Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    Mobile Security With a Data Mining Solution: Lookout Releases API for App Stores

    Lookout Security wants to eradicate mobile malware before it gets a chance to really take flight. That is not an easy thing to do, but as opposed to malware that plagues PCs, malicious mobile programs are still in their nascent stages. That means the security companies can stay a step...

  • Mobile
    The Mobile Platform Race (Infographic)

    Market analysis and strategy firm Vision Mobile released a new infographic today, featuring key findings from its comprehensive Developer Economics 2011 report. The report, which delves into topics like developer mindshare, platform fragmentation, distribution and revenue, offers a ton of great information for developers, publishers and brands alike.The infographic, which...

  • Social
    Why Doesn’t Facebook Just Buy Zynga?

    Zynga added a 600-plus-pages addendum to its IPO filing yesterday and it turns out that Zynga and Facebook are intertwined so tightly that it is hard to tell where one company ends and the other starts. The best example is two agreements that the companies came to in May and...

  • Web
    A Closer Look at Cloud-based Testing with Soasta

    One of the themes many of us commentators harp on about is the fact that barriers to entry for application developers have never been lower - the availability of cloud hosting, agile development methodologies, even this crazy frothy investment cycle we're in all combine to see lots of applications being...

  • Web
    Microsoft Research Releases Another Hadoop Alternative for Azure

    Today Microsoft Research announced the availability of a free technology preview of Project Daytona MapReduce Runtime for Windows Azure. Using a set of tools for working with big data based on Google's MapReduce paper, it provides an alternative to Apache Hadoop.Daytona was created by the eXtreme Computing Group at Microsoft...

  • Web
    How to Raise Investment Capital – According to VC Jeff Clavier

    Jeff Clavier was the first tech investor I ever met; he was introduced to me years ago by some hip engineers in a bar as "one of the few cool VCs." Years later Clavier's name now comes up all the time when one of his portfolio companies finds success; his...

  • Entertainment
    With So Many Web Tools, How Can Businesses Choose? Try Comparz

    For small and medium-sized businesses, there's no shortage of Web-based software out there designed to help them collaborate, market themselves and get things done. In fact, the selection can be a little overwhelming. This comparison chart on Wikipedia, for example, breaks down 132 project management software options for businesses. And...

  • Web
    Wikipedia Rolling Out Article Rating System – What Do You Think?

    Love it or hate it, you can't say Wikipedia is slow to innovate. The giant encyclopedia site announced this weekend that it will now roll-out site-wide an article rating system that allows page visitors to rate an entry on a scale of 1 to 5 on trustworthiness, objectivity, completeness and...

  • Social
    Getty Images Says Google Plus Terms of Service is “OK”

    Should photographers be concerned about Google Plus? This is the subject on an ongoing debate right now, due to the wording Google uses in its Terms of Service - specifically parts that seem to indicate it will have rights to photos posted on the new social network. But some folks,...

  • Mobile
    Connection Durability on Android: T-Mobile G2 & Samsung Nexus S Have Highest Reconnect Rates

    In-app services company Urban Airshiprecently pushed a wealth of information on mobile device connectivity, or more specifically, something called "connection durability." This metric refers to the average duration of an IP connection, which can be measured by the number of times a device's data connection reconnects throughout the day.Although its...

  • Web
    Citrix Buys Private Cloud Vendor

    This morning Citrix announced its acquisition of, a company that sells virtualization infrastructure for building private clouds. brings with it a number of high profile customers such as Bechtel, GoDaddy, Tata Communications and Zynga.The announcement follows Citrix's announcement of its private cloud infrastructure play called Project Olympus, which...

  • Social
    Google Plus to Hit 20 Million Users by the Weekend

    According to independent analysis done by Paul Allen, founder of, Google's new social network Google Plus will hit 20 million users by this weekend. And he estimates that the current user base has already surpassed the 10 million mark.What's most surprising about Google Plus, however, is how quickly it...

  • Web
    How One Company is Taming Big Data With Visualizations

    On my visit to Seattle last month, I visited the office of data visualization company Tableau. As more and more data gets uploaded to the Web, it needs to be analyzed and made sense of. Data visualization is one of the most effective ways of doing this and Tableau is...

  • Hack
    Foursquare API Hits 10,000 Developers – But What Are They All Building With It?

    Today Foursquare announced that its API now has 10,000 registered developers. That's an impressive number, especially since Facebook and Google were supposed to have killed the service off by now. But what exactly are all those developers doing with the API?Marshall Kirkpatrick, our resident geolocation buff, asked around our virtual...

  • Work
    How to Aggregate Your Facebook and LinkedIn Contacts

    Open-Xchange began its life as a hosted email service but has since evolved with a twist: its engineers have figured out a relatively simple process to extract your contacts from Facebook and LinkedIn. It is based on the SaaS pay hosted service, but there is a free service you can...

  • Work
    Helping MSPs to Better Manage Their Customers’ Networks With Packet Trap

    PacketTrap MSP has come out with a new 6.0 version that is chock full of features and is specifically designed for the Managed Service Provider (MSP) or for multiple data center enterprises to monitor and troubleshoot their networks. PacketTrap can be used to diagnose and correct a lot of different...

  • Social
    Google Analytics Starts Getting Social With +1 Button Data

    For users who weren't entirely sure what Google's +1 button was all about when it first launched, the picture is getting clearer, especially with this week's launch of Google Plus. And now site owners can see the button's effect for themselves, thanks to new metrics available in Google Analytics and...

  • Web
    One Botnet to Rule Them All: Kaspersky Labs Finds “Indestructible” Network

    Every time a botnet is taken down, another is waiting in the wings to take its place. Each successive iteration of malware infected networked computers is more sophisticated than the last. Security research company Kaspersky believes it has found one that is almost indestructible.The TDL-4 botnet is 4.5 million PCs...

  • Web
    “Smell Like a Man” Agency Partners With Nike, Target & Coke on Tech Incubator

    Wieden+Kennedy, the advertising agency that made the absurdly popular Old Spice campaign on TV and the web called "Smell Like a Man" announced today that it is now accepting applications from brand-friendly tech startups for admission to its incubator program, the Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE). The Portland, Oregon company has...

  • Web
    Spam Hits Lowest Levels Since 2008 (Did You Notice?)

    A new report of security company Symantec says that global spam is at its lowest levels since 2008. The geographic center of spammed accounts has also shifted from Russia to Saudi Arabia. Worldwide spam is now down to one in every 1.37 emails. In the United States, spam accounts for...

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