Results for "Analysis"

We found 3635 results for your search.
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    VMware Partner Exchange 2010: What happens in Vegas Comes to your Enterprise

    If you're releasing products integrated into the VMware ecosystem, you're likely enjoying enjoying the Las Vegas Strip this week. VMware Partner Exchange 2010 kicked off at the Mandalay Bay hotel today, and it is the place to learn about the current state of affairs and how to quantify tangible benefits...

  • Social
    Curatorr: A Twitter Tool for Media Companies

    Lately, quite a few TV channels - like CNN - have replaced their man-on-the-street interviews with the cheaper solution of just doing a Twitter search and displaying the results on TV. Curatorr's mission is to help these media companies make the process of finding tweets to put on air even...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: The Week in Web Technology

    The big news of the week was Facebook getting faster - read on for our extensive coverage and analysis of this news. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including Real-Time Web, Mobile Web, Internet of Things and Augmented Reality.New! We've refreshed the format for...

  • Mobile
    Siri: Your Personal Assistant for the Mobile Web

    Siri is one of the most ambitious mobile services we have seen in the last few years. Imagine if you could just talk to you phone and tell it to call you a taxi, reserve a table at your favorite restaurant or tell you what the weather in New York...

  • Web
    Top 10 Web Widgets

    Widgets are mini web applications that you can insert into your website and/or social networks. They're a popular way to add interesting third party content to your web presence. In this post we look at the top web widgets from Yola and Widgetbox. It's clear from our analysis that widgets...

  • Web
    Facebook and the Future of Free Thought

    The consumption of news -- that formerly-respected category of information outside of humorous cat and music videos that impacts hundreds of millions of peoples' lives -- could be substantially improved by new methods of subscription offered online. Unfortunately, that's not happening. Numbers from web traffic analysts Hitwise released tonight indicate...

  • Web
    Walking Among Giants: Who Wins With Virtualization?

    In this short analysis, we take a snapshot of a handful of key American technology leaders and what they stand to gain from virtualization. We believe that this trend is becoming a building block for dynamic infrastructure deployments for the enterprise and wanted to check in with some of our...

  • Mobile
    Mobile App or Browser-Based Site? Report Says The Browser Will Win on Mobile

    Mobile search company Taptu has released a detailed report showing that the future of the Mobile Web is likely to be dominated by cross-platform browser-based mobile web sites - rather than apps built specifically for iPhone, Android, or any other platform. Taptu calls the former "the Mobile Touch Web," which...

  • Mobile
    Yahoo! Files for Patent on Geo-Located, Social, Augmented Reality (Update)

    You're walking down the street. Your phone buzzes, a map or a screen overlay pops up and you're shown a note left in that location by one of your friends - along with an ad for your favorite pizza. Walk into the pizza place and your phone buzzes again -...

  • Web
    5 Simple Twitter Listening Tips Every Marketer Should Know

    During my career as a Web strategy consultant I've often had people ask me, "How do I do social media?" Unfortunately the answer isn't simple. But the first step is the same as if you developing any other marketing strategy: know your market. To "know your market" in the old...

  • Web
    How to Hate the iPad: A Break Down of the Backlash

    A friend recently admitted a favorite past time of his - watching plane crashes on YouTube. Planes crashing, helicopters twirling out of control, boats sinking - all are fair game. For a lot of people, this has been the story of the iPad over the past few days. While some...

  • Social
    Privacy, Facebook and the Future of the Internet

    Today is the 3rd annual international Data Privacy Day and a whole bunch of companies are listed on the organization's website as participants. Google, Microsoft, even Walmart. Facebook is not listed as a participant and has stirred up a lot of controversy with changes to its privacy policy lately.Why are...

  • Web
    Open Thread: Is the iPad a Flop?

    So far, the reaction to Apple's iPad has been very mixed. For some, the absence of a camera is a deal breaker, while others bemoan that Apple still doesn't allow multitasking on its iPhone OS and that Safari still doesn't support Flash. Others, however, are excited about the iPad's potential...

  • Entertainment
    iBummer: Augmented Reality Fans Disappointed By iPad

    Been living under a rock these days? There's this hip new tablet device from Apple called the iPad. Most are in agreement that the new toy is pretty slick, but they also agree on where the iPad fails - there's no camera. iPod Touch fans were disappointed last year when...

  • Web
    Do We Love the iPad? The Numbers Say We Do

    There seem to be a lot of middling responses to yesterday's announcement of the iPad, Apple's latest entry into the world of really neat looking mobile devices. A quick look at the front page of Techmeme shows the variety of responses, from the iPad killing the PC to the lack...

  • Web
    VoIP Over 3G Comes to the iPhone – And Maybe Even the iPad

    Yesterday's iPad launch continues to dominate the tech news today. Besides announcing the iPad, however, Apple also quietly announced a major change to its iPhone policies yesterday: Apple now allows developers to use a 3G connection to make VoIP calls. The first application to make use of this is iCall...

  • Web
    Why Amazon, B&N and Co. Should Embrace the iPad

    Judging from what we have seen so far, Apple's new iPad will be a great device for reading e-books. The iPad will obviously come with Apple's own e-reader software - but that's only half the story. Users will also be able to read their Kindle and B&N e-book purchases on...

  • Web
    Apple Announces the iPad: WiFi, 3G, iWorks and an E-Book Store ($499 and Up)

    Apple just announced the launch of the iPad, Apple's rumored tablet computer. Judging from what we have seen so far, the iPad is basically a very large iPod touch with a modified interface. According to Steve Jobs, the device will be far better than an iPhone or netbook for browsing...

  • Web
    Anticipation: The Most-Commonly Used Words in Press Before the Tablet Event (Word Cloud)

    It's minutes before Apple is expected to announce the release of its new Tablet product and the press is in a frenzy to cover it. It's been the most-talked about thing in tech for weeks.What are people saying about it, in aggregate? We ran 50 news stories appearing on Techmeme...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Topic Trackers, Facebook Privacy, Mobile Web Sensors, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we continue our analysis of Facebook's sweeping new privacy policies (plus tell you how to protect yourself), explore how mobile phones and sensors are mixing, look at the launch of the U.K....

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