Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Web
    Yahoo!’s Smart Investment: The Hadoop Community

    More than 250 people attended a Hadoop developer event at Yahoo! this week, demonstrating again the level of interest the company has in open-source big data initiatives. Yahoo! says it is the world's biggest Hadoop supporter. We say that's undoubtedly correct. Yahoo! supports community developer events throughout the world. In...

  • Social
    Facebook Open Graph: The Definitive Guide For Publishers, Users and Competitors

    Facebook just shook the tech world by announcing several major initiatives that collectively constitute an aggressive move to weave the social net on top of the existing Web.The rumors were that the leading social network would launch a "Like" button for the entire Web. Instead, Zuckerberg & Co. unveiled a...

  • Web
    Is Apple Booting iAd’s Competition from the iPhone?

    At the most recent Apple keynote, Steve Jobs announced Apple's upcoming advertising platform called iAd. Included as a part of the OS 4.0 update, the mobile operating system upgrade due out for iPhone this summer and iPad later this fall, the iAd system aims, in its very Apple-ly way, to...

  • Social
    500 Billion Impressions: 16% of Users Generate Majority of Brand Impressions on Social Media Sites

    Today, about 145 million Internet users in the U.S. use social web applications. In total, all of these users generate close to 500 billion online impressions on each other. According to a new report from Forrester Research, a mere 16% of online consumers generate a grand total of 80% of...

  • Mobile
    Top 10 Mobile Trends of 2010, Part 1: Design & Development

    In a little under 3 weeks time, we will host our second unconference: the ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit. It's a 1-day event at the lovely Computer History Museum, in Mountain View, California. In preparation for the RWW Mobile Summit, we're going to outline the 10 leading trends of the Mobile Web...

  • Web
    Thoughts From the Man Who Would Sell The World, Nicely

    "My background is in Artificial Intelligence and my last business was building predictive data. Most of our customers were oil companies, and you can hold that against me if you like. But my pitch back then was 'just give me enough data, I'll figure out something.' And often enough I...

  • Web
    Got an Exit Strategy? Lessons From Foursquare and Yahoo

    Last week when it was reported that Foursquare was considering a sale to Yahoo, there were a flurry of posts with analysis and advice on whether or not Foursquare founders should sell or not, and if they would be wise to sell to Yahoo or not. The debate about the...

  • Social
    What Twitter Annotations Mean

    I love to sit on the beach.  One of the coolest things about the beach is the number of layers of visual depth.  Look at the sand and it's beautiful, but zoom your eyes in closer and you'll see a whole layer of life running around on the sand that...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Twitter in the Library, iPhone Gets Multitasking, Goodbye Google Gears, And More…

    Our number one post this week was that Twitter's archives will soon be housed in the hallowed halls of the Library of Congress. There's got to be joke about librarians shushing tweets in there somewhere. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010. We wrote about...

  • Social
    Facebook, Happiness & The User Data Black Market

    Facebook says that people who actively share updates and messages on Facebook score higher on happiness tests than people who passively consume updates on the site. The company shared findings today of a user survey cross referenced with historical data about respondents' use of the site. "The results were clear,"...

  • Mobile
    Where Does Android Register on Google’s “Evil” Meter?

    As we mentioned briefly last night, Google is going to attempt to reintegrate Android into the main Linux kernel - the code had been booted in December because it was "no longer being cared for," according to Greg Kroah-Hartman, the Novell developer who maintains the staging, USB and driver core...

  • Web
    Pro-Actively Engage Lingering Visitors with Live Chat, Just Don’t Be “Clippy”

    Earlier in the week, we profiled Concept Feedback, a community that helps site designers and developers get quick constructive criticism on their various projects, and in the article we stressed the importance for young companies to collect and analyze user feedback. Another part of this type of site analysis is...

  • Web
    Visualize Big Data with Flowing Media

    As a recent article in The Economist observed, we are at the point of an "industrial revolution of data," with vast amounts of digital information being created, stored and analyzed. The rise of "big data" has led in turn to an increased demand for tools to both analyze and visualize...

  • Social
    Twazzup Launches New Twitter Analytics Service and Web-Based Twitter Client

    Just about a year ago, Twazzup launched one of the more interesting Twitter search engines and one month ago, it became one of the first services to get access to Twitter's full firehose stream. Today, the company is launching its first new service based on this full Twitter stream: Twazzup...

  • Web
    Your Inbox as Platform: Google Calendar More Closely Integrated With Gmail

    Email may be old fashioned, but it's still where we spend a lot of our time online. Today Google announced that its webmail service Gmail is becoming all the richer with the inclusion of support for sending Google Calendar invitations inside the email composition window. In addition to being able...

  • Work
    From Seattle to San Francisco, Social is Everything

    For the past few days, we attended SAS and SugarCRM user conferences in Seattle and San Francisco. These are just a few of the observations that comes from conversations with developers, business managers, product managers, entrepreneurs and executive management.At both companies, you see the influence of social technologies in the...

  • Social
    Twitter’s Entire Archive Headed to the Library of Congress

    The U.S. Library of Congress announced this morning via its official Twitter account that it will be acquiring the entire archive of Twitter messages back through March 2006. In addition to a massive printed collection, the Library already has an extensive collection of other digital assets. The Library of Congress...

  • Web
    Startups and Early Adopters: “Checking In” on Conventional Wisdom

    The popular location-based services Foursquare and Gowalla were launched at the 2009 SXSW, and one year later, many proclaimed the 2010 SXSW to be the year of "location, location, location". With almost 350,000 Foursquare check-ins during one day of the event, and with numerous location-based services launching before, during, and...

  • Mobile
    Who Clicks on Mobile Ads? Symbian, Feature Phone and Windows Mobile Users

    According to Smaato, a mobile ad optimization and advertising company, Internet users on Symbian phones, feature phones and Windows Mobile phones are far more likely to click on mobile ads than users on iPhones, Android phones, Palm devices and Blackberries. To get this data, Smaato, analyzed over 4 billion ad...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: 3D Street View, the Case Against Web 2.0, iPad Problems, And More…

    While most of our top stories this week were about the iPad, our number one post was about how Google Street View is now, no joke, available in 3D. Go get your glasses and check it out. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010: Verizon,...

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