Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Web
    China Highjacked 15% of World’s Internet Traffic – Or Did It?

    News of the "highjacking" of 15% of Internet traffic through China for 18 minutes has spread all over the web in the last few days. This news came from the US China-Economic and Security Review Commission's report to Congress released on Wednesday. Additionally, McAfee's Dmitri Alperovitch also mentioned the 15%...

  • Web
    Startup Strategy Roundtable: Not Coming To The Rescue Of Victory

    During this week's roundtable I addressed a commonly held critique of the 1M/1M program: that we're focusing on the basics and stating the obvious. I have seen this criticism at various places where this recap is syndicated on a weekly basis, as well as in certain random forums on the...

  • Mobile
    Weekly Poll: HTML5 vs Native Apps

    HTML5 was one of the top trends of 2010 (see Richard's post for a detailed analysis of what has been accomplished so far). And one of the areas seeing increased use of HTML5 is mobile devices. In fact, Richard wrote earlier this week, the Mobile Web is one of the...

  • Social
    Meet the Firehose Seven Thousand Times Bigger Than Twitter’s

    Twitter announced yesterday that for the first time, outside developers will be allowed to purchase access to 50% of all the messages that flow through its network. The price for half the firehose? $360,000 per year, payable to partner company Gnip.The full firehose delivers 1,000 Tweets each second, Twitter's Ryan...

  • Web
    Digital Archives: The Shell Midden of the Information Age or the Democratization of History?

    In a remarkable series of articles on the World Policy Institute's blog, Anais Borja introduces this distressing thought. "With easy storage made even easier by cheap disk space, our ability to create and save information has outpaced our ability to think critically about the theory and practice of archiving it."Will...

  • Mobile
    Android Ad Requests up 2182% Since January, Now Tied with iOS

    For the first time ever, Android has tied with Apple's iOS platform in terms of mobile ad impressions on Millennial Media's mobile advertising network, according to its latest monthly report. Android's mobile operating system has seen rapid gains over the course of 2010, and has increased its ad requests by...

  • Web
    Website Lends an Ear to Student Woes – Then Reports Trends to Schools

    Heidi Allstop was a Junior year psychology student when she launched her online business Student Spill, a website where students can anonymously submit descriptions of their personal problems and receive responses within 24 hours from trained student supporters. Now available on 10 campuses around the United States, Student Spill provides...

  • Social
    Twitter to Sell 50% of All Tweets for $360k/Year Through Gnip

    Twitter announced today a new partnership with social data streaming service Gnip at the Defrag Conference outside of Denver: Gnip will offer 50% of all the messages posted to Twitter for $360,000 per year, or 5% of all messages for $60,000 per year. Pricing is not yet on the Gnip...

  • Hack
    Why is Twitter Partnering With Gnip?

    Today's announcement at Defrag that Gnip will be the only commercial providers of Twitter's activity stream raises a lot of questions, so I sat down with Chris Hogue, Rob Johnson and Jud Valeski from the Gnip team to get some answers from a technical perspective. The first thing I wanted...

  • Web
    Stuxnet Designed Specifically to Sabotage Iran’s Nuclear Facilities

    Stuxnet, the virus aimed at industrial computers, hit Iran's Bushehr nuclear facility in September. Given the virus attacked SCADA computer systems and Iran's first nuclear reactor recently went live, some specialists believed it may have been specifically aimed at Iran. New research bolsters the likelihood of this claim. Two new...

  • Web
    New Startup Analyzes 100,000 Web Pages With a Snap of Your Fingers

    Machine processing of large quantities of unstructured text, to discover media mentions, relationships between entities and sentiment analysis need not be priced out of the range of the everyday web lover or small business.Tonight two Texas companies announced a collaboration that brings exactly that to market, at a disruptively low...

  • Social
    Live Blog: Facebook’s “Not Email” Announcement

    At Facebook's Mobile Event two weeks ago, Mark Zuckerberg said that there was still at least "one big announcement" to come this year. And as we're hearing rumors that Facebook is about to unveil "Project Titan," it seems likely that today is it. Facebook is holding a press event this...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: iPad Update, RIP, Use Blekko to Rock Your Job And More…

    Our top story of the week was that the iPad, that perennial newsmaker, is getting its first major software update. In our coverage of other top Internet trends, the battle for location enlisted some real armies; Richard MacManus wrote about how software is more important than sensors in the Internet...

  • Web
    A Super-Geek Goes to Washington

    Andy Baio is a man who gets things done, though his accomplishments are often quite unusual. Now he's taking that attitude straight to the nation's capital.In 2008, Baio posted online, and refused to take down, the grainy video tape of Sarah Palin's participation in the 1984 Miss Alaska Pageant. He's...

  • Web
    Startup Strategy Roundtable: African Tech Entrepreneurs Emerging

    I liked all of the companies that were presented at this week's roundtable. And it was really cool to see a company from Tanzania. I LOVE the international nature of the 1M/1M initiative. First up today was Joshua Schwadron presenting Betterfly, a startup he founded earlier this year that offers...

  • Entertainment
    Monitor Business Data from One Real-Time Dashboard with Geckoboard

    Businesses have an extraordinary amount of online data to look after. Between Web analytics, social media metrics, email subscribers, CRM, customer support stats and project management, companies have at least half a dozen dashboards to log into and pull data from. Geckoboard is one Web application that attempts to simplify...

  • Work
    5 Trends to Watch in the Enterprise, Part 1

    The family is talking about turkey again. That must mean it's time for reflection and to look ahead to the next 12 to 18 months.In that spirit, here is part one of a two part series on trends in the enterprise. What's evident in all of these trends is the...

  • Web
    Telling Startup Stories With Data

    You have to be able to tell a good story. I mean that as a general rule. (i'm a folklorist after all, right?) But when you're an entrepreneur, it's particularly important that you can craft a story to share with others, one that really encapsulates what you do and why...

  • Work
    This Week in Social CRM: SugarCRM Goes Mobile, Sprout Adds Locations, Zoho Adds a Helpdesk and More

    Social CRM remains the hottest topic in the world of enterprise 2.0 (or social business or whatever people want to call it this week). This week saw several developments in the space, and some interesting conversations as well. Paul Greenberg talked a bit about the what and why of social...

  • Web
    “The Internet of Things is Already Here” – Dispatches From Internetome

    Internetome, the U.K.'s first full day conference dedicated to the Internet of Things was held on Nov 10 in London. In front of a full attendance, with representatives from academia, government, and enterprise, a wide range of speakers illustrated the promise and the challenges of the complex systems based on...

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