Results for "Analysis"

We found 3635 results for your search.
  • Cloud
    Rulers of the Cloud: Will Cloud Computing Be the Second Coming of Cisco?

    Cisco is betting heavily on the network as the platform. We took a look at the role of the network in the emerging landscape of cloud computing as part one of analysis of "Will One Company be Dominant in Cloud Computing". We started with Cisco, since the cloud implies the...

  • Social
    Google Gets Sued Over Buzz: Why It Should Have Said “Please?”

    When Google unveiled Buzz, their new social network add-on to Gmail, last week, many members of the technology community were excited, but that excitement quickly gave way to concerns over privacy as more and more people saw the number of ways their private information was being exposed.While some people wrote...

  • Web
    Finalists Announced for SXSW’s 2010 Accelerator Competition

    Last month we brought you information about a promotional package available to startups at this years South by Southwest Interactive (SXSWi) event, a popular place each year to launch new products. This year SXSWi will be holding their second annual Microsoft BizSpark Accelerator competition where a recently released list of...

  • Web
    Build Business Cases, Not Business Plans

    In the ancient times before the internet, a business plan was what you wrote to appease the Gods of private equity and venture capital. It was a thick document, full of scientific analysis, market data and of course, a J-curve shaped projection of sales. The problem was that few investors...

  • Social
    How I Became the Robert Scoble of Buzz

    I had some free time this weekend, so instead of going to party, I decided to look into Google Buzz. It's not every day that a major social site is launched. I wanted to find a way to find my friends quickly, and gain many followers. I started by looking...

  • Social
    Radian6 Now Monitors Google Buzz

    Social Media monitoring service Radian6 just announced that it now offers support for Google Buzz. Given that Google Buzz already has more than 9 million users after less than one week on the market, it only makes sense for the large social media monitoring and analytics services to offer their...

  • Social
    If Love is About Communication, Why is Facebook Holding Back?

    Facebook this weekend published a special Valentine's day study about romantic relationships and happiness. The company's Data Team sliced and diced the language used in millions of peoples' status messages, then looked at how they varied depending on the relationship status the people listed themselves with. Conclusions? Married people are...

  • Web
    Is Virtualization to Windows what Windows was to DOS?

    Evolution happens.When Windows first arrived on the scene, there were lots of questions in the industry, like "Will people use it?", or "I prefer command line", or "Does it take up too much processor?". Similar questions have been asked to the virtual server. "Is it secure?" and "Is it easy...

  • Web
    How I Loved, And Lost, an Aardvark

    One day in December I was visiting family and picked up my niece Xander from daycare. We had to leave before her balloon got turned into an animal. It was disappointing. So when we got back to her house, I pulled out my iPhone and showed her an app called...

  • Web
    Google Responds to Critics: Makes Small Changes to Buzz

    Google Buzz, which launched two days ago, has been widely criticized for making the lists of who you follow and who follows you public by default. Until now, the check box to turn this "feature" off was hidden in your Google Profile settings - which many people never even realized...

  • Web
    5 Google Buzz Tips for the Advanced User

    Yesterday, after spending some time with Google's latest social networking service, Google Buzz, we posted a handful of buzz tips and tricks for those wanting to better manage the buzz, play with its APIs or banish it altogether from their Gmail inbox.  Today, we've come across more even more tips...

  • Social
    Meet The First Miners of the New Social Graph

    George Stephanopoulos. Wolf Blitzer. Ana Marie Cox. Three powerful people that you might want to get in touch with, especially if you're in D.C. One man who has the ear of all three of those powerful people is Tony Fratto, known as @TonyFratto on Twitter. Managing Director at Hamilton Place...

  • Web
    PRManna: Striving for a Tech-Focused HARO

    A few days ago Ryan Waggoner launched PRManna - a site for startup companies to offer themselves as news sources to the tech blogging community. Similar to Peter Shankman's Help a Reporter Out (HARO) the site allows journalists to submit requests with the idea that community members answer tech-related questions...

  • Social
    Facebook on Google Buzz: How Well Does That Friendship Model Work?

    While end users are eager to try out Google Buzz for themselves, many of the Web's largest social properties have expressed a certain amount of fear, uncertainty and doubt about the search giant's move into the social space.A Facebook rep said that the company is interested to see how Google's...

  • Web
    6 Approaches to Your Company Blog

    In the last few months several startups have asked me how to approach corporate blogging. Judging by the frequency of requests, Gartner was right in suggesting that corporate blogging is rising up the "slope of enlightenment" and about 2 years away from widespread mainstream adoption. The road to enlightenment has...

  • Web
    Google Buzz: The Mainstream’s Geo-Social Network?

    Google Buzz could quickly become the most popular location-based service on the Internet. Not only does Buzz integrate itself into Gmail, which will give it a large mainstream user base, but Buzz also puts geolocation front and center on its mobile sites. In addition, the new Buzz layer in the...

  • Web
    Can Google Buzz Succeed Where FriendFeed Couldn’t?

    Google just launched Google Buzz, the company's new social networking service which will be tightly integrated with Gmail. There can be little doubt that Google Buzz looks a lot like FriendFeed, the social aggregation service that was acquired by Facebook in August 2009. Today, FriendFeed's developers are Facebook employees and...

  • Web
    How Google Buzz is Disruptive: Open Data Standards

    Google rolled out a social stream service today called Buzz. It looks on the surface like Facebook, FriendFeed and other stream reading and writing services. It will compete with Facebook and Twitter. Under the covers, though, this major product was built by a team of people taking a radical new...

  • Web
    Live Blogging from Google: Launch of Google Buzz

    This morning, Google is announcing some exciting new features for two of its most popular applications.Team Red, as we affectionately call ourselves, is present at the Googleplex in Mountain View, and we'll be live blogging the event, giving you, dear reader, a fascinating play-by-play. Stay tuned for updates! The event...

  • Social
    The Man Who Looked Into Facebook’s Soul

    Youth social networking researcher danah boyd has observed that many people presume the way they use social networks is the way everyone uses them. "I interviewed gay men who thought Friendster was a gay dating site because all they saw were other gay men," she says. "I interviewed teens who...

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