Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Work
    Researcher: LTE Only 1/6 as Efficient as Carriers Promised

    If we're going to have an Internet full of things so that we can friend our Coke machines and our refrigerators on Facebook, wireless carriers say there needs to be more wireless spectrum available to LTE and fourth-generation technologies than there currently is. Nonsense, said a group of Citi investment...

  • Hack
    The Data Journalist Tool Belt

    Troy Thibodeaux is the Editor for Newsroom Innovation at the Associated Press and has written a terrific post on resources for data journalists. Now, you probably aren't a journalist, but you should pay attention anyway, since there are plenty of things you can do to manipulate data in interesting ways...

  • Cloud
    Microsoft, Hortonworks to Integrate Hadoop with Windows Server

    Just last week, ReadWriteWeb's Joe Brockmeier asked and answered the question, "Who wrote Hadoop?" That's the cloud database framework that scales huge datasets over multiple clusters, distributed under the Apache v2 open source license.As of this morning, Cloudera and the other members of the Hadoop community have a new neighbor....

  • Work
    Dell Optimized Deployment Now Enables KACE Image Migration

    With the world's #1 PC maker HP now in full transition mode, now may be the time for Dell to get its full come-uppance. On the enterprise side, it's had two big aces in the hole for a few years now: One is Optimized Deployment, which borrows Microsoft's data imaging...

  • Web
    Google to Build Tools to Increase Voter Participation

    From gerrymandering of electoral districts to new debates over requiring voters to present government ID at polling stations, whether and how more or less people participate in elections has always been an intensely political matter. Beginning today, technology giant Google will place a new focus on analyzing and providing tools...

  • Web
    Homeland Security Less Worried About a Public Cloud Threat

    This may seem as Clintonian as it possibly gets, but the answer to whether the U.S. Government is concerned about the possible dangers of transitioning its information services to the cloud, truly depends on your definition of the word "the."Many government agencies including the Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) have...

  • Work
    Mzinga and Podio Update Their Collaboration Services

    Both Podio and Mzinga have announced major updates to their enterprise collaboration and social streaming services this week. While they operate at different price points, this is yet another indication of product maturity in this space. First is Podio, whom we included as one of our 2011 startups to watch...

  • Social
    Facebook is Catching up to Google Plus in +1s

    The Sociable just did a neat little study using Google's +1 Button Chrome extension and unearthed some surprising insights into the reach of Google's new stuff-liking button. Most of the sites that get +1s are social networking and tech sites; news and sports don't get much love.Google's own sites get...

  • Hack
    The Multiple Truths of Big Data

    Last week, Forrester Research tries to grok Big Data with a report entitled, Expand Your Digital Horizon With Big Data. And while it is somewhat amusing to see how they approach the topic as they would a new network router or new version of Office, ultimately the report falls somewhat...

  • Web
    Google Has Six Partners to Help Get You In the Cloud

    On Friday Google announced its Cloud Transformation Program, a quick way for larger enterprises to get started with a series of Google's cloud-based services. Included in the initial set are App Engine, Google Storage, Apps Script and Prediction API. The company is working with six MSPs to implement the program:...

  • Developer
    Qt Creator Editor News

      While Qt Creator 2.3.0 was only released recently, we’ve already been busy working on new features and bug fixes in the master branch for some time now. There have been a few interesting developments in the C++ and QML/JS editors that I’d like to share with you. C++ We’re...

  • Mobile
    Like TV, Our Use of the Web and Mobile Apps Peak at Night

    U.S. consumers are still watching TV during the hours traditionally defined as "prime time," but we're also face-to-face with our second -and sometimes third - screens during those hours, according to a tidbit of data released by Flurry. By layering their data about iOS and Apple data usage on top...

  • Work
    The Return of Phone Tag

    Many of us remember when the new fangled fax machine was first called a telecopier and was going to revolutionize office communications. How far we have come since then. But with all the various waves of tech to revolutionize our offices, I think we have almost come full circle back...

  • Work
    Social Media Grocery Hall of Shame and Fame

    When was the last time your food tweeted you? In the case of many well-known food brands, an embarrassingly long time ago, as Chris Brogan found out in a post today. He researched food-related Twitter accounts and commented on those that were more suitable for the dumpster along with those...

  • Hack
    3scale Expands its API Manager Offerings

    This week 3scale is increasing the breath of its services by adding three collections of APIs that it can handle with its API management platform. Until 3scale, companies needed to put their API infrastructure as a proxy layer in front of their CDNs, slowing if not completely disrupting the API...

  • Work
    Analysts: There’s No Spectrum Shortage

    The then-newly installed chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Julius Genachowski, said in October 2009, "We are fast entering a world where mass-market mobile devices consume thousands of megabytes each month. So we must ask: What happens when every mobile user has an iPhone, a Palm Pre, a BlackBerry Tour...

  • Developer
    A Game Of Ecosystems Crashing The Android Party

    [In a game of ecosystems, it it possible to bend the rules? Research Director Andreas Constantinou examines the few technologies that can bring the Android ecosystem on non-Android devices - compatibility layers, virtualisation or emulators - and their impact in a post-'Googlerola' world]   A game of ecosystems The mobile...

  • Mobile
    Appbackr XChange Designed to Help the Developer Middle Class

    The idea behind wholesale application placement company Appbackr is an interesting one. We covered their launch earlier this year by wondering "when and why should developers sell their apps wholesale?" Recently, Appbackr has added a new tool, called XChange, that serves as a data analysis tool to can optimize when...

  • Social
    The New Facebook: 3 Major Implications

    After the emergence of Google Plus this year, many people were wondering if Facebook had finally met its match. Maybe that's so, but Facebook has upped the ante over the past couple of weeks. It has significantly scaled up the amount of information it tracks about you - and many...

  • Hack
    E.U. Sets 2013 Deadline for Open Source Public Data Mining Portal

    Sticking with her original deadline announced last year, European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes told a European interoperability standards forum yesterday that a public portal for access to government and public data from across the continent is on track to go online in Spring 2012. Following that, the next stage...

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