Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Entertainment Claims its 1st Victim: Are Group Listening Services Viable?

    I recently received an email from the guys at MixApp. MixApp was the first collective listening web app. It was founded at the beginning of 2010 by a group of friends who wanted to build the product for themselves, like Foursquare's story. Now, they are closing shop: "Dear all, "At...

  • Web
    @WalmartLabs: How a Scrappy Search 2.0 Startup Became The Future of Walmart

    In April, social media startup Kosmix was acquired for $300 million by retailing giant Walmart. Kosmix had built a Semantic Web platform called the Social Genome, which organized social media data. The platform powered 3 products: TweetBeat, a real-time social media filter for live events;, a topic-based search engine;...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Steve Jobs Resigns as CEO of Apple, HP Touchpad Fire Sale, Google, StumbleUpon, Twitter and More…

    By far the biggest news this week is Steve Jobs' resignation as CEO of Apple. Long one of the most fascinating and enigmatic technology leaders, Jobs' resignation had us ruminating on the things to learn from his leadership, what entrepreneurs should disregard, and just how large of an impact this...

  • Work
    The Steve Jobs Formula and Why It Works

    Those of us who lived and worked in the glorious, adventurous era of computing that was the late 1970s and early '80s have a different perspective. I was a consultant and developer before I became a journalist in 1984. My colleagues from that time and I frame the iPhone and...

  • Developer
    Twitter Open Sources Bootstrap Web Front-End Toolkit News And Features

      Currently delivering more than 350 million tweets per day, Twitter has developed into a far from unpopular messaging service. Over the years, as well as real time data analysis, the company has also gained extensive experience in web design. The experience it has collected in web interface development has...

  • Work
    Mobile Workers Put In Longer Hours and Like It [Infographic]

    The latest global mobile workforce survey from economic trends analysis firm iPass reveals a trend that we probably noticed but tucked away in our Outlook agendas or Google calendars for some time later: Mobile workers worldwide are working longer hours. But they feel empowered by the mobile devices that enable...

  • Social
    First Details About Lift, the Next Social Network From the Founders of Twitter

    The recently-departed co-founders of Twitter - Ev Williams, Biz Stone and Jason Goldman - now working together again under the old Obvious Corporation name, announced their latest product today, a stealth alpha app called Lift. It's described as a way to help users achieve their goals through positive reinforcement.It sounds...

  • Entertainment
    Gamers Today Are More Social Than You’d Think

    It's common knowledge that gaming is one of the most popular activities on the Web, but we often don't have a good sense of what type of person a modern gamer is. A new research report from Latitude set out to answer the question: who is today's gamer? As one...

  • Hack
    A Better Way to Manage a Bunch of PostgreSQL Servers

    The open source PostgreSQL project just got more manageable, with an announcement today from EnterpriseDB and its Postgres Enterprise Manager. This allows developers and DBA's to monitor and manage both PostgreSQL (from v8.3 or later) and Postgres Plus Advanced Server installations regardless of the platform they run on from a...

  • Mobile
    Insights into Mobile Tech Purchases From SocialNuggets

    SocialNuggets is another sentiment analysis vendor, but they are trying to differentiate themselves by analyzing over a million social media conversations that they scan as part of their service. They have set their initial sites at the consumer electronics industry and have graphed some interesting changes to the market dynamics...

  • Web
    How Data Helps Dig Up Cool Stories at the Daily Dot

    New blogs launch all the time, but The Daily Dot launched today with a well-known team of backers, $600,000 in the bank and a focus on using data analysis to unearth the stories of people online. The Dot says it wants to be the "home town newspaper" for all the...

  • Mobile
    Social Analytics Company Claritics Releases SDK for Android Devs

    A new company is stepping into the mobile analytics space. Claritics, known for its analytics tools for Facebook and other social platforms has released its "social intelligence suit" for Android developers that will help app makers analyze user data from device type, carrier, location and more. Claritics is getting into...

  • Work
    Compliance with New Disease Codes Leads to Health Care Software Overhaul

    On October 1, 2013, the US Deptment of Health and Human Services will expect all of America's health care providers to have transitioned their business bookkeeping and transaction records to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) standards. Although the latest set of the so-called ICD codes (International Classification of Diseases),...

  • Hack
    Ross Rubin: Will Google Put Dampers on Android? [Part 2]

    Regardless of the size of the regulatory hurdle that the Google takeover bid for Motorola Mobility may be for the United States, the hurdle for Europe will be a formidable one. This despite the fact that both are American companies; they do business on a global scale, with global telecommunications...

  • Hack
    Ross Rubin: Is Android Better Off Now Than It Was One Week Ago?

    Google characterized it as "Supercharging Android." Whether you subscribe to that characterization of Google's takeover bid for Motorola Mobility may depend upon which end of the Android ecosystem you're standing on. One of the factors that made Android such a strong challenger to Apple's iOS is its open and diverse...

  • Work
    Hewlett-Packard Traded WebOS for This: The Autonomy Gamble

    The rate at which data, or content, is being produced for the Web and being generated for businesses has outpaced the rate at which conventional databases are evolving to better manage it all. It's a fact of life that we perceive on a gradual basis every day, but that we...

  • Work
    InterDigital Seen as a Defensive Weapon Against Google Patent Juggernaut

    "Our technology is used in every mobile phone," reads a leaderboard-style ad on the home page of InterDigital, a wireless technology company that holds some 8,800 critical patents. An independent assessment last April of the relative value of communications companies' patent portfolios by equity market analysis firm Ocean Tomo LLC...

  • Work
    A Look at the Changing Linux Landscape

    Jay Lyman, senior analyst for the 451 Group, spoke at LinuxCon North America 2011 on the changing Linux landscape. Sessions are short at LinuxCon – about 50 minutes in total, give or take. So there's not a lot of time to get deep into the nitty gritty and perform a...

  • Developer
    Vala 0.13.2 Released

      Vala 0.13.2 source tarball Released on August 16, 2011 Changes Enable flow analysis for out parameters. Refactor attribute handling. Add gedit-3.0 bindings. Add gtksourceview-3.0 bindings. Add rest-0.7 bindings. Add vte-2.90 bindings. Switch clutter-1.0 bindings to .gir. Switch libgdata bindings to .gir. Switch libsoup bindings to .gir. Many bug fixes...

  • Social
    Who Uses Google Plus Now? Yep, Male Students & Geeks From the US [Infographic]

    A few weeks ago, we reported on some demographic information about the first wave of Google Plus adopters. Bime, the data visualization firm who conducted the study, found that early Google Plus users were mostly young American men working in technology (surprise!). The Bime study used profile data from Find...

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