Results for "Analysis"

We found 3635 results for your search.
  • Work
    Gartner Acquisition is Good for the Independent Analyst Firms

    Gartnerhas acquired the Burton Group for $56 million. The purchase is another example of how the analyst community is becoming increasingly homogeneous, dominated by a handful of firms such as Forrester and IDC. And it points to a growing debate about the value that companies can receive from analyst firms...

  • Social
    Twitter’s Psychologist Strikes Again: Analyze Your Lists

    Dan Zarrella has long impressed us with his discourses on the science of retweets, as well as his psychoanalytic apps that scan and parse Twitter streams - one for general analysis and one for dreams.His latest project, TweetPsych for lists, is an enlightening and often amusing look at what your...

  • Web
    A Startup Movie: Never Mind the Valley, Here’s Boulder

    It's no secret that we at ReadWriteWeb have a lot of love for startups that make their homes outside Silicon Valley and the Bay Area.Over the last year, we decided to make a few videos spotlighting some unique, unexpected locations where startups thrive, where tech scenes are vibrant, where cooperation...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb’s List of Kid-Friendly Online Resources

    In an ironic twist of fate for 2009, Fox's IGN Entertainment, a company known for its game reviews of products like Zombie Apocalypse acquired What They Play. The newest member of Fox Interactive is touted as the "family guide to video games" and offers reviews, warnings and suggested products. Under...

  • Work
    Ray Ozzie’s New Social Lab: What It Means For Enterprise 2.0

    In 2009, when Ray Ozzie stepped into the ring with the news that Microsoft was launching a full-on social lab, it was clear that the Enterprise 2.0 movement was moving into a new phase. Now comes the question of what effect Microsoft will have on the way Enterprise 2.0 evolves...

  • Web
    Consumer Electronics 2.0: MIT’s Henry Holtzman on The Internet of Things

    During my visit to MIT earlier this year I met up with Henry Holtzman, Chief Knowledge Officer of the MIT Media Lab. We discussed the Internet of Things, which Holtzman has been actively involved in since the 90s. Holtzman said that consumer apps for Web-connected objects are becoming more common;...

  • Social
    Examining the Political Twittersphere: Obama, Schwarzenegger and Stephanopoulos

    During the 2008 presidential campaign, politicians and reporters quickly discovered the power of Twitter. These days, Twitter has become yet another tool for politicians to get the word out about political initiatives and for reporters to reach out to their readers. In October, social media analytics firm Sysomos took a...

  • Social
    When NOT to Use Social Media

    These days, everyone is talking about social media and discussing what services and tools to use, how to use them, why you should use them, etc. In fact, if you listened to all the advice out there, you would probably think that no matter who you are, whether an individual...

  • Web
    Kiva’s Causemopolitan on World Tour: Social Media for Social Good

    It's been a long and winding road for serial volunteer and social media philanthropist Sloane Berrent.Since her unplanned departure from an L.A.-based startup in 2008, Berrent has traveled through eight countries, documenting and publicizing the struggles of those in developing areas through her blog posts, tweets, images, videos, and her...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb’s Top 5 Web Trends of 2009

    Over the last week we ran a series of posts outlining the five biggest Internet trends of this year: Structured Data, Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality, Internet of Things. Effectively this was ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web 2009. We've now compiled the main points into a single...

  • Social
    Who Uses Social Networks and What Are They Like? (Part 1)

    A study released earlier this year by Anderson Analytics looked into the demographics and psychographics of social networking users on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and LinkedIn with a goal of providing marketers with information about users' interests and buying habits as related to their network of choice. The end result is...

  • Work
    Let’s Move Away From Social Media and Get Down to Business

    Sometimes, it feels like terms we thought had some meaning really don't apply as much anymore.Take the term "social media," as an example.It's like every SEO marketer decided that "social media," was the ticket to a sweet consulting gig. Just look at Twitter. You find a lot of social media...

  • Web
    Libraries, eBooks, and the Mobile Web: A Long Ways to Go

    According to a new report from Cambridge University (PDF), students aren't interested in being able to read eBooks and eJournals on their mobile phones. Instead, users are far more interested in opening hours, location maps, contact info, and access to the library catalog. Most respondents were also far more interested...

  • Web
    Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Internet of Things

    This week ReadWriteWeb is running a series of posts analyzing the 5 biggest Web trends of 2009. So far we've explored these trends: Structured Data, The Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality. The fifth and final part of our series is about the Internet of Things, when real...

  • Web
    How to: Build a Social Media Cheat Sheet for Any Topic

    Let's say you're a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker. You want to get up to speed on the social media activity in your market, as fast as you can. Or perhaps you want to sell things to candlestick makers online, or you're a journalist writing a story about...

  • Entertainment
    Your Cyborg Eye Will Talk to You

    Just as many of us are getting used to augmented reality applications for cellphones and digital cameras, Babak Amir Parviz and his University of Washington students are taking it one step further. The group is working on a human machine interface where LEDs are embedded into contact lenses in order...

  • Social
    Twitter 2.0: API Rate Change Could Lead to a World of New Apps & Features

    One of the best things about Twitter is its wildly creative ecosystem of applications built by people outside the company. Those apps have been constrained, though, by technical limits imposed on retrieving data from Twitter. Those limits are just about to be raised much higher and developers tell us that...

  • Mobile
    Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Mobile Web & Augmented Reality

    This week ReadWriteWeb is running a series of posts analyzing the five biggest Web trends of 2009. So far we've explored these trends: Structured Data, The Real-Time Web, Personalization. The fourth part of our series is on Mobile Web. We're including Augmented Reality in this category, as we think it's...

  • Web
    Wolfram|Alpha: The Use Cases

    Earlier this year at the SemTech conference in San Jose, I sat down with Wolfram|Alpha's Russell Foltz-Smith. Wolfram|Alpha bills itself as a "computational knowledge engine," a nerdy and unfortunately not very intuitive description. Because it's hard to grok, most people have categorized Wolfram|Alpha as a new type of search engine....

  • Web
    MySpace Taps Startup Collecta for Real-Time Search

    We've been keeping an eye on real-time search companyCollecta for a while now, and we've been consistently impressed with their product.The startup has been making headlines throughout 2009 and is wrapping up the year with a bang. This morning, they announced a partnership with MySpace. The resulting utility is part...

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