Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb is Hiring a News Writer – Is It You?

    The editorial team here at ReadWriteWeb is a unique bunch of journalists with very diverse backgrounds, but we all share a passion for one thing: Web technology. When you combine that team with powerful research tools, a fun and collaborative virtual newsroom, speed, integrity and thoughtfulness, you end up with...

  • Web
    Ravel Open Sources GoldenOrb, Big Data Graph Processing for Everyone

    Traditional databases, even when they're called "relational databases," tend not handle relationships very well, and the traditional way of processing data - particularly large-scale datasets - can actually mean that some of the relationships between objects are lost or obscured. Several years ago, Google began encountering these sorts of problems...

  • Web
    The Limits of Big Data

    Greg Borenstein takes on what he sees as the dominant view among the elite geeks at FooCamp in a recent blog post. According to Borenstein, the theme embraced at FooCamp was "big data will save us." Borenstein raises some excellent points about how we think about big data and where...

  • Web
    Twitter’s Staff is Growing Fast, But Has a Dangerous Shortage of Power Users (Infographics)

    Twitter's hundreds of millions of members include casual and professional users with a wide range of interests. There's no better way to dive deep into real-time discussion on a particular topic than by building or subscribing to a Twitter List made of people focused on a particular field. This super-powerful...

  • Web
    Wikipedia is Adding a Love Button Next Week

    Kittens and beer for everyone!Wikipedia is now an undeniably good source of information on almost any topic. In order to continue improving, the community-edited site needs a continuous flow of volunteer editors willing to put time and energy into making new edits. And studies show that people are more willing...

  • Web
    Google Health: Why It’s Ending & What It Means

    Google's quest to organize the world's information will no longer include one of society's most important and sensitive sources of data: our health records. The company announced this afternoon that Google Health will be closed forever and deleted in 18 months, along with a thematically similar and also formerly ambitious...

  • Mobile
    NFC in 2011: Launch Driver-Friendly Mobile Apps Using Your Car Keys

    NFC, or near field communication, is a term that's often associated with mobile payments and mobile wallet applications this year, especially with new launches like Google Wallet and Visa's digital wallet service underway. But NFC as a technology has more use cases than that.One new example, which just debuted this...

  • Work
    3 Secrets of Social Media from 1966

    Social media, or at least its widespread use, may be relatively new, but certain human behaviors are not. For example, David Aaker, blogging at the Harvard Business Review, points to a study by Ernest Dichter from 1966 on word-of-mouth persuasion.The report had three key findings, all of which are relevant...

  • Work
    New IBM Analytics Technology Helps Clients Unlock Big Data

    IBM's Netezza division today announced a new appliance that allows organizations to analyze up to 10 petabytes of data in a matter of minutes. The technology is designed to help industries uncover patterns and trends from large data sets and is the first new product since IBM acquired the company...

  • Web
    Foursquare: How New Businesses Are Using It [Stats]

    Location based social network Foursquare celebrated 10 million registered users yesterday but how are businesses and organizations using the platform? I wrote a year ago next month about the incredible potential offered by Foursquare accounts for organizations: following a Foursquare page as a user is like opting-in to view the...

  • Web
    Can E-Books Save Barnes & Noble?

    The publishing and bookseller world as a whole has seen substantial shake-up over the last few years: the rise of the e-book, the collapse of Borders, for example. And the world's largest bookseller Barnes & Noble has received its own fair share of mixed reviews lately as well. On one...

  • Web
    Kerouac’s On the Road on iPad (or, Why Every Great Literary Work Doesn’t Need an App)

    A Kindle version of Jack Kerouac's autobiographical novel On the Road will run you $12.99, substantially more than the couple of bucks that a paperback version costs. But let's sidestep the "print versus digital" debate for a moment. Because for the same price as the e-book version, you can now...

  • Mobile
    At 81 Minutes per Day, Mobile App Use Tops Web Browsing

    According to new statistics from analytics firm Flurry, the average mobile user now spends 9% more time using mobile apps than the Internet. That's 81 minutes per day for mobile apps versus 74 minutes per day spent surfing the Web (both desktop and mobile).But mobile apps haven't always been more...

  • Work
    New Location-Based Enterprise Apps from DoubleDutch Software

    Want to do a better job of working together but don't want to run some desktop-oriented software? Then consider a new suite of mobile social apps available for your smartphone from DoubleDutch Software called HYVE Enterprise Suite. The suite includes seven different mobile social apps intended to be used by...

  • Entertainment
    8 Simple Ways To Share Data Online

    If you have to jointly author a spreadsheet with a colleague, what is the first thing that you do? Email it back and forth. This can be painful, particularly as you try to keep track of your partner's changes and hope the emails transit back and forth across the Internet....

  • Web
    T.S. Eliot in the App Store: “The Waste Land” Comes to the iPad

    There are plenty of pronouncements about "the future of the book" when it comes to the increasing popularity of e-books and the steady release of new digital literature apps. Indeed, the ability to add video, voice-over, animation, and annotation all point to the great potential when literature becomes electronic, and...

  • Web
    Study: Kids Are the Road to Tech Innovation

    Over the course of 2010, Latitude Research completed a multi-phase innovation study, Children's Future Requests for Computers and the Internet, asking kids across the world to draw the answer to this question: "What would you like your computer or the Internet to do that it can't do right now?" This...

  • Hack
    Head to Head Comparison of Text Extraction Algorithms

    A few months ago we linked to Tomaž Kova?i?'s overview of text extraction algorithms. Now Kova?i? has posted an evaluation of several text extraction algorithms and services, including Boilerpipe, NCleaner, the Python and Node.js versions of Readability and the Extractiv API.To conduct his evaluations, Kova?i? used the cleaneval dataset, which...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs – Silicon Valley: The Next Renaissance

    During today's roundtable, we had the program split into three segments. The first was our usual entrepreneur strategy discussion. The second was a scenario from one of our premium members around lead generation and qualification that we collectively strategized around. And the third was a discussion on Silicon Valley: The...

  • Work
    First Big Data, Then Big Memory… Now Big Tape?

    In the era of cheap hard disks, clusters of commodity hardware, cloud computing, in-memory analytics and solid state hard drives, it's easy to forget how much of the world's data is still stored on tape. And on tape much of it shall remain. In a blog post at Storage Switzerland,...

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