U.S. consumers are still watching TV during the hours traditionally defined as “prime time,” but we’re also face-to-face with our second -and sometimes third – screens during those hours, according to a tidbit of data released by Flurry.
By layering their data about iOS and Apple data usage on top of a chart from Ad Age showing TV and Web usage, Flurry was able to demonstrate something most us already had a sneaking suspicion of: That mobile app usage peaks in the evening hours, right around the time that TV-watching has historically peaked.
During the rest of the day, mobile apps are actually used by a stronger share of their total audience than either TV or the Web. That makes total sense, considering our phones are on us at all times, even in the bathroom at work.
“Mobile consumers are using apps either instead of, or along-side prime-time television and the Internet,” concludes Flurry. “In fact, the percent of relative mobile app usage is greater than that of relative Internet usage every hour of every day.”
Flurry’s analysis is intended to make a point about the new opportunities that exist for advertisers, who can “daypart” their mobile campaigns just as they can with television and radio advertising. But it also demonstrates just what a major force our mobile devices are becoming in our day-to-day lives. This isn’t breaking news, but it’s always interesting to see data points that demonstrate just how quickly that force is growing.