Results for "Analysis"

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  • Social
    Slashdot Struggles to Remain Relevant in The Social Web

    Earlier today we published an analysis of the top traffic drivers in social media, based on data from Web analytics company Woopra. The biggest traffic driver was StumbleUpon (51%), followed by Digg (30%), Hacker News (12%) and Reddit (5%). Surprisingly, tech news community Slashdot was not in the list of...

  • Web
    Recommended Listening: 10 Podcasts for Startups

    Some of us have daily routines that are conducive to listening to podcasts - long commutes, lengthy stints at the gym. But just as summer is traditionally the time we are meant to pick up a book to read, summer travels make this a particularly good time of year to...

  • Web
    Using Light, Intel Confirms Data Will Be Sent Wayyy Faster in the Near Future

    Intel announced a prototype technology today capable of moving data at 50 Gbps, comparable to sending an entire HD movie in one second - foreshadowing faster, longer data connections that could be revolutionary for consumers and data center users. The prototype represents an important advance in Intel's research into silicon...

  • Web
    The Decline of Startpages Like Netvibes & iGoogle (POLL)

    2-3 years ago, so-called "startpages" were all the rage - online dashboards where users could store links and quickly scan important news feeds. Startpages were also an evolving platform for "widgets," mini web apps inside of a web page. The big Internet companies had startpages: iGoogle, My Yahoo!, Microsoft's

  • Social
    StumbleUpon: The Silent Social Media Success Story

    When you think of social media, two products immediately come to mind: Facebook and Twitter. If you're in the technical world, you'd probably also mention Digg and Slashdot. A product that is rarely talked about among social media products, but has a surprisingly large footprint on the Web, is StumbleUpon....

  • Web
    Why Fair Use is Not Just Acceptable, It’s Essential for the Future

    The Library of Congress added a number of ambitious new exceptions to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act's prohibition of breaking copyright technologies today, most notably concerning iPhone jailbreaking and unlocking. The Library adds and renews exceptions every 3 years and as Sarah Perez argued this morning, these ones go well...

  • Web
    How to Create a Web Content Strategy For Your Company

    These days, it's no longer enough to have an inviting storefront and amazing products on your shelves, whether physical or digital. Fueled by social media, with which even the search engines scrambling to keep up, the Web is now happening in real time. How can a small company stay competitive?...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: No More IP Addresses, 70,000 Blogs Shut Down, Bye-Bye Nexus One, And More…

    Richard MacManus' story on how the Internet is running out of addresses was our top post this week. (Isn't Al Gore responsible for making more?) We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: There are at least 100 things you can do with RFID on the...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: Bootstrap Using Services

    This week's roundtable had several interesting discussions around techniques for bootstrapping, both during the entrepreneur pitches, as well as during the Q&A. One of the most effective mechanics that I know for bootstrapping the early phases of a startup venture is by using services – consulting services, contact development work...

  • Mobile
    Your New Superpower: See Heat Maps Where People Are Gathered on City Streets

    Imagine being able to look blocks or miles away from where you are and see how many people are hanging out at an intersection - in real time. Add a layer of precisely located Twitter messages, Foursquare check-ins, Flickr photos and other social data and what have you got? That...

  • Web
    OpenHeatMap: Custom Heat Maps for Geo Data

    Pete Warden is many things to many people. To Facebook corporate headquarters, he's a pest to manage with legal pressure. To nerdy bloggers around the Web, he's a thoughtful guy who stops by and drops smart comments here and there. At ReadWriteWeb, we think of him as one of our...

  • Web
    The Pros & Cons of A/B Testing for Startups

    One of the topics we touch on from time to time here at ReadWriteStart is the importance of solid design aesthetics for Internet startups. One of the key elements in creating a user-friendly design is A/B testing - a process by which two or more variations of a design element...

  • Social
    Flipboard, New “Social” iPad Magazine will be Powered by Semantic Data

    The stealthy Kleiner Perkins-backed startup called Flipboard has now been revealed to be, as some suspected, a social application for the iPad. The new Flipboard iPad app bills itself as a "social magazine" - that is, one which aggregates status updates, tweets, photos and articles from those you're connected to...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Old Spice Videos, TED Talks for Startups, the New Digg, And More…

    Old Spice's social media campaign exploded late this week and, unsurprisingly, what readers really wanted to know about was how the videos were being made. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: the Internet of Things swaddles you in cloth that listens; I scream, you...

  • Web
    Reddit Calls Out “Experts” for “Misunderestimating” Its Traffic

    A week ago, social news and bookmark site Reddit sent out a call for help to its users. While some questioned who would just give money to a website for an undefined service in return, more than 6,000 people paid to join Reddit Gold.Now, the website is saying that "'Experts'...

  • Web
    Every Machine Can Be Used To Watch You. Interested in Privacy?

    What if your activities were watched and recorded so we could not only catch you for any crime but could maximize how much money we make selling you stuff? An editorial by Toby Considine over at Automated Buildings suggests that this is fast becoming the future we're moving into.Considine gives...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: A Market of Late Adopters

    This week's roundtable had two entrepreneurs from India. Now for those of you who are unfamiliar with the Indian market, it is a market that has not seen as much Internet adoption as elsewhere. Whereas China's Internet penetration will reach 518 million this year, India's is only about 80 million,...

  • Web
    A Business Intelligence Tool for Those Who Want More Than a Spreadsheet

    Tibco has launched a business intelligence tool designed for the small business market that it is making available for free over the next year.TibcoSilver Spotfire is part of Tibco's effort to appeal to a community that would not normally have access to its robust business intelligence technology. These are people...

  • Web
    MIT Creates Cloth That Listens

    Cloth sensors could make the Internet of Things fashionable.MIT scientists announced this week that they have created a new kind of fiber capable of detecting and emitting sound. "Throughout their history a key premise has remained essentially unchanged," the research team wrote in Nature Materials, "fibres are static devices, incapable...

  • Web
    Apple’s iPhone 4 Woes Go Mainstream, Recall “Inevitable”

    Consumer Reports confirmed yesterday what many new iPhone 4 owners already knew - that the phone indeed has a reception issue when held in the now famous "iPhone 4 Death Grip" - and made news by recommending against purchasing what it says is otherwise the best smartphone on the market....

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