Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Web
    Woot Rides Community of Freaks All the Way to Bank – Gets Bought By Amazon

    Gadget, wine and T-shirt online auction company Woot has announced that it is being acquired by The nearly six-year-old Texas-based company has combined unorthodox community marketing tactics with an atmosphere of shopping urgency to create a vibrant e-commerce experience.Woot's core service is to offer one highly discounted item for...

  • Web
    Opera Integrates Web AVG Threat Data Feed

    The final version of Opera 10.60, in addition to running 50% faster than the earlier version, will have AVG security features built in, according to the company's PR chief, Thomas Ford. Integrated AVG Web Threat Data Feed offers 10.60 following security functions. Exploit signatures detect Web pages serving drive?by downloads...

  • Web
    Investors Debate Predictions of a Pending Super Seed Crash

    On Saturday VC Paul Kedrosky wrote about "The Coming Super-Seed Crash," sparking a debate across several blogs and Twitter about the state of VC and angel investment. Kedrosky's post describes the changing landscape for startup financing with the rise in "super-seed" firms, those that deal with about $20 million in...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Who Needs Java? Jailbreaking iOS 4.0, Free Web Parental Controls, And More…

    This week's news was all about the new iPhone, but our top story was about something completely different: Java, and whether or not you need it. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: The Internet of Things really is a series of tubes; augmented reality...

  • Work
    Antivirus Product Testing is Changing, Whether Vendors Like it or Not

    This week NSS Labs released their Q2 2010 Corporate Endpoint Protection Products report. NSS has only publicly announced the two products it specifically recommends against: Panda's Internet Security 2010 (Enterprise) and AVG's Internet Security Business Edition 9. However, it takes only a quick look at Trend Micro's web site to...

  • Web
    Yahoo Lets Loose With a Boomerang – Automatic Website Testing

    The Exceptional Performance crew at Yahoo has launched Boomerang. "Boomerang is a piece of Javascript that you add to your web pages, where it measures the performance of your website from your end user's point of view. It has the ability to send this data back to your server for...

  • Entertainment
    Can Augmented Reality Help Save the Planet?

    Earlier this month I had the opportunity to attend the Augmented Reality Event in Santa Clara, California, and it was there that I discovered some amazing uses being developed using AR technology. I've already highlighted how it is being used to help doctors save lives, and more recently how it...

  • Web
    Bing Makes it Easier to Find Music, Games, Movies and TV Shows

    Last night, Microsoft's Bing got a major overhaul that added more entertainment features to the company's search engine. Bing now makes it easier to find song lyrics, TV shows with online video, as well as information about movies and movie times. Bing now also allows users to preview songs via...

  • Web
    Who Needs Java? Probably Not You

    After a month-long test run running completely without it, PC Magazine writer Larry Seltzer has come to an interesting conclusion: "Java as a client-side platform is pretty clearly a failure, and all that remains of it is a big fat attack surface on your computer."While that may be true, we...

  • Mobile
    20% of Android Apps Seize Private Data

    According to a report by SMobile Systems, entitled "Threat Analysis of the Android Market," Google allows one-fifth of its Android applications to access private data that could be used for malicious purposes. Surveying 48,694 Android applications, or 68% of currently available apps, 29 were additionally found to request information from...

  • Web
    Online Language Learning Company Babbel Adds Voice Recognition Tool

    As important as memorizing vocabulary, conjugating verbs, and declining nouns are, nothing beats speaking practice when it comes to learning a foreign language. The German company Babbel helps make that a lot less intimidating for online learners today with integration of a speech recognition tool into its language learning system.The...

  • Web
    Mapping the Oil Spill in Real Time

    In the wake of the BP oil disaster, real-time mapping technologies have been recruited to improve communication and promote collaboration between people in local communities, as well as federal, state and local responders. Last week NOAA released to provide near-real-time mapping data to those connected to the crisis.The site...

  • Entertainment
    Cartoon: Conflicts of Interest

    The conversation about conflict of interest for bloggers (and other social media types) never really dies down, and flares up constantly in ways large and small.Sometimes it's something as major as the U.S. Federal Trade Commission going after blogger freebies. Sometimes it's just a drive-by accusation that a blog post...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Android Steals Market Share, Starbucks Goes Free, Google Earth on iPad, And More…

    This week's top story was about that escalating battle we love to watch: Android and iPhone's fight for market share. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: Parliament loves the Internet of Things; augmented reality leader Layar turns 1; and there's a dream team quietly...

  • Web
    The Trilogy of Webs for Machines: Mashing It All Together

    Almost one year ago we started a post series that presented three different webs that are all made for machines. Now it is time to connect those webs and look at examples of how they can be used. To recap, first we looked at the Web of Data, which contains...

  • Social
    World Cup Becomes Most Popular Web Event Ever

    The 2010 FIFA World Cup is now the most popular event in Web history. Record usage began last Friday before the wins and losses. Not since Obama's election day victory has the Web swayed under a greater burden of Internet-connected hope.The official FIFA World Cup website is currently receiving as...

  • Social
    The Dark Figure Of Social Media: What Can Twitter Teach Criminologists?

    The "Dark Figure of Crime" is not, as one would imagine, a London-fog-bedecked, cloak-and-dagger figure slinking down a shadowy alleyway. It sounds very Hollywood, but "The Dark Figure" is simply a term used by statisticians to describe a crime that goes unreported.Serious and even violent crimes go unreported for a...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: Online Education Startups

    Today's roundtable was organized in collaboration with TiE Delhi, and had a special emphasis on the online education sector with three out of the five entrepreneurs presenting education businesses. Ankur Mehra and his associate Aditya started off by introducing GuruVantage. Ankur and Aditya have determined that training managers at various...

  • Social
    Facebook’s Likable Little Comments Could Be a Big Deal

    Facebook just announced a new feature that probably should have been obvious for a long time: the ability to "like" comments that people post on Newsfeed items. Users were always able to signal text-free approval of shared items, but now they will be able to offer quick support for subsequent...

  • Web
    Wikipedia to Loosen Controls Tonight

    Wikipedia will roll out the latest changes to its editing policy later tonight, called Pending Changes. The constant struggle to find a way to limit vandalism without a chilling effect on legitimate editing will take a more permissive turn with the change.Pending Changes is an experimental policy that will put...

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