Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Work
    What The New Kindle Means To Amazon

    On Thursday, Amazon announced another family of branded shopping carts in which consumers can pile a wealth of digital goods. Sure, they may look like a Kindle e-reader, or the new Kindle Fire tablets - but make no mistake about the goals Amazon has for the new devices.Company executives pitched...

  • Startups
    Do Startup Benchmarks Really Make A Difference?

    By necessity, running a startup is like flying by the seat of your pants. Because the company is new, founders often have to make up things as they go along - with little opportunity to check and see how they're doing. That's starting to change, though, as new startup benchmarking...

  • Web
    Email Will Never Die – The Man Who Invented It Reveals Why

    Texting, instant messaging, Facebook, Twitter - we have dozens of ways to pass a message from one user to the next, and yet we keep coming back to email. Why? According to the man who sent the first one, because there’s still nothing quite like it.Possibly the most revealing statement...

  • Web
    Futurist’s Cheat Sheet: Internet of Things

    Through the Internet, humans have connected the world. People are closer to each other than ever while still remaining apart. The next phase of the the Internet will be about connecting things. The Internet of Things will be central to the infrastructure that we build. (The "Futurist's Cheatsheet" series surveys technologies...

  • Entertainment
    Study Tells Why We Can’t Resist Facebook Games

    Revenue from social networking games is expected to top $4.5 billion this year, up from $3.2 billion in 2011, and it looks like online-game sales could surpass retail sales as soon as next year. A Chinese study tries to figure out why these games are the fastest growing segment of...

  • Web
    Futurist’s Cheat Sheet: Holographic Displays

    Movies are filled with big, bright 3D holographic images. Whether it is Tom Cruise manipulating items out of thin air in Minority Report or Robert Downey Jr. going all mad scientist in Iron Man, 3D images have little real-world equivalent.We can dream though.Holographic and more advanced volumetric displays are just...

  • Work
    “Screensucking” Is Sapping American Productivity And Innovation

    You can thank Mark Zuckerberg, Evan Williams and others for turning America’s legendary productivity into wasteful social media “screensucking.” While social media may be engaging, it does not always help us accomplish what really needs to get done. It’s time to refocus America’s software ingenuity on making productivity software as...

  • Web
    YouTube Takes Another Swipe At TV With Its Election 2012 Livestreaming Coverage

    YouTube has been steadily expanding into the livestreaming business, from concerts and obscure sports to the 2012 Olympics, and now, to political coverage of the upcoming U.S. election. Today marks YouTube’s first livestream on their "Election Hub":  the Republican National Convention in Jacksonville, Florida, will begin streaming at 7pm EST...

  • Social
    How CNN’s Facebook Election Tool Spreads Misinformation

    As election season nears, more and more people are discussing the candidates and their positions online. Facebook and CNN want to be at the center of that conversation - but they have a long way to go if they really want to add to the debate.The two organizations announced Facebook-CNN...

  • Web
    Futurist’s Cheat Sheet: Biometric Authentication

    The problem is not new. One way or another, people have to validate their identities. I am trying to enter a building or a Web service that only Joe Smith should have access to, I need to offer evidence that I am, indeed, Joe Smith. For decades, authentication has required...

  • Hack
    What Every Organization Needs to Know About the Changing Face of Software Development

    The way software is created is in the midst of fundmental change. Agile, component-based software development are helping coders create applications faster and more efficiently than ever before, but the process has also introduced complex new risks and requirements. Four critical steps can help reduce those risks.Guest author Jason van...

  • Mobile
    HTML5: Don’t Believe the Hype Cycle

    Is HTML5 a distant dream or a here-and-now lifeline for the mobile Web? A recent report from research firm Gartner predicted that this collection of next-gen Web technologies is still five to 10 years from becoming a suitable basis for businesses. But developers are moving forward apace, and HTML5-enabled apps...

  • Deals
    Why Venture Capital No Longer Defines Innovation

    Today’s venture capital deal flow to innovative new companies looks a lot like a fat man trying to squeeze into a slim Italian suit. It just doesn’t fit. The new shape of innovation is a lot more inclusive of new approaches and sources of startup funding.In 2000, venture capitalists poured...

  • Web
    The Hulu Dilemma: How Private is Your Video Playlist?

    Hulu's year-long effort to dodge a lawsuit for sharing its users viewing habits hit a brick wall this week when a California judge rejected the company's motion to dismiss the suit. The Hulu privacy case is now one step closer to trial, and the question of who can share your video...

  • All Categories
    Looking Back at One Year of Tizen

    The Tizen project is approaching its one-year anniversary, which makes for a good opportunity to look back at how far the project has come. The Linux Foundation announced Tizen in September of 2011 as a combination of Intel's previous work on MeeGo and the LiMo Foundation's handset platform. Samsung formally...

  • Web
    How Twitter Predicted Romney’s VP Choice

    Even as some of the men Mitt Romney considered as a running mate waited for a call from the presumtive Republican presidential candidate, Twitter had already predicted that Paul Ryan would be tapped for the ticket. Here's how the tweet stream revealed Romney's secret.TweetReach, a unit of Internet analytics firm...

  • Web
    Olympics Online: Who Wins The Gold Medal For Best Website?

    We're well into the second week of the London 2012 Olympics, so which media website is winning with its online coverage? NBC fell at the first hurdle with its TV scheduling, but did the network get back into the race with its website? What about the New York Times, with...

  • Social
    Charting the Underground Twitterverse [Infographic]

    How bad is the underground Twitter economy? According to security vendor Barracuda Labs, pretty bad.Barracuda has put together an infographic (see below) that looked at dealers who sell fake Twitter accounts and the various people who have stuffed their Twitter followers with fake users, including one guy running for president. Most of the time...

  • Social
    Hooked Media Group Uses Social Discovery to Fine-Tune Game Recommendations

    Social discovery is the latest buzzword on the Web, but it has limits. Here's how one company is trying to use (but not over-use) social discovery to figure out what game you want to play before you even know you want to play it. (This is Part 1 in a series...

  • Social
    Twitter’s 2012 Election Index Measures Candid Tweets About the Candidates

    If you thought the 2008 election was defined by social media, wait until you see this one. Twitter launched the Twitter Political Index on Tuesday, a daily measurement of Twitter-wide sentiments about Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. It brings the scale of 400 million daily messages to bear. By watching...

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