Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Web
    Startup Strategy Roundtable: Niche Marketplace Businesses Can Be Interesting

    During this week's roundtable, one of the questions that I answered was about the One Million by One Million program's plans around supporting social enterprises. Well, 1M/1M is focused on helping businesses generate $1M in annual revenue, whatever be the nature of the business. We see a lot of businesses...

  • Web
    Google Earth Engine, A Powerful Tool to Monitor Climate Change

    At the United Nations COP 16 conference today, Google unveiled its latest Labs project, Google Earth Engine, a new tool to give scientists, communities, and environmental activists with better access and understanding of climate change. Google Earth Engine is an online environment monitoring platform that provides a dynamic, digital model...

  • Mobile
    Yahoo’s Top Mobile Searches of 2010 Reveal Mobile’s Real-Time Nature

    Yahoo has released its year-end list of top Web searches, which identify the trends form the past year. There are a number of lists available, including the top overall searches, top searches by country and top searches in a number of verticals, like finance, sports, questions and "obsessions" (hot items...

  • Social Debuts Real-Time Social Search Platform, Plus 3 Years of Twitter’s Archive

    There's a new tool that online marketers, brand managers and social media experts should be aware of:, a new social search platform for researching Twitter conversations and tracking the associated analytics. But this is not your average Twitter analytics uses parent company PeopleBrowsr's proprietary server technology to surface...

  • Web
    Research Examines What Motivates People to Comment Online

    A study by professors at the Warsaw University of Technology has demonstrated something not surprising to those of us who've spent any time on the Internet. That is, people who comment online are often motivated by emotions, and negative emotions at that. Furthermore, the longer online discussions last, the more...

  • Web
    Google Tweaks Its Search Algorithm to Account for Merchant Reviews

    Google has announced it's made a change to its search algorithm to better account for negative online reviews. The action is a result of a story in Sunday's edition of The New York Times that told the story of one woman's experience with an online vendor. According to the article,...

  • Web
    Report: The Top 5 Trends of 2010

    As part of our ongoing year-end analysis of what shaped the Web this year, we've created a report - The Top 5 Web Trends of 2010 - that looks at the most important topics: mobile, the Internet of Things, location-based social networks, the real-time Web, and structured data. Using Adobe's...

  • Web
    “Do Not Track” Web Policy Among Smart New Recommendations from FTC

    How can the web industry leverage the incredible potential of online user data while sufficiently protecting peoples' privacy? The Federal Trade Commission has issued today what it calls a proposed framework for business and policy makers towards that end. Among its recommendations are a proposed feature for every web browser...

  • Web
    Awesome: DIY Data Tool Needlebase Now Available to Everyone

    If you've been within shouting distance of me over the last month, you've probably heard me singing the praises of Needlebase, a great new point-and-click tool for extracting, sorting and visualizing data from across pages around the web. I've been using it for all kinds of things and now you...

  • Web
    SXSW 2011 Expands with Two Days of “Technology Summit”

    Hold on to your hats, because South by Southwest Interactive has added two more days to the schedule with the introduction of the first-ever "Technology Summit". If five straight days of panels, business cards, booze and talking tech wasn't enough for you, then SXSW 2011 will be right up your...

  • Web
    Beautiful Data Visualization Special Coming to BBC, Too Bad It’s UK Only (Video Preview)

    The BBC will broadcast an hour-long special next Tuesday called The Joy of Stats and it looks great. Hosted by Hans Rosling, Professor of International Health at Karolinska Institute and Director of the Gapminder Foundation, the show will use some beautiful computer generated graphics to demonstrate the importance of data...

  • Hack
    API of the Week: API

    The API is now open to any developer interested in using Twitter for sentiment analysis. Brand monitoring is the most obvious application, but I'm sure a few of you will come up with more creative uses for the API. So far, only three calls are available. More information on...

  • Web
    What is Data Visualization? [Infographic]

    Sébastien Pierre is the founder of FFunction, a Montréal-based data visualization company. His company created an infographic titled: "What is Data Visualization?"We asked Pierre for an explanation about the infographic and how it defines data visualization.According to Pierre, definitions for the terms in the infographic are as follows:Fields: Design, Communication,...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1, Netflix’s Advice on Moving to Amazon Web Services, Top Trends of 2010 And More…

    A new iPhone and iPad jailbreak always top our list of the week's biggest stories and this week was no different. Spoiler if you haven't read the post yet: It's a tethered jailbreak for iPhones, which can be a real pain (something I found out the hard way). In our...

  • Web
    Waiting for the End of the World, Korea-Style

    The artillery shelling of the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong on Nov. 23 has captured the attention of the world - then set it on edge. In a media-saturated era like our own, we have no end of resources for staying current with the continuing, and increased, conflict between North...

  • Web
    Top Trends of 2010: The Rise of Tumblr, Posterous & Light Blogging

    One of the big themes of 2010 has been the increased simplicity of posting content to the Web. Whether it's Facebooking with your family, tweeting with your online buddies, or sharing a favorite video, photo or quote on Tumblr. All of these activities have given millions of people an opportunity...

  • Web
    Netflix’s Advice on Moving to Amazon Web Services

    The Netflix's video streaming service has nearly tripled in growth during the past year. To scale the service, Netflix has moved its API and other operations to Amazon Web Services (AWS) over the past several months.In an interview today on the Cloudscaling blog, Netflix Cloud Architect Adrian Cockcroft discusses why...

  • Work
    3 Analyst Firms on the Trends Shaping the Future of IT

    As we said last week, it's prediction season. We've kicked off our own trends to watch series, but we also wanted to check in with what the analyst firms are saying. Forrester, Gartner and ZapThink have all published their own trend watch-lists. Common themes include cloud computing, mobility and analytics.ForresterForrester...

  • Work
    Only 27% of Information Workers Would Recommend Their Employer’s Products or Services. Would Access to Social Media Tools Help Change That?

    Forrester recently found that among the 5,519 information workers the firm polled in US, Canada, the UK, France, and Germany, only 27% would recommend their employer's products or services to a friend or family. The results are discussed in a new report and a blog entry by analyst Matthew Brown....

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Twitter’s Firehose, Facebook’s “Not Email” Announcement, Demand for Android Skills Up 710% And More…

    This was a good week to be an Android developer, a bad week to be a woman on Facebook, and - if you had $360,000 on hand - your first chance to buy up 50% of the Twitter firehose. (As of right now it's flowing at about 1,000 Tweets every...

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