Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Web
    Extractiv Launches “Semantics as a Service” Platform

    Extractiv has quietly launched a service that crawls the Web for text on a specific topic, then transforms it into "structured semantic data." It's a direct competitor to Thomson Reuters' Calais product, which has been doing this for a couple of years now. This type of service is potentially valuable...

  • Cloud
    Twitter: Comparing its Velocity, not Downtime

    It's such a glorious Saturday here in Oregon but I've been wanting to put this post up all week about Twitter's uptime and its use as a measure of its service.The connection to the cloud seems distinct as Twitter is simply the leading edge of what we can expect as...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Location Layers, Chrome Checkout, Half-Year Report Card, And More…

    The story at the top of the headline chart this week was appropriately alliterative: Foursquare Launches Location Layers - This is Big. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: China is taking the lead on the Internet of Things; augmented reality is the future of...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: The EJ Methodology

    This week's roundtable was an interesting mix of entrepreneurs ranging from an IP licensing company to a snow removal system.Dr. Marilyn Bruno started off by presenting Aequor, Inc., an early stage biotech company that removes biofilms by using proprietary chemical compounds extracted from marine microbes. Biofilms support the proliferation of...

  • Web
    Sneak Peak at Loud3r’s New Curation Power Tool

    As social media and information overload spill out over the boundaries of old media's monopoly on publishing, a big piece of the future will belong to the curators of the world. Some newspapers have scored headlines by calling new media organizations that curate content nothing more than parasitic aggregators -...

  • Web
    Creation & Design: What Kids Want From Tech

    Yesterday, we posted part one of the findings for "Children's Future Requests for Computers and the Internet" (PDF summary), an open innovation study by Latitude Research and ReadWriteWeb. The study asked children aged 12 and under to illustrate their ideas for new Web and computer technologies. In our previous post,...

  • Mobile
    iPad Sales in 2011: 18-25 Million or More, Say Analysts

    We already know the iPad is popular - it sold 2 million units in its first 60 days, and then 3 million by the 80-day point. But how big of an impact will the iPad have in 6 months? A year from now? Analysts are starting to weigh in on...

  • Web
    Harnessing the Youth Market for Your Startup

    Ah, the Microsoft Kin. For such a short-lived product, it has given geeks and comedians (and/or tech-bloggers) a wealth of material for amusement and analysis.A failed product launch - whether from an established company or from a startup - is worth analyzing, to be sure. And one of the key...

  • Web
    Browse & Share GIS Maps with New iOS App from ESRI

    Fans of geographic information systems (GIS) can now get their mapping fix on the go, as the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) has launched an impressive mapping application for iOS devices. The California-based company specializes in providing GIS and geodatabase software applications, and holds a significant share of these markets....

  • Web
    Google’s Next Big Play After Travel – Gaming?

    In a bit of a "told you so" moment, HitWise's Heather Hopkins wrote this morning that Google's acquisition of ITA was something they had been waiting for since 2006, when they first predicted Google's move into the travel industry. This initial prediction had been made by looking at Google's downstream...

  • Entertainment
    Are We Entering the Age of Augmented Trademark Infringement?

    The use of logos or insignias to symbolize a product, service or company is one of the oldest ways for a brand to stand out from competitors and similar products. These days, laws protect the misuse or copying of trademarked brand logos, but as technology evolves and companies find new...

  • Web
    The Biocep R Project Brings Open Science to the Cloud

    The explosion of "big data" has prompted many people to ask the question "How will we store all this data?" And while cloud computing offers the promise of infinite scalability for storage, the Biocep R Project hopes to address two related questions associated with the growth of big data: "How...

  • Web
    Evri’s Evolution From Search to Real-Time News Curation

    When semantic recommendations service Evrilaunched two years ago, the product (backed by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen) was seen by many as a type of search engine. Nowadays, Evri models itself as a topic-based news service; in particular, tapping into the real-time streams of mixed media coming from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Antivirus Testing, Why We Use LBSs, “Facebook Killer,” And More…

    Tired of iPhone news? Then you'll like this week's top-stories list: None of them are about an Apple product. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: Watch out for an Orange Cone on the Internet of Things; augmented reality from Qualcomm is coming to Android...

  • Web
    InDinero Launch Gives Small Businesses Real-Time Financial Tool

    A new Web application launching today promises to be the small business answer to InDinero, a four-person startup funded in part by venture firm YCombinator, offers a real-time financial dashboard that hooks into a company's existing bank accounts and displays key business metrics like cash balance, income, spending and...

  • Web
    Apple Admits to iPhone 4 Antenna Problems… Sort of

    Breaking news! Apple admits to iPhone 4 antenna problems! Well, sort of. According to a press release issued by the company this morning, the iPhone 4 doesn't have a hardware design flaw - it has a software bug. "We were stunned to find that the formula we use to calculate...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: Get Your Pricing Model Validated

    Today's roundtable had a couple of mobile and social media app companies that I thought were quite promising. At least at the concept and market analysis level I could resonate with them - although the devil is always in the details. Sean Malatesta started off by presenting Marengo Movies, a...

  • Web
    The Cloud Can Save Us Billions…But Can We Afford it?

    Yesterday the Oregon state treasurer's office announced that it has seen power consumption in its data center drop 25% in the first month since it adopted a virtualized infrastructure.That kind of example makes it seem like cloud computing and virtualization are viable options for leaders at the state and federal...

  • Work
    KickApps Partners with IBM to Bring Social Features to WebSphere Commerce

    KickApps, a provider of enterprise-grade hosted social media platforms, announced the release of KickApps for IBM's WebSphere Commerce today. Websphere Commerce users will have the ability to integrate KickApps social media features into their stores and create highly targeted offers based on customer behaviors. The new "eSpots" feature of the...

  • Social
    Facebook & The Semantic Web

    This week we've been exploring the emergence of the Semantic Web among companies like Best Buy and Google. It's all thanks to RDFa, code that is inserted into the HTML of web pages to add extra meaning. The increasing usage of RDFa was one of the main themes at the...

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