Facebook URL

  • Web
    Presidential Campaign Issues: Real Life Vs. Social Media

    The economy, taxes, education, health care, immigration, foreign policy, China, Iran, the military. These are the big campaign issues for Tuesday's presidential election. But what about the world of social media? Do people care about different things? Yes.Turns out the simple act of using social networks impacts people's views and involvement in...

  • Mobile
    Dear Android: It Is Now Perfectly Okay To Go Out And Do Donuts In The Parking Lot

    Android now holds 75% share of the smartphone market, according to new numbers from IDC, while Apple in the most recent quarter had 15% share. That means Android is outselling Apple five to one. Last quarter Android was outselling Apple only (only!) four-to-one, when they had 68% and 17% share, respectively.Android...

  • Web
    How Badly Do Windows 8 And RT Need Dedicated Apps?

    As Microsoft hosts thousands of app developers in Redmond for its BUILD developers conference, the question needs to be raised: How badly does Microsoft need dedicated apps? More specifically, how badly does Microsoft need apps for Windows RT?Microsoft almost certainly needs dedcated Windows 8 and Windows RT very very badly....

  • Web
    Why Windows 8 PCs Look So Darn Different

    If this is the dawn of the “post-PC era,” then the economy never got the memo. While the tablet segment is finally growing (thank you, Apple), the five-times-larger PC segment is actually growing faster in terms of units, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.Industry analysis firm...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-Up: The New ReadWrite, Apple’s iPad Mini, And Better Ways To Measure Social Media Influence

    The New ReadWrite, Apple's iPad Mini, and Better Ways To Measure Social Media Influence. All of this and more in the ReadWrite Weekly Wrap-up.After the jump you'll find more of this week's top news stories on some of the key topics that are shaping the Web - Location, App Stores...

  • Web
    3 Habits For Managing Your Social Media Footprint

    "It's incredibly easy these days to get your thoughts out from your brain to the screens of people everywhere, and it's critical you take the time to pause when you feel emotions stirring. It's not just big brands and celebrities who make these missteps. More than ever you are judged...

  • Hack
    High-End iMacs + Cheap iPads = Trouble For PCs In Between

    It's a pretty well-known fact that Apple's desktop computers cost more than the average computer, and the latest numbers reflect that. PCs are far easier to buy than iMacs, but there's a good reason why Apple isn't compromising on price and performance in the consumer market. Thanks to the iPad,...

  • Cloud
    Obama & Romney Are Ignoring America’s Hottest Export: Big Data

    With as many as 67.2 million viewers worldwide, the latest round of U.S. presidential debates were the most closely watched since 1980, when Ronald Reagan delivered a crushing blow to then-President Jimmy Carter.Yet with that great an audience, in all three appearances, President Barack Obama made one of only two...

  • Hack
    Sloppy App Development Leaves Android Owners At Risk

    An analysis of thousands of apps found nearly 8% of them are vulnerable to what's called a man-in-the-middle attack. That's when a hacker intercepts data between the app and a Web server.Developers prevent this type of digital eavesdropping by implementing a cryptographic protocol called a secure sockets layer of protection....

  • Web
    A Special Thanks To 10 Years Of ReadWriteWeb

    All around us, we see the building blocks of a new era. We are in the midst of a new Age of Innovation where, all of a sudden, being a geek is cool. Entrepreneurship is considered a legitimate career option and the evolution of technology makes almost anything possible. Technology...

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