Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Smartphone
    Sports Tracker now Available for the Nokia N9 – MeeGo

        Sport Tracker, a veteran application of the Symbian world has made its way to the big screen. Yes the big screen in this case being the Nokia N9. With this version you are able to login to your account to be able to: Share - Workouts and Photos...

  • Web
    Roadblock to Virtualization: “Virtual Stall” Strikes Again

    No, that's not a typo in the headline. You've heard of virtual sprawl already, no doubt, and you may have experienced it in your own company. But virtual stall or VM stall refers to a concept coined by CA Technologies, from a landmark white paper published in August 2010.Essentially, the...

  • Web
    4 Lessons from the Biggest Internet Service Outages of 2011

    The recent three-day service outage of Research In Motion's Blackberry email service caused a chill felt across the world. And I'm not just talking about the affected customers. The chill was also felt by practically every IT network service professional watching the headlines in mid October, who know that if...

  • Social
    Facebook Timeline & The New Lifestreaming Era

    3 key points you need to know about Facebook Timeline, gleaned from two previous "lifestreaming" products: FriendFeed and Memolane.Facebook's new Timeline, currently in a limited developer release but set to be unveiled to its hundreds of millions of users any day now, is going to shake up the social networking...

  • Hack
    17 Alternatives to Klout

    As we wrote about earlier this week, Klout has reworked its algorithms, and your scores have changed. Some have gone up, some down. Despite claiming more transparency with their algorithms, they are still mostly opaque and mysterious. As one of our readers commented, "Klout just pulled a Netflix, taking trust...

  • Web
    Heroku CEO Byron Sebastian: The Rise of the Polyglot Cloud

    There's a notable absence of (conclusive) studies comparing the current acceptance rate of Heroku, the fast-growing cloud platform for dynamic language-based apps, to that of Windows Azure, DotCloud, CloudFoundry and the numerous other players in the suddenly stormy PaaS space. Perhaps only now are these players beginning to be seriously...

  • Web
    4 Strategies for Managing Your Online Brand

    In the late 90s, Tom Peters famously declared that we were all CEOs of our personal brands. In Fast Company he wrote: "Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we happen to be in, all of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs...

  • Work
    The Web, WikiLeaks, and the Create-Your-Own-Facts Kit

    We live in an era where it is feasible to manufacture things that seem like truths, and someone is always in the business of trying. If someone were to leak the entire contents of my active e-mail file, all 4.5 GB of it, onto some public wiki for the inspection...

  • Mobile
    People Who Own Tablets Are Glued to Them, Read More News

    The so-called tablet revolution in computing may still be young, but early research into how the devices are being used can tell us a lot. About 11% of American adults now own a tablet, according to recent data from Pew's Project For Excellence in Journalism. A large majority (77%) of...

  • Hack
    MySQL Leads Open Source Market Share, the Java PaaS similar to Heroku, has compiled an interesting market share analysis of their more than 1,000 developers. Since their service is built on standard application servers and databases, their developers can choose which of four major open source databases they want to use: MySQL, Postgres, MariaDB and...

  • Work
    New PHP Site Attacks are Bypassing Search Bots

    This morning, Fraser Howard and the security researchers of Sophos Labs are reporting this discovery: The recent wave of Web site defacement attacks, including one against the outreach site for the National Cyber Security Alliance, appear to have a common source: Something is injecting malicious <IFRAME> elements into the front...

  • Web
    VMware Moves Deeper into Business Intelligence Virtualization

    Cloud-based business services are becoming commodities. As such, applications, storage, bandwidth, and now even analysis are marketable items with fluctuating values, almost by the day. As enterprises' hybrid clouds extend their boundaries to encompass not only their native data centers but multiple public cloud providers, cost management becomes an everyday...

  • Work
    Infographic: Why Content is King for SEO

    The three most important things for SEO are content, content, and content. To drive that point home, Brafton has put together an infographic that should be hanging on the wall of every marketing department. The "Why Content for SEO?" infographic looks at the effect of Google Panda and how content...

  • Hack
    With Endeca Buyout, Oracle Edges Closer to Embracing Unstructured Data

    Up until the point where data starts making sense, by definition, it doesn't make much sense. Information requires analysis. And despite its name and its mission, the Web presents more unstructured, unrelated data than any information source ever created.So it shouldn't surprise anyone that the biggest trend in data management...

  • Work
    Did Anyone Prove AT&T + T-Mobile Would Create Jobs?

    Since last August's move by the U.S. Justice Dept. to block AT&T's proposed acquisition of competing wireless carrier T-Mobile from parent Deutsche Telekom (DT), there has been renewed debate in Congress and in the public discourse over the role of government in regulating the affairs of private enterprise. Last month,...

  • Work
    Stop Ignoring Your Customers!

    Two recent studies about how companies use social media for customer support have concluded that for the most part they don't do a very effective job at responding to complaints. And while some companies are better at listening and responding to their customers, many do a miserable job, still. It...

  • Cloud
    Hortonworks CEO Eric Baldeschwieler: Hadoop, the ‘Data Cloud’

    Not long ago at all, Oracle laid claim to building the systems that managed a majority of the world's data. This year, the group making the same claim is a spinoff from Yahoo.The onset of Internet-size databases and cloud architectures brought about architectural quandaries about the nature of relational databases...

  • Web
    How Now Predicts the Future

    Link shortening and social web analytics provider announced today the first Enterprise product built on top of its new search platform, a reputation tracking alert system. Unlike other social media monitoring services, says it will predict which brand-new pages online will receive a lot of traffic in the...

  • Work
    SQL Server 2012: Microsoft’s Quentin Clark on Data You Can Touch

    Of all the software technologies that are least suited to getting a makeover that's "about the experience," you'd think databases would rank pretty far down. The database experience, if there is one, is typically about accuracy, reliability, and speed. Certainly Oracle's frequent measurements ("5x," "10x," "20x" and so on) are...

  • Mobile
    The Responsive Web Design Revolution: Coming to a Facebook Near You

    Last week Facebook launched an iPad app, along with improved versions of its iPhone app and mobile browser site ( The mobile site is based on the latest, interactive version of HTML (HTML5). If browsed on the iPad, it looks almost identical to the iPad app. However, there is still...

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