Results for "Analysis"

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  • Hack
    Armed with a Win8 Tablet, YoYo Games Marches Toward HTML5

    Last week in Anaheim, in amongst the crowd of developers at Microsoft's Build 2011 conference assimilating the news about Windows 8, was a team from a London, U.K.-based company called YoYo Games. In 2000, that company released an interesting entry-level game development and distribution platform called, quite simply, GameMaker. Following...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: How Do You Catalyze A Region’s Entrepreneurship?

    I have thought a lot about the issue of how to stimulate a region's entrepreneurship over the years. Today, at the roundtable, we had a discussion around the topic, especially in the context of specific geographies that were represented at the session: Dublin, Ireland, and Kolkata, India.Today, building Internet businesses,...

  • Social
    Reactions to Facebook’s f8 Keynote [infographic]

    Below are some charts from Simply Measured that graph the Twitter chatter about Facebook's f8 keynote today. The announcement of Timeline, the upcoming replacement to the Facebook profile, generated the most reactions, and the new developments with Open Graph and the new classes of Facebook apps produced a second peak....

  • Social
    The New Facebook & the Alive Web

    There was a time when men were men and Web pages were Web pages. But cats and dogs are now best friends and everything online is an app. Today it's an app but tomorrow it's likely more than that - a whole, integrated, real-time Web that's half experienced on your...

  • Work
    Clues to HP’s Possible Future From Meg Whitman’s Past

    "Communications is at the heart of ecommerce and community. By combining the two leading ecommerce franchises, eBay and PayPal, with the leader in Internet voice communications," announced eBay's CEO in September 2005, Meg Whitman, "we will create an extraordinarily powerful environment for business on the Net."By 2005, what Meg Whitman...

  • Hack
    Gatherspace Make Requirements Management Easier

    Today the cloud-based vendor Gatherspace announced upgrades to its online requirements analysis service. If your tech team is having trouble getting the other stakeholders in your company to specify their requirements for your next software development project, you might want to look at what they have to offer. As you...

  • Web
    Big Question (Answered): “How Do You Feel About the Recent Facebook Changes?”

    Facebook has been making a flurryofchangesleadinguptothisweek'sf8. Is this a response to Google Plus or a happy coincidence? Whether it's the way people were notified or the changes themselves, some people are very vocally opining. Earlier today we asked you what you thought of the new Facebook changes, and you answered...

  • Social
    Twitter Buys Julpan to Power Social Search

    Julpan, a New York-based social search startup founded by former Google scientist Ori Allon, announced today that it has been acquired by Twitter. Julpan algorithmically analyzes social Web activity to make search results personally relevant.With hundreds of millions of tweets per day, Twitter needs smart personalization algorithms to make sure...

  • Social
    Google Plus & the Data Scientist Who’s Navigating It to Hell

    "Our ambition is to up-level the model of social networking. We want to support asymmetric relationships with brands and celebrities - but we also wanted to support intimate communication with real life friends and family. Could we do both of those things? Being all things to all people is the...

  • Web
    Bankers Go Bonkers Over Big Data’s Future

    With quadrillions of dollars on the line, banks and financial institutions pay close attention to the emerging exaflood of available data about their customers and the world around them. Here at the O'Reilly Strata conference on big data, the panel on big data in the banking world was fascinating. It's...

  • Web
    Mr. Schmidt Goes To Washington: What’s At Stake for Google?

    This week, Google chairman Eric Schmidt will testify before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights. The hearing is called "The Power of Google: Serving Consumers or Threatening Competition?" Schmidt will be followed by testimony from Jeremy Stoppelman, co-founder and CEO of Yelp, whose company's treatment...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: The Value of Email and More…

    The value of email, screenshots from the earliest days of Twitter and a look at WinRT from Build 2011 round out the top stories in this week's ReadWriteWeb Weekly Wrap-up.After the jump you'll find more of this week's top news stories on some of the key trends that are shaping...

  • Work
    Build 2011: What Have We Learned This Week?

    Something I said over the weekend before Microsoft's Build 2011 conference in Anaheim kicked off: It's not about the experience; it's never about the experience. Computing is a process, and what's important about it is what gets done. This week, a big transition process was started, and a lot got...

  • Social
    How To Use The New Facebook Lists (And Why You Should)

    One of the most intriguing of this year's Web battles is between Facebook and Google Plus, as the two products vie for social networking supremacy. Yesterday we explored the ramifications of Facebook's new Subscribe button, which partly aims to match Google Plus on public sharing. Today we turn out attention...

  • Web
    Build 2011: Microsoft’s Scott Guthrie on Scaling Azure for Everyone

    The scale of computing is expanding, enabling greater power on smaller devices on one end, and tremendous compute power and connectivity on the other. Somewhere in the middle are the devices which got us all interested in this industry to begin with, but perhaps because we're all parents at heart,...

  • Web
    Google Relents on App Engine Pricing (Sorta): Is it Enough?

    Google did not make developers happy with its pricing changes to Google App Engine GAE. Google announced the pricing changes in May, but it only implemented a side-by-side comparison with the old pricing at the beginning of September. After a fair amount of backlash, Google is backing off. Sort of....

  • Work
    Build 2011: Ballmer – ‘We Have a Long Way to Go with Windows 8’

    In a closing word to developers at the Build 2011 conference in Anaheim late this morning, a noticeably slimmer Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer expressed a more subdued level of enthusiasm than we've seen from him in the past - still upbeat, but more measured, perhaps more quietly confident. In this...

  • Social
    UK Leader Who Discussed Blocking Social Networks Joins Google Plus

    David Cameron, the prime minister of the United Kingdom, who made comments in the wake of last month's nation-wide riots about the possibility of blocking participants in civil unrest from using social media, has joined Google's new social network, Plus. Joining him this morning were +Ed Miliband and +Nick Clegg...

  • Technology
    Security Breach hits Linux Foundation Servers

        The Servers of and and associated subdomains are currently down. On September the 8th a security breach was discovered that may have compromised registered users usernames, passwords, email addresses and other additional information. This breach is believed to be connected to the intrusion on As...

  • Work
    Build 2011 Preview: Keys to the Conference

    It used to be called the Windows Professional Developers Conference. This year, it absorbs some of the functions of the Windows Hardware Engineering Conference, and some of the MIX Web developers' conference. The result is Build 2011 in Anaheim, which this year is Microsoft's premiere event for the next version...

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