Results for "Analysis"

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  • Web
    NBC Sale by Weapons Giant to Cable Giant Approved by FCC

    The Federal Trade Commission has approved the controversial sale of a majority share of NBC Universal by General Electric to Comcast, leaving only Justice Department approval for a deal that could define the changing landscape of national power. (Update, it's all approved now, by the Justice Dept. as well.) Critics...

  • Work
    Thoughts on Paul Greenberg’s CRM 2011 Watchlist

    CRM and social CRM expert Paul Greenberg finished posting his CRM 2011 Watchlist series this week. It's six parts totaling more than 35,000 words. It's a much more detailed and comprehensive view of the CRM space than you would expect from a Magic Quadrant or Wave report, and it's completely...

  • Social
    Facebook Now Shares Phone Number & Address With Third-Party Apps

    Facebook recently announced on its developer blog that it will now be "making a user's address and mobile phone number accessible as part of the User Graph object." In other words, the site will now let third-party applications (think Farmville or that spammy app your friends keep falling for that...

  • Work
    This Week in Business Analytics: Oracle Takes on SAP with New Business Intelligence Application, and More

    Last week we took a look at several business analytics related predictions from analysts from Forrester and Gartner. This year's analytics product announcements are off to an interesting start, even if they're not confirming those predictions yet. The main trend we see in the three announcements we're covering this week...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Wikileaks vs. Palin, Data Engineers’ Secrets, Best Android Devices at CES 2011, and More…

    This week's top story was Wikileaks' call for Sarah Palin's arrest. It was a story that showed how linked two seemingly unrelated topics are: a national tragedy - the attempted assassination of Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords - and the ongoing international Wikileaks saga. The news that Foursquare will host a...

  • Web
    Yammer’s New Leaderboards Show How Workplace Discourse Will be Analyzed in the Future

    Workplace micro-messaging service Yammer introduced a very interesting new feature today: leaderboards. Organizations using Yammer will now be able to easily discover their top members, best posts and most heavily replied-to threads. It's a very smart example of the kinds of things that happen when communication is made measurable and...

  • Web
    How Much is Flickr Worth to Yahoo? Not Very Much (Updated)

    When an internal announcement leaked out of Yahoo last month that it was "sunsetting" popular social bookmarking service Delicious, that service's users flew into a panic. Yahoo quickly backtracked on the plans and the service remains up and running, if minimally supported.Would Flickr survive the hemorrhaging at its parent company...

  • Web
    How Much is Flickr Worth to Yahoo? Not Very Much (Updated)

    When an internal announcement leaked out of Yahoo last month that it was "sunsetting" popular social bookmarking service Delicious, that service's users flew into a panic. Yahoo quickly backtracked on the plans and the service remains up and running, if minimally supported.Would Flickr survive the hemorrhaging at its parent company...

  • Hack
    Secrets of BackType’s Data Engineers

    How do three guys with only seed funding process a hundred million messages a day? I sat down with the BackType team to discover how they built a service relied upon by companies like, Hunch and The New York Times. BackType captures online conversations, everything from tweets to blog...

  • Hack
    The Secret Life of Robots

    Despite companies like Google making tens of billions of dollars from Web crawling, the rules governing so-called robots indexing the Web are surprisingly vague. As somebody who ran afoul of Facebook with my own crawler, I've taken a keen interest in other sites' attitudes to external access. There's some interesting...

  • Hack
    The Secret Life of Robots

    Despite companies like Google making tens of billions of dollars from Web crawling, the rules governing so-called robots indexing the Web are surprisingly vague. As somebody who ran afoul of Facebook with my own crawler, I've taken a keen interest in other sites' attitudes to external access. There's some interesting...

  • Web
    How Small Businesses Can Use Quora

    The Q&A site Quora has been blowing up with new users for the last few weeks, initially thanks to some much-due love from Robert Scoble, and then by growing enthusiasm for the site among the tech press.While tech writers, VC's and geeky enthusiasts of all stripes have an obvious, immediate...

  • Web
    Learn Adwords and Unlock Coupons With Google Engage For Agencies

    Google has always been proactive about making it easy to learn how to use their online advertising and analysis products. After all, the more people use AdWords and related offerings, the more revenue Google makes, and the better-equipped business owners are to reach potential customers. Google Engage For Agencies is...

  • Hack
    Google to Start Charging for Prediction API

    Speaking of the Google Prediction API: the company will start charging for the API, like good fortune teller should. According to its pricing page, the service will be free to users for six months or until the they reache a cap of 20,000 predictions - whichever comes first. Free accounts...

  • Hack
    Google Integrates BigQuery with Google Apps Script and Google Spreadsheets

    Google is integrating its BigQuery web service with Google Apps Script and Google Spreadsheets. BigQuery enables developers to use Google's infrastructure to run SQL-like queries on very large datasets. By combining BigQuery with Apps Script and Spreadsheets, users will now be able visualize big data. Unfortunately BigQuery is still in...

  • Hack
    Google Integrates BigQuery with Google Apps Script and Google Spreadsheets

    Google is integrating its BigQuery web service with Google Apps Script and Google Spreadsheets. BigQuery enables developers to use Google's infrastructure to run SQL-like queries on very large datasets. By combining BigQuery with Apps Script and Spreadsheets, users will now be able visualize big data. Unfortunately BigQuery is still in...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: How Twitter Uses NoSQL, Wikipedia Raises $16 Million, YouTube-Only For MetroPCS Plans, and More…

    This week's top stories were a grab bag: Twitter and NoSQL, open educational resources, mobile video and a blogging forefather reinventing blogging. Sounds like a typical week here at ReadWriteWeb. Foursquare's launch of a Jersey Shore badge (yeah, it freaked us out, too) was the top location story. In Internet...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: Top 10 Vertical and Social Web Trends For The Decade

    On Jan. 6, 2011 we hosted our 64th free One Million by One Million (1M/1M) strategy roundtable for entrepreneurs, and the first for this year. We started this week's roundtable with a discussion of all the resources we have brought together over the last three years to help entrepreneurs, including...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: Top 10 Vertical and Social Web Trends For The Decade

    On Jan. 6, 2011 we hosted our 64th free One Million by One Million (1M/1M) strategy roundtable for entrepreneurs, and the first for this year. We started this week's roundtable with a discussion of all the resources we have brought together over the last three years to help entrepreneurs, including...

  • Web
    How Small Businesses Can Make the Most of Yelp

    It's been a few years since Yelp launched, but despite proliferatingcompetition, the user-generated business reviews site isn't going anywhere. For some local businesses, it's a blessing. For others, the very public, sometimes brutal candor of their customers can be a lot to swallow.Like it or not, social media has empowered...

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