Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Web
    When You Have Tons of Cloud Data, Look at Appistry

    We haven't written much on Appistry, a St. Louis-based cloud data management and analytics applications vendor. So when it was in the news this week with raising a new round of venture funding, it seemed like a good time to cover it here. Its product family is called CloudIQ and...

  • Web
    New Yorker iPad App Hits 100,000 Readers, Begins to Define a Genre

    Magazine publisher Condé Nast reports that The New Yorker's iPad version now has 100,000 readers, including about 20,000 people who have subscribed for $59.99 per year. In addition, "several thousand" people buy single weekly issues for $4.99.The New Yorker's success on the iPad makes sense on multiple levels. Its rich...

  • Developer
    MSN-Pecan 0.1.3 Released

      This is a normal maintenance release mostly to fix reliability on authentication, and offline messaging fixes. Felipe Contreras (19): build: use makensis win32: update README with full instructions gitignore: update build: trivial cleanup build: remove redundant -ansi specifier pn_util: remove clang warnings auth: properly cleanup pending request Improvements from...

  • Mobile
    Android is the Least Open of All Open Source Mobile Development Platforms, Research Reports

    A London-based research firm called VisionMobile has released a new method of tracking "openness" among mobile platforms called the Open Governance Index. According to its metrics, Android is the least "open" of all the supposedly open source mobile platforms, with a 23% openness rating. Eclipse, an open development platform comprise...

  • Mobile
    New Android Trojan Has the Ability to Record Phone Conversations

    New malware has invaded the Android ecosystem and this one is creepier than its predecessors. According to IT management firm CA Technologies, the new Android Trojan, titled Golddream.A, has the ability to record phone conversations and store them to the phone's SD card. The malware has a configuration that may...

  • Work
    Zendesk Announces Enterprise Plans

    Zendesk is a hosted help desk solution we've covered many times at ReadWriteWeb. Although Zendesk has served big companies like Adobe and Sony Music, it's better known as the help desk provider for sexy startups like Twitter. It's hoping to change that today with the announcement of an enterprise plan...

  • Work
    Zettaset Launches Data Warehouse for Security Forensics

    Zettaset, formerly known as GOTO Metrics, announced a new product today: a data warehouse for forensic analysis called Security Data Warehouse (SDW). It will enable risk management professionals to analyze multi-petabyte data sets for anomalies or problematic patterns in data collected from firewalls, website traffic, security devices, transaction logs or...

  • Web
    Looking For the Next Big Thing: Amazon Announces Fifth Annual AWS Start-up Challenge

    Amazon announced today its fifth annual Amazon Web Services Start-up Challenge for entrepreneurs using AWS. This year the contest has been expanded globally and will reward 15 regional semifinalists, five each from the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe/Middle East/Africa. This time Amazon has teamed with, a global entrepreneurship network...

  • Web
    Geospatial Humanities: Using Location Tech to Rebuild the Past

    We've covered the use of web-, mobile- and location-technologies in the service of the humanities a great deal here at ReadWriteWeb. In fact, my beat, "the culture of technology and the technology of culture" is pretty much devoted to it. Just check out the way we've reported changes in archaeology...

  • Hack
    Teaching Creative Writing with Programming

    One of my favorite sessions at OSCon this week was Teaching Creative Writing with Python. Adam Parrish talked about his course Reading and Writing Electronic Text, which he teaches at New York University as part of the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP). Although the title emphasizes teaching creative writing through programming,...

  • Mobile
    Citibank Heads into Mint’s Territory with New iPad App

    This week, Citibank released a new banking application for iPad, designed to give customers access to common banking tasks (balance checks, bill pay, transfers, etc.) as well as financial analysis tools. While we don't (and can't) cover all mobile application launches individually, the new Citibank iPad is an interesting case...

  • Web
    Transforming IT: Three New Rules to Turn the Tide

    It may not be obvious to the casual observer, but IT is under siege. The cloud, in all its incarnations, is reshaping the way IT thinks about delivering services to the business. Conversely, the cloud is also providing new avenues for the business to procure IT services. For the first...

  • Work
    Google and SAP Team-Up to Help You Visualize Big Data

    SAP announced today that several of its enterprise products will soon gain new features for visualizing location data from Google Maps. SAP BusinessObjects Explorer and Streamwork were specifically mentioned. SAP expects these features to be available in both on-premise and hosted versions of its applications.Some of the potential applications, according...

  • Web
    Big Data, Better Dating: How OKCupid Helps Users Find Their Perfect Match

    Online dating services promise you help finding your "perfect match." Complete your profile, answer a series of questions, choose a few filters as you search and you're given a list of singles in your area who are most likely to be a suitable date. But providing these search results is...

  • Web
    Happiness Metrics: Your Feelings as Big Data

    The UK government's Office of National Statistics has reported to the public for the first time today about its mandated new measurement of national happiness and well-being. The office has already surveyed 20,000 people on four different emotional and existential questions, such as "to what extent do you feel the...

  • Web
    Is Pre-Cognition Possible & Can It Beat Twitter on Breaking News?

    Recorded Future is a startup technology company that described itself as a "temporal analytics engine." It tries to uncover and analyze very faint signals, basically in order to predict the future. It's backed by Google Ventures and the data-loving VC firm IA Ventures.Today, Recorded Future articulated its vision of the...

  • Hack
    Go for Google App Engine Reaches General Availability

    Google's Go programming language is now supported in Google App Engine for all users. Google made the Go SDK available during I/O this year, but most developers have not been able to take advantage of it yet. You can get started here.Go was created internally at Google starting in 2007,...

  • Social
    BitDefender Steps Up Against Social Network Spam, Releases New Security Suite

    Security software and analysis company BitDefender is stepping up its product suite with the release its Total Security 2012 application. In terms of complete security coverage, not many companies put it all together the way BitDefender does, with features including Android security, a desktop application, coverage of Facebook and Twitter...

  • Mobile
    Windows Phone Mango App Submissions Begin in August, New App Hub Now Launched

    Microsoft has announced that developers building mobile applications for its next big release of the Windows Phone operating system, code-named "Mango," will be able to submit those applications to its app marketplace starting in August. Or more specifically, August 22nd.This news comes at the same time as a rollout of...

  • Social
    How to Add Google Plus Search for Profiles and Posts to Chrome

    Tired of waiting for Google - you know, the search engine company? - to add a functional search feature to its new social network Google Plus? Yep, so were we. So we did a little Googling, and found a way to add it ourselves. No, it's not a browser extension....

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