Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Work
    CEO Beckstrom to Leave ICANN in July Amid gTLD Controversy

    His vision was to internationalize the oversight body of the Internet naming system, to structure it less like a spider and more like a starfish. (A starfish, you see, can regrow lost limbs.) To some extent, the dashing security expert Rod Beckstrom has accomplished that as President and CEO of...

  • Smartphone
    Atop – Performance Monitor – Maemo Nokia N900

      Atop is an ASCII full-screen performance monitor that is capable of reporting the activity of all processes (even if processes have finished during the interval), daily logging of system and process activity for long-term analysis, highlighting overloaded system resources by using colors, etc. Overview : At regular intervals, it...

  • Work
    ClickFox Says Android and RIM Carry Extra Support Costs [Infographic]

    According to ClickFox, a customer experience analytics company, Android and Blackberry phones require a lot more handholding by wireless companies than iPhones. Based on an analysis of more than 250 million wireless subscribers in the U.S., the costs are about $4 more per subscriber annually.While $4 may only get you...

  • Cloud
    Latest Tools for Keeping Middleware from Gumming Up the Cloud

    One of the unanticipated problems of moving businesses' data centers and desktops into cloud-based deployments surrounds middleware, the class of software whose job is to enable better connections between users and their applications by way of messaging. For several years, enterprise application integration (EAI) has been a hot architectural trend,...

  • Web
    New CA Service Level Analyzer

    We wrote last month about numerous CA cloud-related product announcements and you would think that the company would be quiet for a few weeks, but not someone like CA which has a deep product portfolio. Announced today is yet another piece in its enterprise management strategy, called Service Operations Insight...

  • Web
    Win $5k to Redesign a New Middle School Science Curriculum

    If you think our middle school science and math education is below par, now is your chance to do something about it. Today the magazine Popular Science joined forces with InnoCentive to announce a new competition to come up with a series of new curricula around a series of topics....

  • Web
    Reflex Adds New VM Capacity Planning and Analytics Services

    We have written about VM security vendor Reflex Systems here back in May. Today they announced new extensions to their tools to handle VM capacity planning analysis. It is also their first try at completely SaaS-based software: earlier versions of their software had Windows client or vCenter plug-in components. Reflex's...

  • Web
    Poll: Can Big Data Be Democratized?

    There are a number of projects out there that claim to be "democratizing" complex systems such as big data analysis, predictive analytics and business intelligence. Sometimes this means making tools free or cheap (such as Revolution Analytics). Other times, it just means making them more accessible to non-programmers, through either...

  • Entertainment
    Björk’s “App Album” Shows The Way For Musicians

    Icelandic musician Björk recently released what she claims to be the world's "first app album." It's an iPad and iPhone app featuring 10 songs, each song accompanied by an interactive app. The "mother" app is called Biophilia, which is the name of the album. That is available free on iTunes,...

  • Work
    From Big Data to NoSQL: The ReadWriteWeb Guide to Data Terminology (Part 2)

    It's hard to keep track of all the database-related terms you hear these days. What constitutes "big data"? What is NoSQL, and why are your developers so interested in it? And now "NewSQL"? Where do in-memory databases fit into all of this? In this series, we'll untangle the mess of...

  • Web
    Google Docs Remembers Spreadsheet Formulas So You Don’t Have To

    The Google Docs team keeps adding handy features that make the Web app an ever more compelling alternative to desktop spreadsheet and word processing applications. The latest update auto-suggests spreadsheet formulas and functions. It even recognizes when you want to nest a function within another function. For people who aren't...

  • Web
    BankSimple Announces Funding & Partnerships to Launch Real-Time Banking Platform

    BankSimple, the highly anticipated web-only bank being built with an emphasis on user experience and no fees, is getting closer to launching, the company said today. CEO Joshua Reich put up a blog post this afternoon announcing that BankSimple has secured partnerships with VISA, Barcorp and other institutions to enable...

  • Work
    Webtrends Acquires Real-Time Analytics Company

    Webtrends announced yesterday that it acquired real-time analytics company Reinvigorate from (mt) Media Temple Ventures. The move rounds out Webtrends' strategy of tying together Web, mobile and social analytics by bringing in a real-time component. The acquisition will also bring a new set of data visualization tools to Webtrends, including...

  • Hack
    How to Boost Your Hadoop Performance With Brisk

    The discussion of big data technology can often be split into one side or another: the realtime capabilities of databases that often have to organize records at sub-second speeds, or the analytical capabilities of databases that have to comprehensively search those same records at the same level of speed. Sometimes...

  • Work
    Medio Systems Rolls Custom Cloud for Five Nines (or Better) Uptime

    What do you do when you have more than 2.5 million users daily and have to deliver five nines uptime? If you're Medio Systems, you roll your own cloud using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Hadoop, and IBM System x servers.Medio Systems is in a bit of a niche market....

  • Web
    UCLA Offers Minor in Digital Humanities

    As we mentioned last week in our article on "geospatial humanities," we have covered the use of new technology in the service of the humanities for some time here at ReadWriteWeb. Further, this trend is one that institutions are starting to pay serious attention to. In the van you will...

  • Computers
    Meego Tablet 1.2 On Low Power Embedded Platform

      The is a translation of a blog wrote by Zhchbin, a CS senior from Zhong Shang  University(, China. He participated the 4th Intel Cup  National Software Innovation  Contest for College Student( NSICCS) this year. The original blog can be found here. Embedded  Platform LAB-8902 embedded platform is a new...

  • Web
    HTTPS Everywhere Launches, Aims to Better Secure the Internet

    The Electronic Frontier Foundation and The Tor Project have officially released a Firefox plugin called HTTPS Everywhere, which enables encrypted, secure browsing on some Websites. The plugin, which came out of beta today, works with a list of sites that support HTTPS, but may be doing so in an incomplete...

  • Mobile
    Are the New Square Hacks a Real Concern?

    According to news coming out of the Black Hat security conference this week, researchers have figured out a way to use the Square mobile payments system to access stolen credit card data. The ingenious thing about the hack demonstrated is that criminals would not even need to have the original...

  • Web
    Why Google Plus Could Be a Minus for Chrome

    Ask any power user, blogger, or journalist which PC web browser is the fastest or the most secure, and the answer will almost always be, "Google Chrome." That's because Google has done a masterful job positioning Chrome as the high-performance, secure browser.But a bumper crop of poorly performing, quickly coded...

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