Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Social
    TweetMeme Refocuses on Real-Time Twitter Analytics with DataSift

    The big news on the Web this morning is Twitter's announcement of the Tweet Button - an official version of popular buttons seen on countless blogs and websites. Twitter has been working on developing its own button for some time now and has employed the help of TweetMeme, makers of...

  • Web
    Objects Outpace New Human Subscribers to AT&T, Verizon

    Remember this day. Today was the day you read that non-human objects, internet connected devices like digital picture frames, web-connected GPS devices and broadband TVs, came online with AT&T and Verizon in greater numbers last quarter than new human subscribers did. In the race to the mobile internet, the machines...

  • Web
    Recommended Listening: 10 Cloud Computing Podcasts

    Looking for some cloud-related listening? An aural explanation of the hypervisor? Analysis of cloud news? Interviews with industry experts?There are actually a number of podcasts devoted to the subject of cloud computing. We've gathered a list for you below, along with a few individual episodes from other technology podcasts that...

  • Mobile
    First Trojan for Android Phones Goes Wild [UPDATE]

    Google Android phones must be popular - they've just been targeted with their first Trojan. An SMS Trojan called Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.FakePlayer.a has already infected a number of mobile devices, according to security firm Kaspersky Lab. Purporting to be a harmless media player application, the Trojan, once installed, actually sends out SMS...

  • Web
    5 Ways That Paper Books Are Better Than eBooks

    Yesterday we gave you 5 reasons why you should read your next book on an eReader device. Needless to say, many paper book fans protested in the comments. And with good reason. Paper books have many things going for them and it's still early in the evolution of eBooks.This is...

  • Web
    Google & Verizon Propose Enforceable Net Neutrality

    Google and Verizon held a press call today announcing a joint legislative framework proposal: internet network transparency and FCC enforcement with up to $2 million fines for network providers that engage in anti-competitive measures that hurt consumers. This is the exact opposite of what reports last week speculated the companies...

  • Web
    Wikileaks Data Spurs App Development

    While politicians, pundits, military, and journalists assess and debate the fallout from Wikileaks' release of the "Afghan War Diary" - the legality and ethics of Wikileaks, its impact on the war efforts, the rise of the "world's first stateless news organization" - a number of developers are diving right into...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: You’re Not Ready For the Future, Death of a Wave, IE Privacy vs. Ads, And More…

    Google CEO Eric Schmidt's bombshell that the huddled masses "aren't ready" for the questions that new technology raises was one of several bon mots he dropped in this week's top story. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: Wood gets smart on the Internet of...

  • Web
    Sean Parker, of Napster & Facebook, Sees a Bright Future for Chatroulette

    Sean Parker, co-founder of Napster and the first president of Facebook, spoke on stage at the Techonomy conference today and disclosed that he is now working with the live video service Chatroulette. He shared a vision of the company evolving into a metric-driven live performance publishing tool."Nobody's nailed live video...

  • Web
    How Data Will Impact the Future of Healthcare (Infographic)

    IBM staff storyteller Chris Luongo has created a great infographic explaining the different ways that healthcare could become data driven in the future. The IBM Smarter Planet blog calls it Smarter Healthcare. We've embedded the infographic below in Microsoft's new web page viewer data mining part of this story...

  • Web
    Why Developers Did Not Adopt Google Wave

    Google Wave entered the Google Apps family earlier this year with what looked like some momentum.Novell had integrated Google Wave into its Pulse project. SAP had developed a collaborative business process modeling tool within Google Wave. had called Google Wave a "seminal cloud technology." Several more had also bet...

  • Web
    3 Must-Subscribe Sources For Useful SEO Tips

    This post is going to get a lot of traffic. It's not necessarily because of the stellar quality of the content, although we assure you it's not half bad. The reason this post is going to get a relatively high number of page views is because of three magic letters...

  • Mobile
    Google Mobile Adds Search History, But So Much More is Possible

    Google just announced a new feature for mobile called Search History; users can opt-in to having their logged-in searches saved, starred, edited and accessed from across mobile or desktop searching.Google has long allowed logged in users to save their search or even web browsing histories for full-text search or retrieval,...

  • Web
    Why Entrepreneurs Should Write

    Having a company blog is often touted as an key part of an SEO and PR strategy. And as someone who spends her day reading author, investor, entrepreneur, and company blogs, and then turning around and writing posts herself, I appreciate blogs that are useful sites for news and information....

  • Web
    Tracking What 21st Century Schools Should Teach

    The ed-tech startup LearnBoost has become the first gradebook and lesson plan software to fully integrate the Common Core State Standards. The Common Core State Standards, and their relationship with the Obama Administration's Race to the Top funding competition, have become one of the top issues in education recently. As...

  • Web
    Raising Money – The July Roundup

    Just as the month of June closed with a flurry of discussion around investment creeds and crashes, the end of July has seen the debate and discussion continue, with a number of blog posts that continue to explore the state of the investment, both angel and VC funding.The most recent...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Street Slide vs. Street View, StumbleUpon’s Success, Digital Natives Not So Savvy, And More…

    Readers were in the mood for maps this week because they pushed this story about a must-see video of Microsoft's Street Slide into the most-viewed category. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: Internet of Things sensors are chicken; golfers get a hands-on augmented reality...

  • Work
    Developer of Android App That Transmits Users’ Voice Mail Passwords Denies Malicious Intent

    Update:Google has lifted the suspension of the apps in question.Many news outlets, including ReadWriteWeb reported yesterday that the first piece of Android malware may have been discovered in the wild. It now appears that we were mistaken. In an interview with Android Tapp Jackeey Wu, the developer of the wallpaper...

  • Web
    The Truth About Legacy Technology

    We labor under two major misperceptions about technology: Technology from one point in time is better than one further in the past and anything new displaces what came before. When we actively think about these ideas, we may dismiss them. But it's my contention that these are in fact our...

  • Work
    Android Spyware: Millions Downloaded Thievish Wallpaper App (Updated)

    Update 2: Please see our follow-up - the developer of the app in question has denied malicious intent. Mobile security firm Lookout announced today at the Black Hat security conference that millions of Android users had downloaded a wallpaper app that sends user information to a unknown site in China,...

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