Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Web
    Data Nerds Will Nerd Out Over What Postrank’s Doing With Data Now

    Social media analytics company Postrank has found two new ways to make use of the massive pile of data it collects each day concerning social media engagement with web content. Postrank scores pieces of content by the number of comments they receive, the number of times they are shared on...

  • Work
    Enterprise Startup Spotlight: Revolution Analytics, Taking on SAS, SPSS

    Revolution Analytics is a company that provides commercial support for the open source statistical programming language R. Its flagship product is Revolution R for Enterprise, a distribution of R that competes with other commercial statistical products such as SAS and SPSS. Revolution CEO Norman H. Nie was the co-inventor of...

  • Mobile
    Mobile Marketing Made Easier & Smarter: Urban Airship Launches New Publishing & Reporting Tools

    Cross-platform mobile push notification and in-app purchase service Urban Airship announced two new features this morning that mobile savvy marketers are sure to find compelling. In a world fast becoming more mobile, more real time and more data-centric, these technologies are very well timed. Hopefully they'll be self-correcting enough that...

  • Mobile
    Mobile Marketing Made Easier & Smarter: Urban Airship Launches New Publishing & Reporting Tools

    Cross-platform mobile push notification and in-app purchase service Urban Airship announced two new features this morning that mobile savvy marketers are sure to find compelling. In a world fast becoming more mobile, more real time and more data-centric, these technologies are very well timed. Hopefully they'll be self-correcting enough that...

  • Social
    This is the Creepy, Super Cool Future of Smartphones & Social Networks

    There's very little gray area on this one: You're either completely excited by the potential for built-in facial recognition combined with smartphones and social networks, or your entirely creeped out and afraid for the future of the planet.The future is nearly here and I, for one, welcome our new overlords,...

  • Web
    AT&T Makes App Creation Easier for Home Appliances, Other Objects

    Wireless connectivity: it's not just for cell phones anymore. Why then should apps be thought of as just for phones? A fast growing number of non-phone devices is coming online and publishing data about their surroundings and activities to the internet. From e-readers to bathroom scales to traffic signals and...

  • Hack
    How to Find Your Most Important Fans

    Word of mouth is an incredibly powerful marketing tool, but how do you work out which customers are most important in spreading your message? Services like PeerIndex or Klout help you find experts and influencers in particular communities, but can't measure what people have actually done for your business. The...

  • Hack
    How to Find Your Most Important Fans

    Word of mouth is an incredibly powerful marketing tool, but how do you work out which customers are most important in spreading your message? Services like PeerIndex or Klout help you find experts and influencers in particular communities, but can't measure what people have actually done for your business. The...

  • Web
    Why People Build Web Apps and What it Says About the Demand for Developer Talent

    I just came across two anecdotes that tell a story about the state of the developer market.The first is from Dan Zambonini, who posted a poll on Hacker News that asks: "Why are you building a web app?" The second comes from Stephen O'Grady of RedMonk who knows the developer...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Groupon’s Offensive Ad, Ready For The Tablet Explosion? HP’s WebOS Event, and More…

    Groupon, long known for its smart-aleck daily deal descriptions, took the joke a little too far last weekend and ended up insulting pretty much the entire Internet with a tasteless Super Bowl ad. Marshall Kirkpatrick's reporting on the fiasco was this week's top post. In mobile news, Android's market share...

  • Mobile
    Twitter Upgrades Android App – Users Still Denied Official Push Notifications

    Twitter announced a new version of its app for Android today, which it says is now one of the top 5 most popular ways to access Twitter. The new version is easier to read updates on without having an account, has more granular search options and interface more like the...

  • Mobile
    NFC Business Models, Challenges and Adoption Examined

    NFC, or near field communication, is an emerging technology that enables the exchange of data between devices in close proximity to each other, typically mobile phones. Much of the interest in the technology at present is in its potential to serve as the basis for a mobile payments system, such...

  • Entertainment
    Which Music Artist Rules Social Media? You May Be Surprised…

    The latest set of online music research reports has just been released by We Are Hunted, an online music chart. We spoke to We Are Hunted co-founder and CTO Stephen Phillips to identify the overall trends.A big mover over the past 6 months has been Arcade Fire, which Phillips said...

  • Entertainment
    Which Music Artist Rules Social Media? You May Be Surprised…

    The latest set of online music research reports has just been released by We Are Hunted, an online music chart. We spoke to We Are Hunted co-founder and CTO Stephen Phillips to identify the overall trends.A big mover over the past 6 months has been Arcade Fire, which Phillips said...

  • Web
    Techmeme Opens the Door to Twitter Commentary by Select People

    Technology news aggregator Techmeme sent an email today to a select group of readers it has put on a whitelist of Twitter users whose short commentary about news of the day will appear automatically on the site. Techmeme has been a trailblazer in news technology for years and today's experiment...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: I Worked on the AOL Content Farm, Ceremonial Site Takedowns, Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1, and More…

    The violence, ongoing turmoil, and occasional triumphs in Egypt impacted our news coverage every day this past week. But it was Marshall Kirkpatrick's tale of life on the AOL content farm that ended up as readers' top choice in the week's most popular stories. Verizon, and its plan to throttle...

  • Hack
    The Stanford Visualization Group Debuts Visual Tool for Cleaning Up Data

    Today at the Strata conference The Stanford Visualization Group debuted a Web-based visual tool for cleaning up messy data called DataWrangler. According to its website, "Wrangler allows interactive transformation of messy, real-world data into the data tables analysis tools expect." Data can be exported as a CSV or TSV or...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: Indian Entrepreneurs Are Maturing

    For this week's One Million by One Million roundtable, we partnered with the Indian Angel Network (IAN). India, as you all know, is a rising power in the entrepreneurship firmament, and the country's entrepreneurs are making a long-awaited switch from pure outsourcing and labor arbitrage to now venturing into building...

  • Web
    How to Spot Openwashing

    The old "open vs. proprietary" debate is over and open won. As IT infrastructure moves to the cloud, openness is not just a priority for source code but for standards and APIs as well. Almost every vendor in the IT market now wants to position its products as "open." Vendors...

  • Web
    Showcase Your Skills & Analyze Which Skills Are Trending With LinkedIn’s New Tool

    Professional network LinkedIn has just introduced the beta launch of a new feature LinkedIn Skills, a way for you to search for particular skills and expertise, and of course, showcase your own and in LinkedIn's words, "a whole new way to understand the landscape of skills & expertise, who has...

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