Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Web
    Crazy Mashup: All Things Really Do Come Back to Philosophy, on Wikipedia

    Mashup developer Jeffrey Winter was thinking about Wikipedia one day and specifically about a rumor that if you followed the first link on any Wikipedia entry that you'd eventually land on the page for Philosophy. So, nerd that he must surely be, he built a web interface to trace this...

  • Web
    Google Discontinues Some of Its Earliest Specialized Search Products

    Some of the earliest and most useful search verticals in Google have been discontinued. Google search for Linux, Microsoft and BSD (Chrome license) blogs and forums have been shut down along with those for Mac, "About" Google and Uncle Sam about the state and location information.In a message to Search...

  • Mobile
    How Twitter + iOS 5 Will Change Mobile Apps

    A deep integration of Twitter and iOS 5 was among the many things announced by Apple today but it's not just that you'll be able to post to Twitter from inside official Apple apps like photos and maps. Any 3rd party iOS developer will be able to leverage a number...

  • Work
    Jeff Jarvis on Collaboration

    Having grown up during the transition from mainframes to PCs and worked in IT when we were first installing PCs, I find it amusing to see how people return now and then to the topic of collaboration in the Internet and SaaS era. Last month media pundit Jeff Jarvis weighed...

  • Hack
    Anatomy of a PDF Hack

    By Tomer Bitton, security researcher, Imperva PDFs are widely used business file format, which makes them a common target for malware attacks. Because PDFs have so many "features," hackers have learned how to hide attacks deep under the surface. By using a number of utilities, we are able to reverse...

  • Web
    Look Out, Future: Ubuntu CTO Matt Zimmerman Joins Locker Project & Singly

    After seven years as the Chief Technology Officer of the world's leading Linux distro Ubuntu, Matt Zimmerman announced today that he's leaving that position to join a technology project we said was "aimed directly at the future of the web" when we wrote first about it earlier this year: open...

  • Web
    Optimize Your Web Content As You Type With InboundWriter

    For online marketers and other content creators, the need to optimize one's content for search and social media is now well-known. What's less clear for many is how to go about it. Which keywords are best to use? How frequently should you use them? It was with these questions in...

  • Mobile
    Patent Holding Firm Lodsys Goes After Android Developer for Use of In-App Payments

    Ten days after patent holder Lodsys sent out threatening letters to iOS developers, claiming infringement and demanding licensing fees, Apple sent its lawyers to defend against the attack. According to Apple's legal team, the license it holds on Lodsys' in-app payments technology also extends to its developer community.So what did...

  • Entertainment
    Indie Music Fans More Likely to Pay for Digital Streams

    Streaming music services like Spotify, MOG, Rdio, Grooveshark, Slacker Radio and others are making headlines for their innovations in today's digital music economy and its extension onto our mobile devices, into our homes and even into our cars. But when it comes to who's paying for the premium (i.e., "paid") level of...

  • Web
    Top 5 ROI Benefits of Customer Experience Management

    In the customer experience space, return on investment (ROI) is a term often thrown around but rarely defined. That lack of clarity can be problematic, especially when businesses are considering different customer feedback programs or trying to make the most out of the one currently in use.The purpose of this...

  • Web
    Fate of Revealed; US Gov Almost Completely Drops the Ball

    When the annual budgets for e-government initiatives including were slashed by 75% last month, it didn't look good for the tech side of transparency. Today federal CIO Vivek Kundra has adressed the fate of these e-government programs in a letter to congress: "No project will go unaffected" he,...

  • Mobile
    The State of iPad Usability

    The latest report from web usability guru Jakob Nielsen is about iPad usability. It's the second such report from Nielsen Norman Group and it features in-depth analysis about how people are using iPads. As is usual with Nielsen reports, it also lustily lists all the design flaws that his users...

  • Work
    “Big Memory” Company Terracotta Snapped Up by Europe’s Fourth Largest Software Company

    Today Software AG announced its acquisition of Terracotta, the sponsor of the open source distributed data cache for Java applications called Ehcache. Terracotta claims that Ehcache is the most widely used Java cache. The company sells enterprise support for Ehcache, as well as an Ehcache-based solution called BigMemory.Software AG is...

  • Web
    Poll: Does Cloud Computing Change the Role of the CIO?

    The software companies that have risen to power in the past 40 years are talking more about the cloud. That has to be a factor of the business market and the interest on behalf of top IT executives, the ones who have in large part commanded the budgets for large-scale...

  • Mobile
    5 Links to Help iOS Developers Understand the Lodsys Patent Mess

    Patent-holding company Lodsys has been going after small-time iOS developers, sending them "notice" letters which claim the developers are infringing on one of Lodsys' patents for in-app purchasing technology. Lodsys is demanding that developers license the patent from them for 0.575% of the U.S. revenue generated using in-app purchases. Although...

  • Web
    Live Blog: In-Memory Sees its Day and We Need it More Than Ever

    I am sitting among the SAP influencers at SAP SapphireNow, all excited about what we have been waiting for this week and that's the keynote featuring executive board member Vishal Sikka and SAP Founder Dr. Hasso Plattner.It's a time to reflect on the network. Millions of people are online with...

  • Work
    Google Docs Adds Support for Pivot Tables

    Today Google announced support for pivot tables to the Google Docs spreadsheet application. According to Wikipedia, pivot tables "can automatically sort, count, total or give the average of the data stored in one table or spreadsheet. It displays the results in a second table (called a "pivot table") showing the...

  • Web
    Android Security Hole a Problem for 99% of Users, Researchers Say

    Android has another security problem. According to researchers at Ulm University Institue of Media Informatics in Germany, hackers can exploit Android authTokens when users are on an unencrypted Wi-Fi network. The authTokens are used to login to sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google's calendar and contacts services. The security hole...

  • Work
    The 7 Best U.S. Cities for Tech Jobs

    We told you last week about seven trends shaping the IT job market, and which skills are in the highest demand based on statistics. But where should you look for those jobs?Eric Savitz at Forbes CIO Central looks at data gathered by the IT staffing firm Modis to determine...

  • Web
    5 Questions to Ask Before Renting Google Chromebooks

    The desktop issue is one of the biggest challenges to face the enterprise. Tablets, smartphones, laptops, netbooks and personal computers are all part of the mix.Google's Chromebook for business is symbolic of this shift. It represents the mainstream acceptance of conducting business online and how we view the role of...

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