Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Web
    Big Data Giant Joins InfoChimps to Save the World’s Structured Information

    Sometimes highly accomplished people just have to join crazy little startups. It's always exciting to see what happens when they do. Data scientist Kurt Bollacker is one of those people; he's decided to join Austin-based bulk data marketplace startup Infochimps, one of the most interesting little companies we regularly write...

  • Web
    4 Key Take-Aways From Goldman’s Huge Facebook Investment

    Banking giant Goldman Sachs has invested $500 million in Facebook, buying shares at a price that puts the value of the entire company at $50 billion. If all shares in the company were priced equally (they are not) then we could assume that Goldman, and co-investor Russian giant DST, bought...

  • Cloud
    How Twitter Uses NoSQL

    InfoQ has released a video of Twitter's Kevin Weil speaking at Strange Loop earlier this year on how the company uses NoSQL. Weil is quick to point out that Twitter is heavily dependent on MySQL. However, Twitter does employ NoSQL solutions for many purposes for which MySQL isn't ideal. According...

  • Work
    5 Enterprise Startups to Watch in 2011 # 4: SnapLogic

    SnapLogic is a cloud integration platform. It offers an app store (called the SnapStore) of connectors (called snaps) for integrating services like Box, Netsuite, and Unlike Jive or, which offer services in addition to an app store, SnapLogic is focused on being a platform for connecting other services....

  • Web
    2011 Predictions: Klint Finley

    Editor's note: Every December the ReadWriteWeb team looks into the murky depths of the coming year and tries to predict the future. How did we do last year? Well, Facebook didn't go public, Google Wave didn't make a comeback, and Spotify didn't make it to the U.S. But our forecasts...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb’s Comprehensive WikiLeaks Timeline (UPDATED)

    As we mentioned before, "Wikileaks was not a story, but an ongoing continuum of stories... It's a story that is destined to keep on giving." In that short time since that post, it has indeed done just that. WikiLeaks -- its actions and the reactions to them, the implications of...

  • Web
    Google & George Clooney Aim Satellite Surveillance at Sudan, Hoping to Prevent Genocide

    Not On Our Watch, a human rights group co-founded by what's best described, perhaps, as Ocean's Eleven luminaries (George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Don Cheadle and Jerry Weintraub), announced yesterday that it has teamed up with Google, the U.N. and several anti-genocide organizations in order to launch a satellite...

  • Web
    Groupon May Be Raising Almost $1b in Financing, 5X All Previous Investments Combined

    Online coupon company Groupon may be raising, or may have already raised, up to $950 million more in venture capital, according to documents reported on today by venture blog VC Experts.This would be the company's Series G round of funding. Rounds A through F totalled $171 million, according to Crunchbase....

  • Web
    Protecting Your Online Anonymity with Tor

    Although it's hardly a new technology, recent cyber-skirmishes and demands for better privacy online have put the anonymizing network the Tor Project in the spotlight, including a story earlier this month in The New York Times Magazine, a harbinger perhaps of mainstream adoption. Tor has been around for almost a...

  • Web
    Data Hacker Pageranks Members of the US Congress

    What's the fastest way to evaluate the true behavior of a Senator or Representative in Congress? How about through a ready-made mathematical model and some charts? That's what Josh Tauberer has created as the latest project at congress-tracking site (Numerical methods for determining leadership and ideology in Congress)"Bulk access...

  • Mobile
    iPhone to Android: One Week with the Nexus S

    After 30 minutes of frantic searching, I found my iPhone. Under four inches of water. In a pond. Sunken deep into the sandy bottom. The story of how it got there isn't all that interesting - it involves chasing a squealing toddler running towards the water's edge - I never...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Skype Goes Down, How to Disconnect From the Social Web, Holiday Reading for Startups, and More…

    It's the last Wrap-up of 2011! The top story of the week was a big one: Just in time for the holidays when millions of people are using Skype to connect with loved ones, the company's network cratered, dropping from 20 million connections to about 200,000 in a matter of...

  • Social
    On Facebook, Angry People Are More Popular (Plus Other Fascinating Statistical Correlations)

    Facebook's data team proved once again today that when you analyze a large set of anonymous user data from the world's biggest social network, you can learn some very interesting things about the state of humanity.In a blog post titled What's on your mind?, the company disclosed the results of...

  • Web
    How One Company is Already Using Ruby on Rails with

    New Zealand-based development company Trineo began integrating Heroku and several months ago, long before announced its acquisition of the Ruby on Rails platform provider. Independent analyst Ben Kepes writes about Trineo's experience integrating the two services. His analysis shows how the developer community and the enterprise world are...

  • Social
    4 Ways Klout Can Evolve

    In the year and a half since Klout launched at SxSW 2009, the company has grown to become the leading social network influencer measurement within the online communications space. With success has come criticism within the public relations and advertising sector. This criticism of the algorithm-driven influence measurement ranges from...

  • Web
    Top Trends of 2010: Social Shopping

    In 2010, we've seen the rise of so-called "social shopping" services. They rely heavily on technologies such as social networking, crowdsourcing and smart phone scanners. Here we present five of the main social shopping developments of 2010. This kicks off a series of posts that will be published over November...

  • Hack
    How to Semantically Analyze Web Pages With Delicious

    There are many reasons to love delicious and hope that it survives its current rocky patch, but as a programmer there's one thing I've found it essential for. I often write applications that need to process and organize thousands or millions of Web pages.To do that, I need to know...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: R.I.P. Delicious, Apple’s Best Kept Secret, Top iPad Code Editors, and More…

    This week we discovered that Yahoo was "sunsetting" Delicious, the social bookmarking service. Does that mean shutting it down? Selling it? Who knows, but Marshall Kirkpatrick's lament for the potential loss was our top story. As part of our annual year-end series on top products and developments we looked at...

  • Work
    Calculating the ROI of Social Technologies in the Work World [Infographic]

    The returns on investment for social technologies is often what stumps people.But measuring the ROI of these technologies has to be done in order to get some understanding of how it is engaging people and correlating to the overall organization.Socialcast is a social technology company that provides activity streams and...

  • Work
    Did the FBI Build Backdoors Into OpenBSD?

    The FBI is being accused of planting backdoors in the security-focused open source operating system OpenBSD. OpenBSD is used in commercial security products such as firewalls from Calyptix and .vantronix. Thus far, a code audit has not revealed any backdoors in OpenBSD but some bugs have been found.Earlier this week,...

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