Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Web
    Live Blog: The Workings of Social Business

    Yesterday at Lotusphere we heard about IBM's big push into social business. Today, the focus is on the way social business works. IBM executives say the company is past the tipping point in its adoption. This session will be more about how to use social technologies in a business setting.Let's...

  • Web
    Live Blog: The Workings of Social Business

    Yesterday at Lotusphere we heard about IBM's big push into social business. Today, the focus is on the way social business works. IBM executives say the company is past the tipping point in its adoption. This session will be more about how to use social technologies in a business setting.Let's...

  • Web
    4 Reasons to Spring A Few Bucks For That Premium WordPress Theme

    When it comes to launching blogs and Websites, small businesses often go with Wordpress, and for great reasons: it's customizable, widely-used and - best of all - free. In addition to the core product, there are tons of free plugins and themes available that make building out the ultimate site...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Internet Blackout in Egypt, Quora Blocks Startup Search Engines, 5 Arrested For Anonymous Attacks, and More…

    They are the common, proletarian tools of communication and now the crucial gears in budding revolutions: social networks, SMS, mobile phones. This week was filled with photos and stories about protests in Egypt, but it was Curt Hopkins' post about the Internet being blocked throughout the country that drew the...

  • Entertainment
    Export and Analyze Social Media Analytics With

    Anybody who wrangles analytics data for a living knows what a pain it can be to get a handle on social media metrics. Different sources offer different metrics in different formats, and even Twitter's official real-time analytics dashboard is not yet publicly available. is a new Web app that...

  • Hack
    Egypt: Tor Use Skyrocketing as Users Route-Around Internet Blocks

    As we reported yesterday, the Egyptian government appears to be locking down Intrernet access in Egypt. Access in or out of the country seems to be blocked. GigaOm provides some analysis on how this might work.However, some Egyptian Internet users are still able to access the outside Internet. The Washington...

  • Web
    Word Cloud 2.0: The Spatial Dimension

    Word clouds: No doubt you've seen these graphic representations of the most commonly used words in a body of text, floating around the internet. They are especially popular after big political speeches. Thanks to IBM researcher Jonathan Feinberg's web site, word clouds are easy for anyone to create. To...

  • Web
    This Week in Internet of Things: Intel’s $25M IoT Investment, French Intelligent Cities & More

    Every Thursday evening PT we review Internet of Things developments from the past week. Internet of Things is a term for when everyday objects are connected to the Internet. It's becoming an increasingly relevant trend for the Web and media, so we want to keep you updated with the latest...

  • Web
    Ushahidi & Pete Warden Join Forces to Add Open Source Geocoding to Platform

    Let's say you've got a whole pile of free-form text content and you want to determine what geographic locations are discussed in it. And let's say you want to do that while you're rushing to respond to a catastrophic earthquake. What would you do?Disaster response network Ushahidi has been using...

  • Mobile
    Facebook: Again, We’re Not Doing a “Facebook Phone”

    New rumors about a Facebook-branded phone resurfaced this week. Again, Facebook has shot them down. According to multiplepublications, mobile manufacturer HTC was readying either one or two so-called Facebook phones for launch at next month's Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona. The smartphones would be the first to display Facebook's...

  • Web
    Top Paid iPhone App Goes Free Forever: RunKeeper is All About the Platform

    Formerly priced at $9.99, fitness-tracker RunKeeper was one of the first 200 apps in the iTunes app store and became one of the store's top sellers. After a month of free downloads, the company announced today that the product will remain free indefinitely. It's not about app sales - it's...

  • Web
    YouTube to Bolster Recommendation Services with fflick Acquisition

    Yesterday, TechCrunch broke the news that Google had acquired Twitter sentiment analysis and recommendation engine fflick. Today, YouTube posted its blog that it, a subsidiary of Google, had actually done the acquiring. According to the post, YouTube will be using the "technical talent, design instincts and entrepreneurial spirit of the...

  • Work
    Jaspersoft Adds Big Data Reporting Capabilities with Support for Hadoop, NoSQL and MPP Databases

    Jaspersoft, vendors of the open core business intelligence application of the same name, today announced new reporting tools designed to handle big data. It's adding more than a dozen connectors for databases such as Cassandra, Hadoop and Netezza. The connectors will enable people to use Jaspersofts' native syntax to query...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Scam, iPhone 5 “Completely Redesigned,” Learn to Program with Hackety Hack, and More…

    This week's top story was Marshall Kirkpatrick's analysis of Facebook's third biggest advertiser, which, allegedly, was a Bing affiliate scam. After the story broke, Facebook denied any connection to it and Bing shut it down right away. It's a story that got more convoluted as the various players responded to...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Scam, iPhone 5 “Completely Redesigned,” Learn to Program with Hackety Hack, and More…

    This week's top story was Marshall Kirkpatrick's analysis of Facebook's third biggest advertiser, which, allegedly, was a Bing affiliate scam. After the story broke, Facebook denied any connection to it and Bing shut it down right away. It's a story that got more convoluted as the various players responded to...

  • Hack
    Wolfram Alpha’s API is Free, But is it Open?

    Wolfram Alpha has assembled an impressive collection of information on everything from chemistry to high finance, but until recently external developers could only access it by paying between two and six cents per query. Today the company announced a big change to its pricing plans which gives non-commercial users 2,000...

  • Hack
    Wolfram Alpha’s API is Free, But is it Open?

    Wolfram Alpha has assembled an impressive collection of information on everything from chemistry to high finance, but until recently external developers could only access it by paying between two and six cents per query. Today the company announced a big change to its pricing plans which gives non-commercial users 2,000...

  • Mobile
    More Than 60 Apps Downloaded per iOS Device

    Looking for hard data detailing the explosion of the app economy? Helsinki-based mobile analyst Horace Dediu of asymco released yet another series of charts this week where he explains how he came to the conclusion that more than 60 apps have been downloaded for every iOS device sold.In the fall...

  • Social
    Only 66% Use Twitter Profile Location Field as Intended, Says PARC Research Study

    The first in-depth user research study on the usage of the "Location" field within Twitter profiles has just been published by the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). With a sample size of 32 million English language tweets in hand, PARC summer intern Brent Hecht selected a group of 10,000 active...

  • Work
    4 Ways Predictive Analytics Are Being Applied to Business

    Predictive analytics is a subject we're keeping an eye on this year. Today we're taking a look at some of the ways predictive analytics are being used by businesses: to predict customer attrition rates, monitor IT systems and issue alerts when appropriate, optimize prices for auctions and prepare for GMAT...

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