Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Web
    Startup Strategy Roundtable: Top 10 Tech Trends To Watch

    We started this week's roundtable with a discussion of the top 10 tech trends to watch for the upcoming decade. The trends include Cloud computing, outsourcing, social Web, vertical and local Web, smartphones and tablets, online advertising, online video, online gaming, e-books, and bootstrapped entrepreneurship. You can find details in...

  • Web
    Blogging Seems To Have Peaked, Says Pew Report

    The Pew Internet and American Life Project released its latest report today documenting how different generations use the Internet, and most of the findings won't come as a surprise. Across generations and almost across the board, we're spending more time engaged in online activities, as watching videos, listening to music,...

  • Web
    New Visualization Tool from Google With Data From 5.2 Million Digitized Books

    We've written a lot this year about the boom in e-readers and the benefits that e-books have over print. And often, discussions surrounding the move to digital texts involves our enhanced ability to read and store our libraries, particularly via mobile devices. But a new project available in Google Labs...

  • Web
    Facebook Makes Big New Move to Capture More User Data

    Facebook today unveiled an incredibly simple new service that will allow any website owner to hand over user registration for their site to Facebook, undoubtedly something countless independent sites have considered since seeing the disaster that resulted from the hacking of Gawker's user account info earlier this month.The new tool,...

  • Hack
    Are You a Computer Science Student? Want To Be a Data Scientist? Then Check This Out

    The Data Sciences Summer Institute is a six week summer program for students interested in data science. It will be held at the University of Illinois Department of Computer Science and include: a class on the mathematical foundations of data science, advanced tutorials, expert speakers and collaborative research projects. Why...

  • Web
    CrisisCommons Gets Funded $1.2 Million for Crisis Response 2.0

    The disaster response network CrisisCommons announced today that it has been funded to the tune of $1.2 million from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. CrisisCommons is the organization behind scores of CrisisCamps in locations around the world, informal gatherings where technologists have developed mobile, data, analysis, mapping and other tools...

  • Work
    3 Tips for Engaging Online Communities with Data Visualization

    Data visualization is a medium for understanding information that had previously been the domain of scientists and researchers.Today, due to the amount of data available, there is an increasing need to find new ways of understanding what information means that is available through social networks and throughout the Web.Engaging Online...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb’s New Look: Better-Looking Content, Better Commenting, Better Sharing, Better Cowbell

    As you sit down for another glorious day of tech news and analysis from ReadWriteWeb, you may have noticed that we've given our homepage and other aspects of the site a spiffy new upgrade. For many weeks we've been thinking of (and coding) better ways to deliver our content to...

  • Social
    Apple Adds Social Playlists to Ping

    Ping, Apple's half-hearted attempt at its own music-focused social networking site, has finally received an update worth noting: Social Playlists. On Friday, the iTunes-only website Ping added a new feature which lets you create a playlist of your favorite songs. Those playlists can then be published for your Ping followers...

  • Web
    How Not To Describe Yourself on LinkedIn

    Are you a results-oriented team player with a proven track record? Or are you a fast-paced problem solver with extensive experience? Chances are, if you're any of these things, then you're also a job-seeker using LinkedIn, the social network for the career-minded, and you're guilty of using some of the...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: WikiLeaks and Anonymous, PayPal, Facebook, Twitter, Mirror Sites and More…

    We started this week with a quote from EFF's co-founder: "The first serious infowar is now engaged. The field of battle is WikiLeaks. You are the troops." It's a battle that has enthralled hundreds of thousands of our readers and made our coverage of WikiLeaks the top stories of the...

  • Mobile
    Angry Birds Open a Bank: Here’s What it Means, Beyond Android

    The smash-hit puzzle game Angry Birds made big headlines today with its parent company's announcement of its own sales system that will route around the Android Market and let consumers run up charges directly on the monthly bill sent to them by their telephone carrier. Called the Bad Piggy Bank,...

  • Web
    There’s Big Money in Cyborg Mapping Apps – Trapster Gets Acquired

    Cyborgs, part human and part machine: that seems like a reasonable way to understand the new group of mobile phone driving navigation apps that use your travel to build a collective real time map of roads, driving hazards and more. They are right in the middle of an important continuum...

  • Hack
    The Secrets Behind Blekko’s Search Technology

    Blekko has a refreshingly different interface to search, and a generous data-sharing philosophy, but what I didn't realize was how innovative its underlying technology is. Last week I sat down with CEO Rich Skrenta and CTO Greg Lindahl, and they took me on a fascinating tour of the system they've...

  • Web
    Startup Strategy Roundtable: Where Should You Raise Money?

    During this week's roundtable we had a group of entrepreneurs from the Pune Open Coffee Club gather at the offices of Persistent Systems to participate in the roundtable together. It is a very good format for entrepreneur groups around the world to get together and network around the roundtable programming...

  • Hack
    How Hunch Built a Data-Crunching Monster

    Hunch has really interesting problems. They collect a lot of data from a lot of users, and once someone creates a profile they need to quickly deliver useful recommendations across a wide range of topics. This means running a sophisticated analysis on a massive data set, all to a strict...

  • Web
    Wikileaks’ Assange May be TIME’s Person of the Year

    Wanted by the law across multiple countries, threatened with military action by US hawks, shut out by internet vendors from Amazon to PayPal, Wikileaks leader Julian Assange may still be named TIME Magazine's Person of the Year for 2010. He's currently leading in the magazine's online poll, ahead of the...

  • Web
    Hackathon: Compete for the ReadWriteWeb Data Visualization Award at Cloudstock

    ReadWriteWeb has a data visualization challenge and three prizes to give away to developers at the Cloudstock hackathon tomorrow in San Francisco. The winners will receive a profile and their work featured in ReadWriteWeb.The goal: Use Twitter data to provide deeper insights about whom is attending Dreamforce, the annual conference...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Mozilla’s Rust, Top 10 Startups of 2010, Kinect Sells 2X Faster Than iPad And More…

    Mozilla's new programming language (called Rust) may have been the top story of this last week, but our annual year-end series on top products and developments was almost as popular. Richard MacManus kicked off the series with the top 10 semantic Web products; we also looked at the top startups...

  • Work
    Personality Analytics – The Next Must-Have Feature for Social CRM?

    Here's a method that could have a profound impact on social CRM strategies: using personality types to match customers up with representatives. Fast Company reports on how eLoyalty is using the Process Communication Model (PCM), the same personality test used by NASA to evaluate astronauts, to match customers who call...

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