Results for "Analysis"

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    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: Spotlight on Latin and Central America

    For this week's One Million by One Million roundtable, we turned the spotlight on Latin and Central America. One of the things I have enjoyed tremendously about 1M/1M is its distinctly international nature. Over the years, we've had entrepreneurs from all over the world attend and pitch, and I'm delighted...

  • Social
    Just How Popular Are Unofficial Twitter Clients?

    When Twitter's platform lead Ryan Sarver sent out a missive to developers last week telling them to stop building Twitter clients, he argued that users should rely on the "official" Twitter apps. Sarver maintained that, indeed, most users were already doing so: "According to our data, 90% of active Twitter...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Teens Don’t “Like” Your Company, New XML Standard, 5 Must-Have Apps for SXSW, and More…

    Our top story this week came from our ReadWriteBiz channel, where writer John Paul Titlow discovered that even though teenagers in the U.S. are online pretty much all the time, they don't want to like your business on Facebook. Here's one of the more damning statistics: Only 26% said they...

  • Entertainment
    Hands-On With HootSuite’s New Social Analytics Dashboard

    Social media management dashboard HootSuite launched a dramatic overhaul to its analytics dashboard earlier this week, giving marketers and community managers more powerful reporting tools. We spent some time with the new dashboard, and it's pretty impressive. It's not without its drawbacks, but it definitely takes social media metrics reporting...

  • Work
    Should You Invest in Better Tech, Or In Better Call Center Conditions?

    "Call centers treat agents like slave labor," writes Forrester analyst Kerry Bodine. She suggests that instead of spending money on the latest technology - cloud, mobile, social analytics and all that stuff we like so much - companies should invest more into their call center employees. Why invest in those...

  • Web
    Corporate Social Strategy Firm Altimeter Adds Industry Leader Brian Solis to Its Team

    Author, blogger, photographer and PR firm founder Brian Solis announced yesterday that he has joined boutique technology marketing analyst firm Altimeter Group. Solis will accompany founder Charlene Li, partners Lora Cecere, Jeremiah Owyang, Alan Webber and fellows Marcia Conner and Deborah Shultz in helping global corporations define strategies concerning social...

  • Work
    Most Organizations Now Use Open Source Software According to Gartner

    More than half of the 517 organizations surveyed by Gartner use open source software (OSS). When the firm first started tracking open source in the enterprise five years ago, only 10% of organizations were using OSS. Gartner published the results in a report titled Survey Analysis: Overview of Preferences and...

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    Backupify Makes Your Social Media Data Searchable, Restorable

    Cloud-to-cloud social media and webmail backup provider Backupify is announcing this morning the imminent availability of a new service called CloudSight. CloudSight will render a customer's entire archive searchable and available for restoration with a single click."The [CloudSite] service gives social media and compliance professionals an automated audit trail of...

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    A Look at Food and Drink APIs, Faceted Search and Google’s Dominance

    Beer and WordPress go together very well. Beer tastes good and, when enjoyed in a pint glass, it gives a new sense of ways to think about all the fun things to do when exploring a WordPress blog.The WordPress Brewery DB plugin allows you to display information in your posts...

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    Weekly Wrap-up: Ashton Kutcher’s Twitter Account Hacked, iPad 2 Specs, Light Painting Wi-Fi, and More…

    Ashton Kutcher, star of TV and Twitter, was at TED this last week when a surprising tweet popped up in his stream: "Ashton, you've been Punk'd. This account is not secure. Dude, where's my SSL?" Laugh all you want - when was the last time you double checked to see...

  • Work
    Brands, Social Media and Analytics: It’s All About Customers’ Relationships With Each Other

    Last year Douglas Rushkoff took on the conventional wisdom of brand marketers at the Pivot conference. Earlier this year we posted his talk and it caused a good bit of debate about the nature of so-called "brand conversations" in social media, and the future of branding itself. This is an...

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    Cloud + Machine-to-Machine = Disruption of Things: Part 2

    Editor's note: This is the second in a two-part series on the advantages that cloud computing brings to the machine-to-machine space. It was first published as a white paper by Ken Fromm. Fromm is VP of Business Development at Appoxy, a Web app development company building high scale applications on...

  • Web
    Hyperlocal Heartbreak: Why Haven’t Neighborhood News Technologies Worked Out?

    Neighborhood news aggregator has been acquired by AOL, according to multiple reports this morning. Apparently it's being bought for less than the big pile of money that high-profile investors put into it, back when hopes were high. It's sad, really: the ambitious hyper-local news technology services of the last...

  • Web
    Joyent Relaunches Node.js Service, Announces Cloud Analytics

    Cloud hosting provider Joyent re-launched its Node.js hosting service this week. Joyent, the sponsor company of Node.js, is now offering versions 0.4.0 and 0.4.1 to users. It also announced Cloud Analytics, a new service for finding problems with Node.js applications.According to a blog post by Joyent's Dave Pacheco,...

  • Social
    How Recent Changes to Twitter’s Terms of Service Might Hurt Academic Research

    There is a lot to be learned from our tweets. Laugh if you will. Go ahead. But Twitter has become an important historical and cultural record. It's a site for real-time news and information, to be sure. The stuff of history with a capital H. Politics. Natural disasters. Revolution. It's...

  • Work
    Big Data Consoladation Watch: Teradata Acquires AsterData

    Today Teradata acquired fellow columnar database vendor AsterData for $263 million. This fits into the current trend of consolidation of next-generation data-warehousing vendors. Last summer, Teradata acquired another columnar database vendor called Kickfire. Also in the past year, EMC acquired Greenplum; IBM acquired Netezza; SAP acquired Sybase and HP acquired...

  • Work
    Four New Types of CIO for the Future

    The global recession, the consumerization of IT, the great cloud migration and other factors are changing the role of the CIO. Past failures of enterprise technology to live up to its promises and IT's lack of agility caused by legacy technology have decreased the influence of the CIO, explained R...

  • Web
    3 Tech Companies That Raised Funding Today – Which Moves You the Most? (Poll)

    Every day behind the scenes, investors and startups are putting their heads together to make new bets on what they hope will become the technologies of the future. Today three very different kinds of tech companies, each related to the topics we cover here at ReadWriteWeb, revealed new investments.One wants...

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    Cloud + Machine-to-Machine = Disruption of Things: Part 1

    Editor's note: This is the first in a two-part series on the advantages that cloud computing brings to the machine-to-machine space. It was first published as a white paper by Ken Fromm. Fromm is VP of Business Development at Appoxy, a Web app development company building high scale applications on...

  • Entertainment
    YC Startup Custora Helps Businesses Battle Churn

    While there are lots of tools that help businesses get customer's attention and boost conversion rates, there's little out there to help businesses with the challenge of retaining those customers once they're in the door.That's the aim of Custora, a Winter 2001 Y Combinator startup that launched this week. "Google...

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