Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    Are Google and Samsung Announcing a “Nexus Two?”

    Google and Samsung may be announcing a "Nexus Two" smartphone at the mysterious press conference being held on November 8th in New York City. The conference will feature the launch of a "new Android device," which is now suspected to be the next Google experience phone, meaning a phone featuring...

  • Web
    No Flash? No Worries: Majority of Online Video Now Available in HTML5

    The percentage of online video available in HTML5 format has grown 5X since January and more than 2X in the past 5 months, according to a report by web video cataloging service MeFeedia today. An estimated 54% of online video is now available in HTML5, generally in addition to availability...

  • Web
    Compete’s Top 50 Sites: Bing Grows 108%

    Web-traffic analysis site Compete has come out with a ranking of the top 50 sites for September that gives a quick look at the ever-changing online landscape. While there may be arguments about the accuracy of any given traffic analysis, if the bias is retained across the board, then we...

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: Transparency is Critical When Sites #FAIL

    Editor's note: We offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write posts and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support...

  • Social
    Is This Twitter’s New Custom Data Center?

    Utah-based C7 Data Center announced today that it has opened a new 65,000 square foot facility in south Salt Lake County. The new data center, boasting 40,000 square foot of available space, is open and ready for immediate occupancy. According to C7, "several large companies" have signed multi-year agreements to...

  • Web
    Dot Obits: Cartographer at The Abode of Monsters & Evel Knievel’s Rocket Man

    Benoit Mandelbrot. Mandelbrot is one of the few people in history whose face is completely unknown even as the designs based on his math are instantly recognized. He is also one of the few mathematicians to percolate through popular culture. In high school, t-shirts with designs of his "fractal" patterns...

  • Web
    Cognos 10 and How it Represents the IBM Cloud Strategy

    IBM's cloud computing strategy is apparent to some extent with Cognos 10, the latest release of the business intelligence platform.As part of Cognos 10, IBM is delivering a cloud-based service they call Cognos 10 in the Cloud.It's a hosted service for companies that want to transfer its license to the...

  • Web
    Wikileaks’ Iraq War Diaries Available for Download – Data Visualization

    As most readers probably know by now, Julian Assange, Wikileaks' leader, has gone ahead with the release of 391,832 secret documents related to the war in Iraq. These documents cover most of the period between May 2004 and March 2009. The information was released in three forms, the "Diary Dig,"...

  • Web
    Security-as-a-Service: Using the Cloud to Deliver Security

    Software-as-a-Service and cloud computing have introduced a host of new security problems. But some companies are turning this problem on its head and using the cloud to deliver Security-as-a-Service. The Security-as-a-Service paradigm promises an end to expensive appliances and complex software deployment. We don't see most companies giving up firewalls...

  • Social
    A Physical Machine To Measure Tweets

    On display at the British Library is a fully functional "Tweet-o-Meter" machine, which measures the real-time tweet levels in nine major cities around the world. The machine, a part of the Growing Knowledge Exhibition, was built by the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, an interdisciplinary research center within University College...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Gene Simmons Takes on Anonymous, OS X Lion Live Blog, Google Demo Slam, And More…

    This week's top story was Gene Simmons versus, well, something that so far is much stronger than his KISS Army: Anonymous. In Internet of Things news, Nukotoys wants to plug Silicon Valley into the toy market. On the mobile news front, Square made amends with the iPhone 4. And don't...

  • Social
    Thousands of Reddit Users Donate Their Data for Research

    Last month, Condé Nast social news site Reddit asked users if they would donate their data for research purposes. This week the site made available a data dump from more than 40,000 people who opted-in to sharing what they do on the site. It's a remarkable move than every social...

  • Web
    Big Data, Small Startups: One Angle On Turning Data Into Money

    Piles of data, piles of dough, right? Not so fast. Despite an increasingly urgent, broad range of needs around processing data juggernauts, we're seeing just as many startups go *poof* when it comes to turning Big Data into Big Money. Or Mini-Money, for that matter.Data-driven startups should know by now...

  • Mobile
    Weekly Poll: How Many iPad Apps Have You Bought? (UPDATE)

    Nielsen this week released a new report on Connected Devices, which looked at trends surrounding the iPad, Kindle and others. These tablet computers are now owned by 48% of early adopters, a group which tends to be more wealthy (25% has an income greater than $100K) and more educated (51%...

  • Web
    1M/1M Strategy Roundtable: Bootstrapping Comes in Many Flavors

    At today's roundtable, we had some very interesting discussions on creative bootstrapping. I am always fascinated by how innovative entrepreneurs get when faced with resource crunches. First up today was Justin Beck with PerBlue, a mobile and social gaming company that makes the iPhone and Android game Parallel Kingdom that...

  • Web
    Startup Adds Warm & Fuzzy Tweets to Your Page With One Line of Javascript

    Imagine adding real-time, authentic, positive customer testimonials from social media sites to your own website, with a single line of Javascript. A startup called ThingBuzz has created a widget that displays Twitter and Facebook messages that contain links to your pages and positive sentiment, in a Growl-style pop-up in the...

  • Web
    Live Blog: Apple’s “Back to the Mac” Event (iLife, OS X Lion, New Macbook Air)

    Apple is holding a Mac-centric press event on its Cupertino campus this morning. The rumor mill is pointing towards a preview of OS X 10.7 Lion, as well as a refresh of the MacBook Air line and possibly a new version of Apple's iLife and iWork suites. Given that this...

  • Web
    Preceding CNN’s iReport by 6 Years, African News Site Celebrates a Decade Online

    Pambazuka News, a sterling example of how new media can revitalize news gathering, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. That's a big enough deal on its own. It's even more important to note that, in a tech world sometimes overly focused on Silicon Valley, Pambazuka News is an African...

  • Web
    Mozilla Challenges Apple & Google With a New Decentralized App Store Platform

    Mozilla has launched a prototype of what it calls an Open Web App Store. It's a decentralized challenge to both Apple's closed app store and Google's centralized strategy. Open Web Apps, the organization says, are a hybrid of the web's openness and the desktop's convenience, access to hardware capabilities and...

  • Social
    Why Facebook Should Pass Out More, Not Less, User Info

    The Internet, Congress and possibly your Mom are all freaking out this week about a Wall St. Journal article challenging Facebook's passing of some limited User ID numbers to 3rd party companies, including advertisers. Many people consider it a privacy violation.I challenged Facebook as vehemently as anyone on the Internet...

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