Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Social
    How to Get Started with Facebook’s New Groups

    Yesterday, Facebook rolled out an update to its "Groups" feature, revealing a completely revamped experience that now offers collaboration capabilities, email subscriptions, group chat and more. You can create a group of your own, as always, but you can't necessarily join any group out there on Facebook - unless the...

  • Entertainment
    Integrated Facial Recognition Coming to Smartphones with Viewdle

    Imagine taking a picture using your smartphone and immediately having all of your Facebook friends automatically tagged, without even visiting the website, the app, or looking at the picture itself. This is the future that Viewdle plans to make a reality.We spoke with Jason Mitura, the chief product officer for...

  • Social
    Tipping Point Author Malcolm Gladwell Says Facebook, Twitter Won’t Lead to Social Change

    Facebook and Twitter don't have the power to change the world, says notable author Malcolm Gladwell, whose book "The Tipping Point" detailed how little things can make a big difference. He made this controversial, counter-intuitive argument via an article published in The New Yorker titled "Small Change: Why the Revolution...

  • Work
    Beyond CRM: How One Company is Using to Process Brain Data

    CNS Response, a laboratory information services company, uses's platform in a unique way: to compare patient QEEG data (brain mapping and neurometric analysis) and return the results to physicians quickly. Showing the utility of beyond CRM, the company runs its process almost entirely through According to...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Twitter Sells Followers, Lifespan of a Tweet, ReadWriteMobile, And More…

    Ever turn down $80 million? Digg once did and Kevin Rose's admission of that moment was our top story in this week's rankings. In Internet of Things news, the makers of customer loyalty cards - which are powered by film-thin batteries - added high-power check-in capabilities. And as part of...

  • Social
    Twitter User Ranking Company Klout Hires Product Hot-Shot

    Klout, a high-profile startup offering technology to rank the influence of Twitter users, announced tonight that it has hired Philip Hotchkiss as the company's Chief Product Officer. Hotchkiss previously lead, a financial information provider that sold to Market Watch for $166 million.Klout data is valuable because marketers, PR people...

  • Mobile
    Loyalty Card Company Adds High-Powered Check-in Capabilities

    Novitaz, makers of a line of customer loyalty cards powered by film-thin batteries that enable location tracking, announced today that the company has joined the Dash7 Alliance, a consortium of companies using a wireless data transmission technology that allows data to be sent from indoors, through cement or water, and...

  • Mobile
    Weekly Poll: Are Android Apps Dangerous?

    This week another round of "Android spyware" news hit the Web, when a study by university researchers found that some Android applications were transmitting private data to advertisers, often without users' knowledge. The team studied 30 out of the 358 most popular Android applications that allow access to the location...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: Investors Don’t Fund Broad Ideas

    At today's roundtable I had a disturbing experience. One of the entrepreneurs presented a business idea that sounded like a business-to-consumer concept, but as I peeled the onion, it turned out that the business was really a business-to-business concept. I asked why the pitch was so confusing and all over...

  • Work
    Why HP Picked Former SAP CEO Léo Apotheker, and What HP Should Do Next

    HP announced today that former SAP CEO Léo Apotheker will fill the role vacated by now ex-CEO Mark Hurd. The move has surprised many who expected the role to go to someone within HP. Apotheker's stint at SAP was somewhat less than stellar - he was CEO for only 7...

  • Web
    What Do Online Documentation and Museums Have in Common?

    There was an interesting article recently in The Wall Street Journal by Isacc Arnsdorf that discussed how art gallery and museum patrons are studied as they move through art exhibits. The objective is simple: measure how people navigate through and engage with the art. When I read the article, I...

  • Mobile
    2 New Tools for the Backend of Location-Based Apps

    Location-based check-in applications are hot, or at least that's what the media keeps telling us. However, studies have found that while location-based users are passionate, adoption is limited. That said, developers, advertisers and marketers still need to be aware of the general trends in this area. These apps may be...

  • Mobile
    Semantic Startup Evri Goes Mobile

    Evri, a semantic content discovery engine for real-time content, has decided to switch gears and change its focus. "Going forward, we consider ourselves a mobile company," said Evri CEO Will Hunsinger. To that end, the company is now launching a handful of new mobile applications that use Evri's core technology...

  • Web
    Katie Couric: We Need Better Filters for a “Tsunami of News”

    Will hanging out with the geeks improve network news? Judging from CBS News anchor Katie Couric's comments at the Web 2.0 Expo yesterday, the potential is there. Will it matter? In a news environment that has been irrevocably disrupted by the Internet, the role of broadcast news anchors has evolved...

  • Web
    Facebook Exec: All Media Will Be Personalized in 3 to 5 Years

    Facebook's Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg said in New York today that in the next three to five years, a website that isn't tailored to a specific user's interest will be an anachronism, according to coverage from media industry blog PaidContent."People don't want something targeted to the whole world--they want...

  • Web
    What the TechCrunch Deal Means to Me

    I accepted a job offer with TechCrunch on June 7th, 2006 - days before the site celebrated its first birthday. I left AOL for the position. I worked there for less than a year but it made a huge impression on my life and career. Today I got to see,...

  • Mobile
    Mobile Ads News and Trends: Android Requests Up, iAd on the Rise, RIM Joins the Game

    When it rains, it pours! Today, there's a ton of new information about mobile advertising trends and new initiatives, all of which should catch the eye of marketers, advertisers and developers alike. For starters, a new report from Millennial Media finds Android ad requests are on the rise. Meanwhile, IDC...

  • Web
    Cloudera and Greenplum Join Forces to Tackle Big Data

    EMC Corporation and Cloudera have announced the formation of an alliance so that Hadoop-based services that Cloudera offers will be integrated with EMC's Greenplum technology. This move will help businesses better manage and analyze the challenge of ever-growing big data - including log files, sensor data, emails, images, receipts, research...

  • Web
    Twitter to Start Selling Followers

    Advertisers will be allowed to purchase placement in lists of "who to follow" recommendations targeted to users with particular interests on Twitter, according to the latest report by Peter Kafka on the Wall St. Journal's AllThingsD. Kafka reports that the new ad model will be unveiled at the IAB conference...

  • Web
    The Social Media Words & Phrases Most Retweeted

    Positive language about learning new things and serving the self-interest of readers is the most common characteristic of blog post titles that get shared the most on Twitter, according to new analysis posted on the blog Smart Data Collective.An analysis of 3,000 titles concluded that the words increase, socialize, automate...

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