Results for "Analysis"

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  • Web
    Sorry Kids, Mom And Dad p0wn You On The Net [Infographic]

    Which generation rules the Internet? Conventional wisdom has it that the Millennials are the most connected cohort in history. The only problem is that the conventional wisdom may not be true. The inter-generational habits of Internet denizens have been revealed in a numbers-rich infographic posted this week, which reveals that among...

  • Work
    SAP’s HANA Deployment Leapfrogs Oracle, IBM And Microsoft

    SAP has taken a big step ahead of rivals IBM, Microsoft and Oracle with the announcement on Thursday that its in-memory database called HANA is now ready to power the German software maker's business applications. The pronouncement is sure to darken the mood of competitors, who one analyst says will...

  • Work
    Innovating The Email Inbox – Without Deleting All

    Cue released data this week that shows that the average number of email messages received by users of its service in 2012 was 5,579. While that figure is not representative of the market at large, it does show how much traffic many email inboxes handle year in, year out.And how...

  • Hack
    Your Firm Is Small, But Still An Attractive Target

    Guest author Corey Nachreiner, CISSP, is director of security at WatchGuard, which sells network- and content-security products.The class of targeted attacks known at APTs (advanced persistent threats) is no longer reserved for Fortune 500 companies. As predicted by leading network security experts, APTs have started to infiltrate small- and medium-sized...

  • Entertainment
    Do Violent Video Games Really Cause Violent Behavior?

    After the recent tragedy in Newtown, CT, some commentators and - notably - the National Rifle Association (NRA) remarked that video games played a role in a "culture of violence" and detachment that can ease the path to violent behavior. This, in turn, has given new life to the debate...

  • Web
    The Battle Fronts Between Amazon & Google

    In this era where we think of “The Big Five” technology companies that dominate our computing experience, we tend to classify each company into its own distinct bucket. Facebook is the social giant, Apple is the runaway device maker, Google controls search and advertising, Amazon is the beast of e-commerce...

  • Mobile
    The Three Smartphone Business Trends That Mattered Most In 2012

    Patent WarsIt is impossible to do a year-end review of the mobile ecosystem and not mention the thermonuclear patent wars. Patents are the story of the year in mobile - with billion dollar lawsuits, injunctions, cease-and-desist letters and patent trolls all marching us down the road to chaos. Samsung and...

  • Work
    Six Tech Trends That Will Rock Enterprise IT In 2013

    In 2012, IT growth and innovation centered around mobile devices, cloud services, social networking and Big Data. 2013 is likely to see accelerated adoption in all those areas, as many companies move from experimenting and testing to deployment.What follows are 2013 predictions for some of the fastest growing next-generation technologies...

  • Web
    Obama Unveils Online Information Sharing Strategy To Fight Cyberterrorism

    "As President, I have no greater responsibility than ensuring the safety and security of the United States and the American people. Meeting this responsibility requires the closest possible cooperation among our intelligence, military, diplomatic, homeland security, law enforcement, and public health communities, as well as with our partners at the...

  • Mobile
    Brand New COPPA Amendments Are Already Behind The Times

    As innovation moves into the future at warp speed, the U.S. government has struggled  to keep its own rules and regulations up to date with current technology. So when Congress and the Federal Trade Commission set out to do just that with a landmark children's online privacy law, it's no...

  • Mobile
    Another Apple Patent Gets Smacked Down, And Its ‘Thermonuclear War’ Becomes Even More Of A Farce

    This time it's the so-called "pinch and zoom" patent getting rejected by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and this is a big deal since that patent was one that Apple used to achieve that huge $1 billion verdict against Samsung in a California kangaroo court last summer.Now what...

  • Work
    2013: Say Goodbye To The Traditional Data Center

    In 2013, traditional data centers will begin to lose their dominant status within the data-management food chain. They will increasingly be replaced by big-data software and lower-cost, ARM-based systems-on-chips. When thinking about the future of data centers, the problem is one of scale. For the past few decades, relational databases and the...

  • Social
    Why Twitter Buzz ≠ Movie Ticket Sales

    Most film studios operate under the assumption that the more buzz and positive sentiment a movie has on Twitter, the better the movie will perform at the box office. It ain't necessarily so...Instead, it's quality over quantity. Or maybe, influencers over volume. That is the basic formula for determining what works...

  • Work
    Clouds And Virtualized Storage: Catalyst For Change

    We tend not to think about storage - until we don't have enough. We carelessly store documents, emails, images, video, and massive amounts of all kinds data only to wonder why there never seems to be enough places to put our company's stuff. But as new technologies combine to provide...

  • Web
    How Obama Knew How You’d Vote, Even Before You Did

    Imagine you were a political analyst who time traveled from 1990s to November 5, 2012. A quick look at the national polls for the presidential election, you would probably have thought that Republican nominee Mitt Romney had a pretty good shot at claiming the presidency. Obviously, you - like many of...

  • Work
    The Age Of Data Wars Dawns

    In 2020, the annual amount of digital data created, replicated and consumed will total more than 5,200 gigabytes for every man, woman and child on the planet, according to a new International Data Corp. report. That’s 50 times the amount of per-person data than in 2010.Once it’s consumed, almost all...

  • Work
    Big Data Boosts Storage Needs – And Opportunities

    Storage has always been important to the enterprise - but the rise of big data applications puts unprecedented pressure on storage strategies and technologies. It's also delivering unprecedented benefits to the companies that figure out how to do it right.So how big is big data? Approximately 2.5 quintillion bytes of...

  • Social
    Partnering With Twitter To Tell A Bigger Story: Q&A With Vizify’s CEO

    Twitter is ephemera by definition. If you missed the joke, the hashtag or the pop-up account borne out of an awkward moment on stage with Clint Eastwood and an empty chair, well... the moment's over.But Twitter is also a repository of billions of such moments, many of them considerably more...

  • Startups
    How To Reverse Engineer Your Startup

    Many of today's most successful businesses got their start without an apparent business model in mind (I'm looking at you, Facebook). But while drifting around for years as a free service without a clear path to profits might work for some businesses, it's not a road that's going to lead...

  • Mobile
    Apple’s Thermonuclear Patent War Is A Farce

    The news: The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has declared a huge Apple multi-touch-screen patent - the so-called "Steve Jobs patent" - to be invalid. As CNET adds, this is the second Apple patent to get a smackdown. The previous one was about Apple's "rubber band" effect. Neither ruling is...

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