Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Computers
    WeTab to show Augmented Reality at CeBit

    The crew behind the MeeGo based WeTab Tablet have decided to exhibit at CeBit (booth D14 / 3 in hall 19). 4tiitoo AG, the company behind the WeTab see this as yet another opportunity to engage with their German communities in the Tablet Continue reading WeTab to show Augmented Reality...

  • Hack
    Helping Consumers with Data from Twenty Million Credit Cards is a personal finance website with a mission to "help US consumers make smarter decisions with their money". What really makes it stand out is the company's unique access to detailed, anonymized transaction histories from 20 million Citibank credit cards. This allows them to build consumer tools in the...

  • Web
    Happy iPad 2 Day – ReadWriteWeb’s Coverage Starts Now

    It's iPad 2 Day and we're excited about what that will mean for Reading and Writing on the Web (as per our blog's name, of course). Join site co-Editor Marshall Kirkpatrick and news writer Audrey Watters for some pre-game live video discussion starting now, embedded below, leading up to the...

  • Web
    Money as Big Data: Mapping the History of Filthy Lucre

    Most people who aren't coin queens don't realize how important the little bits of bronze, silver and gold are to understanding our history. The American Numismatic Society's resident geek Ethan Gruber does. So he and the ANS are building a mapping interface for their huge numismatic data set. "Such a...

  • Work
    Google Beefs Up Its Security Chops By Buying Zynamics

    Today Zynamics, a company that makes security analysis tools, announced that it has been acquired by Google. Zynamics specializes in tools for reverse engineering binary executables - in other words, analyzing software for which no source code is available.Zynamics is probably best known for BinDiff, a tool for sniffing out...

  • Hack
    Searching for Sadness in New York: Is the Foursquare API Living Up to Its Potential?

    As explained in this blog post, Foursquare needed a way for its business staff to run reports based on its data without slowing down production servers and without learning technologies such as Scala and MongoDB. The company decided to make its data available to business staff through a Hadoop cluster...

  • Web
    Choosing a Private Cloud Provider and Doing it All Wrong

    There's a right way to choose a cloud provider and there's a wrong way. The right way is to do the research about your needs and requirements. The wrong way is to choose a provider by evaluating and comparing vendor offerings.John Treadway writes on CloudBzz that IT leaders he speaks...

  • Web
    Has Google’s New Algorithm Really Cleaned Up Search?

    Google made a change to its search algorithm last week that it said was designed to help users find more "high-quality sites." Although Google never described this move as one aimed at tackling the problem of content farms, many observers have viewed the algorithmic adjustments as Google's attempt to clean...

  • Hack
    Rackspace Cloud Offering Free New Relic Accounts

    This week New Relic announced that its Bronze accounts are available to all Rackspace Cloud customers at no additional cost. New Relic offers a software-as-a-service for managing, monitoring and troubleshooting cloud-hosted applications. We covered the service previously here.New Relic Bronze accounts normally sell for $75 a month. The Bronze accounts...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Zippy Cloud Machines, Will Libya Crisis Shut Down .ly Domains? Hotmail One-Ups Gmail, and More…

    Our top story this week was about "zippy cloud machines," which are not, as I first hoped, personal flying machines. Instead Marshall Kirkpatrick looked at the Jolicloud operating system, which you can now run on computers as old as 10 years. Turning a Dell that's older than your kids into...

  • Web
    Google Announces “Big Algorithmic Improvement” to Search

    Google has been under increasing pressure in recent months to improve its search results. From accusations of SEO gaming by big sites to a search results page dominated by the likes of Demand Media and other content farms, the search engine has repeatedly heard the cry that it was becoming...

  • Hack
    Pattern: A Bundle of Data Mining Modules for Python

    Pattern is a collection of open source (BSD license) web mining modules for Python from the Computational Linguistics and Psycholinguistics Research Center. It contains tools for data retrieval, text analysis and data visualization and comes with over 30 sample scripts.Pattern consists of six main modules:pattern.web: A toolkit that includes APIs...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: VCs, Angels, Incubators, Accelerators – What Are You Doing With Your Rejects?

    I recently wrote a blog post that I believe is worth pointing out in the context of the strategy roundtables: VCs, Angels, Incubators, Accelerators - What Are You Doing With Your Rejects? It makes the following observation:When I first talked about the 1M/1M program, I had observed the need to...

  • Social
    NPR’s Andy Carvin Shows How to Retweet Globally (Map)

    There's no better way to see Tweets about the Middle East than by following NPR Senior Strategist Andy Carvin. He's curating, verifying when possible and reporting on Tweets from and about the contentious region day and night. How diverse are the Tweets Carvin is curating? We used the handy web...

  • Mobile
    Smartphone Tip: How to Free Up Space on Your Android Phone

    As a (relatively) new Android owner with a Nexus S as my primary device, I've found that there is much to like about the Android ecosystem as a whole, especially the deep integration of Google services on my device, the built-in turn-by-turn navigation, and the Android user interface with its...

  • Web
    Fallout and Frustrations From Apple’s New Subscription Plan Continue

    Since announcing its new subscription plan last week, Apple's move to collect a 30% cut of revenue has had raised the ire of a number of developers and commentators. Mike Melanson offered a round-up on some of the initial reactions, that ranged from "greedy" to "anti-competitive" to "Brilliant, Brazen or...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Why Facebook Marketing Fails, Watson’s Victory Isn’t Science, Twitter Beyond 140, and More…

    A dissection of failed Facebook marketing campaigns topped this week's list of our readers' favorite stories. As a few commenters noted, success comes down to one thing: keep things simple. As always, this week we followed several of the key trends shaping the Internet today. In mobile news, Netflix had...

  • Web
    Big Memory: An Interview with Terracotta CEO Amit Pandey

    I did an interview this morning with Terracotta CEO Amit Pandey about the fascinating new dimensions of in-memory data and its use for search. How excited I was when I learned that the public relations person had been transcribing the interview. It felt like a Mad Men moment!It turned out...

  • Work
    This Week in Consolidation: HP Buys Vertica, Constant Contact Buys Bantam Live and More

    As we've said before, consolidation is a watch-word for 2011. Every week we're seeing acquisitions in the cloud, data analysis and enterprise social software market. We've already covered one of this week's biggest announcements: RIM's acquisition of Gist. Here are three more acquisitions worth taking note of.HP Acquires VerticaThis is...

  • Mobile
    Embedded SIM Standard First Step to Building Internet of Things

    At this week's Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, a task force consisting of a group of international mobile operators announced it will submit its plans for an embedded SIM solution to telecommunication standards body ETSI for consideration by month-end. The standard would allow for an embedded (as opposed to removable)...

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