Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Web
    Weekly Poll: Do You Believe Analyst Forecasts About the Cloud?

    You know cloud computing is big. Then you see the analyst forecasts like the ones compiled by Total Cloud.And you have to ask yourself: Do you believe these numbers?Here are the market estimates that Total Cloud collected and posted to its blog:Small business spending on cloud computing will reach $100...

  • Mobile
    The UN to Open Source Global Crises in Real-Time

    Global Pulse, the UN agency devoted to monitoring "the impact of compound crises on vulnerable populations" is turning to real-time data and open-source development to stay on top of challenges. At a recent briefing of the United Nations General Assembly, Global Pulse's director, Robert Kirkpatrick, outlined the turn his agency...

  • Web
    Magitti: The Future of Location Apps From PARC?

    On a trip to Silicon Valley last month, I had the pleasure of visiting the famous PARC campus (Palo Alto Research Center, formally Xerox PARC). One of the people I spoke to was Bo Begole, Principal Scientist and Manager of PARC's Ubiquitous Computing Area.Begole showed me an app that brings...

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    What Do Last Week’s U.S. Elections Mean for Net Neutrality?

    Following last week's U.S. midterm elections, many are wondering if the Republican Party's victories and impending control of Congress will be the nail in the coffin for net neutrality legislation. As Republicans are known for an anti-regulatory stance, it seems unlikely that under their leadership that Congress will move forward...

  • Web
    Weekly Case Study: IBM Credits Virtualization With Helping Client Contain Server Sprawl

    IBM had a credit card processor client with more than 4,700 servers spread across 10 data centers. IBM did an analysis and found that the servers were being underutilized.The solution? IBM recommended the client create a virtualization platform that consolidated servers and lowered the time and cost of administration.Download the...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Unlike Facebook News Feed, Hulu Plus Opens to All, Your One True Mobile Platform And More…

    This week's chart-topping story was Sarah Perez's look at the new unlike button on Facebook's News Feed. In our coverage of other top Internet trends, new data shows that the location-based check-in craze is far from mainstream; Kinect could control your Internet of Things; and in mobile Web news, Dell,...

  • Web
    MapMyFollowers is a Great Twitter Data Visualization is a fabulous site that allows you to see where in the world the people who follow you on Twitter are. Up to 1000 at a time can be viewed on a map and there's something magical about the resulting experience.The site was profiled today on Google Maps Mania,...

  • Web
    Startup Strategy Roundtable: Premium Lounge Sneak Preview

    At today's roundtable I offered a sneak preview into the One Million by One Million Premium Lounge we have just unveiled to a small group of core users. To get started, I suggest you take a look at three videos messages: To Entrepreneurs, To Investors, and To The Media. The...

  • Social
    Facebook Wants to Be Your One True Mobile Platform

    The tech press have been invited to Facebook HQ today for the second time in as many months. Today's invitation reads "Mobile Event," and there are a number of speculations about what Facebook will unveil.Perhaps it's an expansion of Facebook Places, with the addition of Groupon-like shopping deal check-ins. Perhaps...

  • Mobile
    The Mobile Developer Journey from App Design to Monetization (Infographic)

    VisionMobile, a market analysis and strategy firm for the mobile industry, has just released an infographic detailing the key aspects of the mobile developer journey. The graphic is a part of its Developer Economics 2010, a 57-page global research report that details mobile application development across eight major mobile platforms...

  • Social
    Beware Those Grassroots Tweets, They Might Be Astroturf

    It's Election Day and people across the U.S. are making their way to the polls to cast their hopefully well-informed ballots. If you're one of the many looking for some last minute information on your candidates this morning, beware your source, as much of those grassroots-looking Tweets may actually just...

  • Social
    Facebook and Twitter Will Try to Mobilize Millions of Voters Tomorrow

    Facebook, the largest online social network in the world, will put a call to hit the polls at the top of millions of users' Facebook pages tomorrow and will attempt to help them find the nearest polling station.Facebook told press today that the company will provide an official app on...

  • Web
    Glam Media Set to Overtake AOL: Verticals vs Portals

    The latest comScore Top 50 Properties (U.S.) statistics make sobering reading for AOL, the former king of the portals in the 90s and early part of this century. While AOL is the number 5 ranked U.S. web property, with 104 million monthly unique visitors, it's now well adrift of the...

  • Web
    Twitter by the Petabyte: Using Big Data to Define Market Sentiment

    Millions of tweets run through Twitter. It's the poster child for big data on the Web.To get data out of Twitter and use it to track sentiment requires tools with considerable processing and computational capabilities.BigSheets is a tool created by IBM that takes terabytes or even petabytes of Web data...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: PDC Keynote, Firesheep Takes Over Your Identity, Nexus Two? And More…

    It's pretty common for our live blogging of Apple events to be the top story of the week, but this week Microsoft finally had its day with Frederic Lardinois' coverage of the PDC Keynote event. In Internet of Things news, Richard MacManus explained how to connect your car to the...

  • Web
    Will Developers Use the New Digg Streaming API?

    Digg just announced the availability of a new streaming real-time Application Programming Interface (API) for all submissions, Diggs and comments on the site. Modeled after the Twitter Streaming API, Digg elected to use Tornado, the real-time framework built by FriendFeed and open sourced by Facebook, and Redis to power the...

  • Web
    Web Linking Gets Deeper with New Standard for Link Relations

    The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has published a Request for Comment on a proposed standard for link relations across multiple web formats. From rel="stylesheet" to rel="bookmark," rel="payment," and rel="me," according the the consensus of the IETF community members, link relations are now first class citizens with a centralized Registry...

  • Social
    The Top 10 Domains On Twitter: Rules Them All

    A look at more than 1.5 million tweets shows that has remained the dominant URL shortener and tweeted domain on Twitter, with appearing more than its nine closest competitors combined.Julien Sobrier, an engineer at cloud security firm Zscaler, analyzed more than 1.5 million tweets over the last three...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: Convert Potential Competitors to Partners

    At today's roundtable we saw three very nice businesses, each with pilot customers, and each working on real problems. At the end of the session, each left with specific action items. First up today was Antonio Lucena de Faria with ActionFlow from Portugal. Antonio has a portfolio of Web-based business...

  • Web
    Twitter Used to Gather Questions for White House Briefing

    White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs took questions from Twitter users this morning and answered a select few in a video on YouTube. "Something new," Gibbs Tweeted,"You take first crack. Use #1q in a q & I'll answer 1 on vid before today's briefing. What do you want to know?"...

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